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Archive Main Page Bandai@NYCC08 FUNimation@NYCC08 Viz Media@NYCC08 Del Rey@NYCC08 Yen Press@NYCC08 One Piece: Behind the Scenes@NYCC08 Tokyopop@NYCC08 Bandai@Fanime08 Ayres@AnimeNext08 Genshiken@AnimeNext08 Translating Manga 101@AnimeNext08 Media Blasters@AnimeNext08 Anime in the US: Fansubs@AX08 ADV Sneak Press@AX08 Aniplex feat. TTGL@AX08 Feel the Passion of LuvLuv (Aurora)@AX08 Keynote: Gen Fukunaga@AX08 Ouran@AX08 Viz@AX08 Honneamise@AX08 Nozomi(TRSI)@AX08 ADV@AX08 Bandai Entertainment@AX08 DMP@AX08 Geneon@AX08 Circus@AX08 Keynote: Vu Nguyen (Crunchyroll)@AX08 Tokyopop@AX08 Production I.G.@AX08 Disgaea and then some@AX08 Funimation@AX08 Broccoli USA@AX08 ImaginAsian@AX08 Kadokawa USA@AX08 JAST USA@AX08 iD press Conference and Keynote@Quakecon08 Tadano and Matsuhita@Otakon08 Anime and Gaming with Score Entertainment@Otakon08 Lantis/JAM Project QandA@Otakon08 Funimation@Otakon08 Media Blasters@Otakon08 Media Blasters Yaoi and Yuri Manga@Otakon08 Anime is Serious Business@Otakon08 Bandai@Otakon08 Future of J-rock@Otakon08 Building Upon Crunchyroll@Otakon08 Kadokawa Premieres@Otakon08 Media Blasters Premiere@Otakon08 Pony Canyon(Kano sisters)@Otakon08 Fansubber and Industry Discussion@Otakon08 Bandai Surprise@Otakon08 State of Industry@Otakon08 ADV@Otakon08 Bandai@NYAF08 Funimation and Funimation Channel@NYAF08 Claymore Cast Panel@NYAF08 Kitty Media@NYAF08 Gurren Lagann@NYAF08 Media Blasters@NYAF08 Del Rey@NYAF08 Darker than Black@NYAF08 ANN@NYAF08 Yuri Anime and Manga@NYAF08 Rie Tanaka@NYAF08 State of the Anime Industry@NYAF08 The Business of Anime@PAC08 ADV Films@PAC08 FUNimation Entertainment@PAC08 State of the Industry@PAC08 Media Blasters@MangaNext08 Del Rey@NYCC09 Bandai Ent@NYCC09 Yen Press@NYCC09 Funimation@NYCC09 CMX@NYCC09 Viz@NYCC09 FUNi Sneak Previews@AB09 Aniplex@AB09 ADV@AB09 FUNimation@AB09 Kalafina and Garden of Sinners@AB09 State of the Industry(No show)@AB09 FUNi Sneak Peek@ANext09 Vertical@ANext09 FUNi@ANext09 Kurokami@ANext09 Genshiken and Gravitation@ANext09 Austin Osueke Keynote@AX09 Right Stuf and Nozomi@AX09 JAST USA@AX09 Bandai Entertainment, Inc.@AX09 FUNimation@AX09 MangaGamer@AX09 Yamamoto Yutaka@Otakon09 Madhouse@Otakon09 Aniplex Kannagi Panel@Otakon09 Eternal 17yr old@Otakon09 Bandai@Otakon09 JastUSA@Otakon09 FUNi@Otakon09 MELL@Otakon09 FUNi Sneak Peek@Otakon09 Yamakan@Otakon09 FUNiTBA@Otakon09 Fansub and Industry 2.0@Otakon09 FUNimation@NYAF09 Vertical@NYAF09 Aniplex@NYAF09 Del Rey@NYAF09 Bandai@NYAF09 Manga Ent@NYAF09 Kannagi@NYAF09 ANN@NYAF09 Viz@NYAF09 State of the Industry@NYAF09 FUNi Sneak Peek@NYAF09 FUNi Sneak Peek@AB10 Vertical@AB10 FUNi Industry@AB10 Kenji Kamiayma@ANext10 FUNi@ANext10 State of the Industry and You@ANext10 Kenji KamiyamaQA@ANext10 FUNi Sneak Peek@ANext10 Crunchyroll@AX10 May' n@AX10 Nabeshin@AX10 Bandai Ent@AX10 DMP@AX10 JAST USA@AX10 Geneon Universal@AX10 Tokyopop@AX10 Kitamura@AX10 TRSI@AX10 Horie Yui@AX10 FUNimation@AX10 Aniplex USA@AX10 Viz@AX10 MELL@AX10 FUNiSP@AX10 Katsuyuki Konishi@AX10 Production I.G@AX10 Mangagamer@AX10 Danny Choo(BRS)@AX10 Vertical@Otakon10 Madhouse@Otakon10 Aniplex@Otakon10 FUNi@Otakon10 Visual Novels@Otakon10 Yoshida Brothers@Otakon10 Yuji Mitsuya@Otakon10 Maruyama@Otakon10 Home Made Kazoku@Otakon10 Bandai@Otakon10 FUNi Sneak Peek@NYAF10 Aniplex@NYAF10 Disappearance of Haruhi@NYAF10 Bandai@NYAF10 FUNimation@NYAF10 Star Driver@NYAF10 Crunchyroll@NYAF10 Yen Press@NYAF10 DelRey@NYAF10 Vertical@NYAF10 ANN@NYAF10 Funimation.com Presents@AB11 Funi Sneak Peek@AB11 State of the Industry@AB11 Sentai Filmworsk@AB11 Funimation@AB11 Vertical@ANext11 Starchild@AX11 NIS America Anime Panel@AX11 Right Stuf@AX11 Aniplex@AX11 Miku and Viz Media@AX11 FUNimation@AX11 Production IG@AX11 Crunchyroll@AX11 Miku Conference@AX11 Bandai@AX11 BandaiPt2@AX11 Gundam@AX11 JAST USA (complete)@AX11 JAST(oldpt2)@AX11 NISA Games@AX11 Nirgilis@AX11 Sentai@AX11 noitaminA@AX11 MangaGamer@AX11 Good Smile Company and Nitro+@AX11 Shirohata and Sasanuma@Otakon11 Uematsu@Otakon11 Aniplex@Otakon11 FUNimation@Otakon11 Maruyama@Otakon11 Shinkai@Otakon11 Crunchyroll@Otakon11 Iwakami@Otakon11 Sunrise@Otakon11 Bandai@Otakon11 MangaGamer@Otakon11 TigerBunny@Otakon11 Viz@Otakon11 Ryusei Nakao@NDK11 Lemon Drop Kick@NDK11 Bandai@NDK11 Behind the FUNimation@NDK11 Yamakan@NDK11 Robotech FFA@NDK11 Gundam Unicorn@NDK11 Aniplex@NYCC11 Naruto Shippuden@NYCC11 FUNimation@NYCC11 TheAnimeNetwork@NYCC11 Kodansha@NYCC11 Vertical@NYCC11 Bandai@NYCC11 Sunrise@NYCC11 Hatsune Miku@NYCC11 Makoto Shinkai@NYCC11 Viz@NYCC11 TigerBunny@NYCC11 FUNimation.com Presents@AB12 FUNimation Sneak Peek@AB12 Sentai Filmworks@AB12 FUNimation Industry@AB12 Kanako Ito@AB12 FUNimation Sneak Peek@AX12 Viz Secret Panel@AX12 Aniplex@AX12 Crunchyroll@AX12 TRSI@AX12 Bushiroad@AX12 JAST USA@AX12 Aksys@AX12 NISA Anime@AX12 Madoka@AX12 FUNi@AX12 Tokyopop@AX12 Production I.G.@AX12 Viz Media@AX12 NISA Games@AX12 MangaGamer@AX12 Crunchyroll@Otakon12 Viz@Otakon12 FUNimation Sneak Peek@Otakon12 MangaGamer@Otakon12 NIS Anime@Otakon12 Ai Nonoka@Otakon12 Aya Hirano@Otakon12 Aniplex@Otakon12 Maruyama@Otakon12 FUNimation@Otakon12 Geneon (by FUNi)@Otakon12 Sentai@Otakon12 Kodansha@Otakon12 Vertical@Otakon12 |
Unedited Feed from the JAST panel at Anime-Expo 2010. Transcription: bayoab Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said. 22:32:54 <bay|AX|JAST> (Now seating - room ends slightly over half full) 22:25:08 <bay|AX|JAST> PPT: Welcome to the 2010 JAST USA Dating Sim Games Panel! 22:31:28 <bay|AX|JAST> (For as long as the cell battery holds out) 22:33:38 <bay|AX|JAST> Good evening 22:33:48 <bay|AX|JAST> First things first, thanks for coming out tonight. 22:34:08 <bay|AX|JAST> We've had a good day ourselves... a bit too good a day... (he's hoarse) 22:34:18 <bay|AX|JAST> As you can tell by the lovely image we have on the screen right now 22:34:21 <bay|AX|JAST> This is the JAST panel 22:34:30 <bay|AX|JAST> As you are aware, this is an age restricted panel. 22:34:52 <bay|AX|JAST> If you are under 18, we ask that you come back when you over 18 to experience the hiden delights of this panel. 22:34:58 <bay|AX|JAST> This is not the panel for hello kitty island adventure. 22:35:45 <bay|AX|JAST> (And the ppt crashed) 22:35:50 <bay|AX|JAST> (Or wait, it's an image sequence) 22:35:57 <bay|AX|JAST> Year of the redheads? 22:36:04 <bay|AX|JAST> unofficially dubbing that 22:36:26 <bay|AX|JAST> our panel is cosponsored by lightning warrior raidy and downhill night 2... and unofficially by demonbane 22:36:33 <bay|AX|JAST> what is JAST usa, for those who are new here... 22:36:42 <bay|AX|JAST> we are the oldest company in the shojogame business 22:36:52 <bay|AX|JAST> we started in 1997 with 3 sisters story with a logo that looks 1997 22:37:01 <bay|AX|JAST> we'll be having it back on our website soon 22:37:12 <bay|AX|JAST> we have put out dozens of games under several different brands 22:37:31 <bay|AX|JAST> it's our lucky 13th anniversary 22:37:44 <bay|AX|JAST> and we've changed our logo and here are our most recent games 22:37:50 <bay|AX|JAST> what we do, the games... we make bishoujo games 22:38:14 <bay|AX|JAST> let me warn you that everything i say on this panel will sound dirty in some way 22:38:21 <bay|AX|JAST> without saying such words... 22:38:28 <bay|AX|JAST> (responding to the audience) 22:38:46 <bay|AX|JAST> (going over the types of games) 22:39:33 <bay|AX|JAST> onscreen: Strategy! Tactical! Epic RPGS! romantic ADVs! and no stds 22:39:46 <bay|AX|JAST> we cannot guarantee that last thing when you don't buy from official distributors 22:39:51 <bay|AX|JAST> 2009-2010 22:39:58 <bay|AX|JAST> From cosplay academy to Miskatonic University 22:40:11 <bay|AX|JAST> Bishoujo Tested, Elder God Approved 22:40:17 <bay|AX|JAST> Cosplay Fetish Academy 22:40:22 <bay|AX|JAST> The title is pretty self explanatory 22:40:28 <bay|AX|JAST> this is one of our light hearted ecchi titles... 22:40:41 <bay|AX|JAST> (going over the story) 22:40:53 <bay|AX|JAST> and there are costumes in this game... 22:40:58 <bay|AX|JAST> well... a lacking of such... 22:41:00 <bay|AX|JAST> next up 22:41:07 <bay|AX|JAST> Family Project; Kazoku Keikaku 22:41:14 <bay|AX|JAST> A quite different theme from cosplay fetish 22:41:18 <bay|AX|JAST> by the writer of Kanna Little Sister.. 22:41:24 <bay|AX|JAST> It's a long epic story of personal relationships 22:41:51 <bay|AX|JAST> (going over the characters) 22:42:47 <bay|AX|JAST> Moving on fro that. 22:42:51 <bay|AX|JAST> Moero Downhill Night 22:43:00 <bay|AX|JAST> these are games where if you like Initial D, you have a connection to these 22:43:04 <bay|AX|JAST> if you don't like it or know what it is... 22:43:13 <bay|AX|JAST> it's a really fun series of game themed around driving. 22:43:20 <bay|AX|JAST> (plot) 22:43:46 <bay|AX|JAST> This is the first one, and we have more of this coming up... 22:43:55 <bay|AX|JAST> Onscreen: I still think we should have called this Initial H 22:43:57 <bay|AX|JAST> Virtual-Mate 22:44:10 <bay|AX|JAST> we sell many of our games via download as well as package... 22:44:25 <bay|AX|JAST> most of the old g-collections games use the cms called virtual-mate 22:44:30 <bay|AX|JAST> and this was dictated by the japanese until recently 22:44:58 <bay|AX|JAST> we finally managed to break free, we are happy to announce that as of a few months ago, we are happy to announce that virtual mate is no longer necessary to pay the gcollections download titles 22:45:06 <bay|AX|JAST> if you downloaded one in the past, you can use the code to download a patch to remove it 22:45:30 <bay|AX|JAST> we are removing the activation from princess waltz as well. 22:45:35 <bay|AX|JAST> we will have a patch for that soon 22:45:43 <bay|AX|JAST> Cat Girl Alliance 22:46:02 <bay|AX|JAST> This is a game that goes back to the immediate gratification end of the spectrum 22:46:17 <bay|AX|JAST> (plot) 22:46:41 <bay|AX|JAST> Student in school who decides to check out the clubs...and decide to check out the health club...... 22:46:56 <bay|AX|JAST> And stuff happens from what you see there... 22:47:00 <bay|AX|JAST> This is a very kinky game 22:47:27 <bay|AX|JAST> We have futanari themes as well as other things across the spectrum 22:47:52 <bay|AX|JAST> If you would like more information, you can come down to our booth and get information. 22:48:02 <bay|AX|JAST> To continue, this is a black slide.... it means we are making a transition 22:48:07 <bay|AX|JAST> we have two brand new games as of this week 22:48:15 <bay|AX|JAST> You are among the first to get these... 22:48:26 <bay|AX|JAST> The first one is Lightning Warrior Raidy 2 (i'll never spell this right) 22:48:43 <bay|AX|JAST> it has 10x the number of characters 22:48:47 <bay|AX|JAST> It's a very large game in comparison to the first one... 22:48:47 <bay|AX|JAST> it has 3x the dungeon content 22:49:37 <bay|AX|JAST> You play a wandering swordsman to find the secret behind her past in the first game, in the second game, she reaches a town and decides to find out what is behind a bunch of bandits who kidnap people for sex slaves 22:49:40 <bay|AX|JAST> You now have a map you can navigate 22:49:45 <bay|AX|JAST> Upgraded attack system 22:49:52 <bay|AX|JAST> You can buy things in town. 22:50:02 <bay|AX|JAST> Lots and lots and lots and lots of eroscenes, some of which are animated 22:50:07 <bay|AX|JAST> This is one we are super excited about. 22:50:12 <bay|AX|JAST> We've already sold a lot today. 22:50:16 <bay|AX|JAST> We hope we have enough. 22:50:23 <bay|AX|JAST> 3x bigger, 3x longer, 3x...more xxx 22:50:29 <bay|AX|JAST> (tag line on the slide) 22:50:52 <bay|AX|JAST> Downhill Night 2, fresh of this week 22:51:00 <bay|AX|JAST> a generation has passed since the first downhill night and a new legend of racing is born 22:51:17 <bay|AX|JAST> you are a hapless college students in arcade that dreams of being a racer.... 22:51:51 <bay|AX|JAST> and then a girl takes you along which becomes a race with her body on her line.,.. 22:52:04 <bay|AX|JAST> if you like the premise of the first one, this one is a bit longer with different characters 22:52:13 <bay|AX|JAST> the third one which we are working on has a 3d driving simulator included 22:52:21 <bay|AX|JAST> and now we'll talk about whats coming next 22:52:26 <bay|AX|JAST> Moving on... 22:52:51 <bay|AX|JAST> (line from the necromanicon on the screen) 22:53:04 <bay|AX|JAST> quote that will appear in the next game we are scheduled to release 22:53:11 <bay|AX|JAST> thou becomes the blade that severs evil 22:53:15 <bay|AX|JAST> Deus Machina Demonblade 22:53:19 <bay|AX|JAST> we've been hard at work on it. 22:53:34 <bay|AX|JAST> we are still communicating with nitro+ on a daily basis 22:53:43 <bay|AX|JAST> we are going back and forth with them with stuff on this game 22:53:50 <bay|AX|JAST> we are trying to get it perfect 22:58:37 <bay|AX|JAST> it will be in a deluxe release with a slipcase 22:54:12 <bay|AX|JAST> we've been going back and forth to get the t/ls from the original source material 22:54:31 <bay|AX|JAST> also, nitro+ was keen on remaking the game engine because they wanted it to be compatible with vista and win7 22:54:42 <bay|AX|JAST> and our thought is that we rather do it right... that's why it has taken so long 22:54:46 <bay|AX|JAST> we are in the ending stages 22:54:59 <bay|AX|JAST> we hoped to have a precise date, but we don't. we hope to have it to you this summer 22:55:12 <bay|AX|JAST> regarding whats coming after this from nitro, we don't have a firm word on that yet.... it depends on how this does 22:55:26 <bay|AX|JAST> That is what we have still currently on the burner 22:55:28 <bay|AX|JAST> Next... 22:55:37 <bay|AX|JAST> we have one new acquisition we want to talk about 22:55:45 <bay|AX|JAST> Coming this year from JAST USA, i.e. between now and next AX 22:55:56 <bay|AX|JAST> Tenkuu no Yumina (Yumina the Ethereal) 22:59:22 <bay|AX|JAST> epic RPG ... from Will 22:56:18 <bay|AX|JAST> erogamescape claimed it had like 100 hours of playtime 22:56:42 <bay|AX|JAST> We do have a video showing some of the characters and the abilities in this game... 22:57:16 <bay|AX|JAST> (Trying to get the video right...) 22:59:31 <bay|AX|JAST> We are planning to have it out before next AX 22:59:50 <bay|AX|JAST> We'll have more information on our site as development continues. 22:59:55 <bay|AX|JAST> Work is beginning on this very shortly. 23:00:03 <bay|AX|JAST> A couple of notes on things we've talked about in the past 23:00:22 <bay|AX|JAST> Still in the pipeline.... Downhill night blaze... the 3d racing sim in the downhill night series where you can actually get in a car and race 23:00:26 <bay|AX|JAST> with the same cast as downhill night 2 23:00:44 <bay|AX|JAST> we're still working on .... escalation game... a yuri game... with an arcade component 23:01:00 <bay|AX|JAST> we're in negotiations on some other companies on some other things but that's what we have coming 23:01:04 <bay|AX|JAST> and that's the announcements for today. 23:01:22 <bay|AX|JAST> Questions.... will be after we can give away the loot 23:02:01 <bay|AX|JAST> we'll take a few questions first 23:02:11 <bay|AX|JAST> while we give everyone tickets 23:02:41 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: (can't hear it) 23:03:00 <bay|AX|JAST> The question was... as one of the few companies that translates the game, you must have a large number of games to translate, how do you pick the ones you do 23:03:10 <bay|AX|JAST> The answer to that is that the field that you have to choose from is actually limited. 23:03:16 <bay|AX|JAST> The first is Japanese companies that are willing to even go international 23:03:25 <bay|AX|JAST> We've talked to some of the really big makers... 23:03:35 <bay|AX|JAST> And they said they aren't interested in going international. 23:03:45 <bay|AX|JAST> There has been some press that has made some japanese makers gunshy about coming out side japan 23:04:15 <bay|AX|JAST> What it comes down to... i've dealt with the president of these companies, and it boils down that certain aspects of the personalities... do they want to see people around the world playing their game... and then there is what might the downside be 23:04:27 <bay|AX|JAST> If there is any potential problem, they will study it for 3-4 years and by then everytrhitng changes 23:04:39 <bay|AX|JAST> so any specific company, being able to work with them, it could be quite tricky 23:04:46 <bay|AX|JAST> It could be kinda hit or miss. 23:05:20 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: So when you release (something), there was an issue with some of the CGs, what are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen. 23:05:39 <bay|AX|JAST> A: that was an issue that we encountered where we had to make the choice of whether to release the game or to modify the game slightly... 23:05:44 <bay|AX|JAST> we're happy to report that the number of changes to demonbane have been... zero 23:05:52 <bay|AX|JAST> we're committed to announcing that in advance 23:06:04 <bay|AX|JAST> btw, the Jast BBS is great place to come and that's our main information source 23:06:17 <bay|AX|JAST> if you aren't on there, it's a good place to come and there are really smart people who have input for you and other information 23:06:35 <bay|AX|JAST> We do take this really serious, we are going to make more effort to put out word if there are changes to be made. 23:06:41 <bay|AX|JAST> Prizes now... 23:13:31 <bay|AX|JAST> (mostly guys winning this time...) 23:15:21 <bay|AX|JAST> Now questions.... 23:15:47 <bay|AX|JAST> Actually, just come up... 23:15:59 <bay|AX|JAST> End |
Notes: None |