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Unedited Feed from the State of the Industry panel at New York Anime Festival 2009. Transcription: bayoab
Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.

13:27:27 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Chris Mcdonald, Adam Sheehan, Guy From Harmony Gold, Guy from Del rey, Ed Chaves, Robert Napton
13:27:53 <bay|NYAF|SotI> probably will be prefacing with first letter of last name
13:31:16 <bay|NYAF|SotI> State of the anime and manga industry this time
13:31:20 <bay|NYAF|SotI> We decided to put of them into one panel
13:31:31 <bay|NYAF|SotI> All the press are happy about that? (Yay!)
13:31:44 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Chris Mcdonald, editor in chief of ANN and moderator..
13:31:48 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Start with introductions
13:32:02 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Adam Sheehan, Senior events manager, FUNi
13:32:10 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Keven Mckeever, Worldwide marketing of robotech
13:32:23 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ali Kokmen, marketing manager of Del rey
13:32:39 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ed Chavez, Marketing director Vertical
13:33:07 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Robert Napton, market director bandai, and the manga division
13:33:03 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Two people from anime industry, two from manga, and one who can't decide
13:33:53 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: It's no secret that over the years, both industries have been having a hard time. At ANN, we've seen that sales for most products are down. Some may be selling more but they have more skus and titles. Do you agree with this conclusion? Can you provide your own thoughts.
13:34:23 <bay|NYAF|SotI> N: I think generally I would agree with that assessment, I think overall looking at the DVD market in general not just anime, you've seen a downlwrad trend the past few years due to economy and other media sorta coming in and absorbing that
13:34:30 <bay|NYAF|SotI> for anime specifically, obviously the packaged dvds have struggled a bit
13:34:44 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I guess i gotta be the first person to talk about the pervasives illegal downloading being a huge problem which it continues
13:34:51 <bay|NYAF|SotI> everyone is trying to counter that with legal remedys
13:35:05 <bay|NYAF|SotI> but the downward spiral of DVDs and that are pretty equatable so i think that remain the major challenges
13:35:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: Want to add one thing that i forgot...
13:35:17 <bay|NYAF|SotI> fanbase is growing..
13:35:45 <bay|NYAF|SotI> N: I think the fanbase is growing and steadily, but its not equating to sales, as far as manga, for us at least, our manga program has grown substiatioally
13:35:55 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I've seen a trend in the other direction though we have been releasing more
13:36:13 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: we release more than manga, oviously we aren't anime, but last year, we saw a 35% growth which is pretty amazing giving the economy
13:36:25 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we did this even though the number of SKUs went down
13:36:41 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we weren't releasing as many manga titles... i think only 2 in the last 12 months, but there seems to be better awareness, not sure where that is coming from
13:36:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> especially regarding prose, but one thing ive noticed seeing you peopel at events like this and comic con and book events
13:37:03 <bay|NYAF|SotI> just overall, people ar ejust mmore aware of asian pop culture
13:37:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> for a company like vertical, that's a significant... thing.. that people are aware outside
13:37:55 <bay|NYAF|SotI> k: one thing that is pleasant for us in manga and books compared to anime, correct me if im wrong, but some of the retail component of it has been walloped over the past through years (bb, musicland), some of that is happen to a certain extent but it hasn't been dramatic yet
13:38:14 <bay|NYAF|SotI> our main book customers, the drop hasn't been dramatic and devestating, we haven't lost any major retailers
13:38:25 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: Vertical actually picked up a bunch of vendors, people still want entertainment,
13:38:28 <bay|NYAF|SotI> there are probelms with scanlations and fansubs
13:38:31 <bay|NYAF|SotI> K: I'm not familiar with that
13:38:46 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: I might have just coined it... but people like you are going to keep us going.. .right? (applause)
13:39:22 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mck: Dvds sales overall are declining... all of them are decling.. our sales for robotech are great
13:39:37 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it is something that we as a company and we as an industry are concerned about and its something that hollywood has to worry about
13:39:45 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: It's not just anime that is dealing with this. It's a global problem.
13:40:07 <bay|NYAF|SotI> It's really about looking at trends and seeing what is working and adjusting as fast as possible
13:40:12 <bay|NYAF|SotI> ex: singles to 13 ep sets switch
13:40:26 <bay|NYAF|SotI> consumers and retailers both said they wanted it, so we saw this trend and jumped on it quick
13:40:34 <bay|NYAF|SotI> not to mention the days of throwing out dvds to a store and people will buy it are gone
13:40:41 <bay|NYAF|SotI> now its how we can get stuff in front of you
13:40:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> streaming, blu-ray, dvd, we're trying to get where you are and trying to get it to you in a format you will look at and purchase
13:41:15 <bay|NYAF|SotI> and fans are growing... i think almost every con has
13:41:19 <bay|NYAF|SotI> these new fans are coming in at a bad time...
13:41:41 <bay|NYAF|SotI> there is a lot of education that needs to be hand because it's not like its easy to say where to get things
13:42:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: Takling about moving to SKUs as per eps per disc.. how is that affecting the overall revenue?
13:42:32 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: Absolutely, we have to sell more of the 13 ep things vs the 6 vols that we se e in a season, beacuse of that, we do timelines and price structure
13:42:39 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we have adjusted to that including the price that we pay for shows
13:42:46 <bay|NYAF|SotI> so it is a jump of what and where we can put on disc
13:42:52 <bay|NYAF|SotI> also what titles we pick up
13:43:00 <bay|NYAF|SotI> if it doesn't fit in the new anime world, we will pass on it
13:43:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we will do whatever we have to to make it a stronger release
13:43:35 <bay|NYAF|SotI> the good news is that we now have the money for 3 vols to do 1..
13:44:04 <bay|NYAF|SotI> N: we've started doing 9/10 eps per disc.. it's a challenge, in the japanese market, a dvd with 2 eps still sells well, so when you got to the licensors, its a tough sell to the licensors since its very different in japan
13:44:13 <bay|NYAF|SotI> as well as adapting to that here and still making a series profitable
13:44:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> again, that goes back to what series you acquire, being a little more choosy
13:44:40 <bay|NYAF|SotI> titles that mimght have been not-A titles that are unfrotunately getting passed on when before you would go after them
13:44:46 <bay|NYAF|SotI> simply because you can't justify the expected returns
13:45:41 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: We do Omnibus's at vertical.. and it's a similar format.. and we do it for series that might be... B titles.. or older titles that there is a higher risk... you know, readers are not neccessarily familiar, as mentioned earlier, we make an effort to make the packaging and t/l really good and an appealing price point
13:46:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it would have been great to release a series in 6 vols, we'll condense it to 2, sales might not be the same, but if we can do it and spend less money, its 'rgeat
13:46:27 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: The manga industry does not seem to have as hard of a time as the anime industry in the past few years.. thoughts? Anything to add? You already slightly covered it
13:46:50 <bay|NYAF|SotI> N; It seems to me from a generalized point of view that people like to read books as books vs the computer screen while you have a generation that prefers to watch tv on demand or dvds...
13:46:55 <bay|NYAF|SotI> people still like to experience manga and novels...
13:47:13 <bay|NYAF|SotI> with things like the kindle slowly gaining momentum, i think that will change, but i think thats part of the reason manga hasn't taken as big a hit
13:47:26 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ali made a good point about how massive chains of retail are gone which hasn't happened in manga..
13:47:48 <bay|NYAF|SotI> even bestbuy has been changing their patterns for how much space is dedicated to anime and i think that was a big part of the equation
13:48:12 <bay|NYAF|SotI> K: It's also true that with book and manga... people want to consume manga... its not like with other media...
13:48:31 <bay|NYAF|SotI> eventually, these other media will exist... i think with the undertone of the question, there is a big 'yet'
13:49:08 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: I think, in general, people still really love to read physical books. The portability isn't there yet. We will get the manga kindle eventually.... things will become more accessible that way.. I don't think i want to read monster on something that small...
13:49:12 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I don't know what is lost in that...
13:49:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I think also that the manga industry as a whole is pretty young
13:49:47 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I think that while anime has had another decade to grow, i think that the manga industry is still.. getting to that.. saturation point in some way, but its still going. I think we also have different avenues to approach
13:49:59 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Vertical tries to go after comic and GN and literature readers with our titles
13:50:02 <bay|NYAF|SotI> there is a lot more potential with the book market
13:51:04 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: Going to turn things around a tiny bit. For everyone here is a manga fan.. if you do it physically... put your hands up... if you do it on your computer, leave your hands up
13:51:20 <bay|NYAF|SotI> (similarlly for anime... almost everyone hands up for both for anime, about 1/4 for manga)
13:51:41 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: What does that mean from changing expectations from consumers, what are your companies doing to addres these expectations.
13:52:05 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: Overall, to satisfy everyone needs, we're trying new avenues, the online one is a scary one.. including the licensors at times.. with the region block things and other things
13:52:07 <bay|NYAF|SotI> and as secure as possible
13:52:10 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we're still learning as wer're going
13:52:28 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we have some great licensors to work with that understand
13:52:37 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we're trying to get more and more venues
13:52:55 <bay|NYAF|SotI> back in the days it was VHs, then LD, then DVD.. now its like cloud computing..
13:52:59 <bay|NYAF|SotI> and hd and bluray and many ways
13:53:16 <bay|NYAF|SotI> one things that i say is that anime fans are great because you guys will tell us blatently what the hell you are thinking
13:53:20 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we actually take your feedback to note and combine that with other data
13:53:28 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we compile what we think is the best plan out there and just go forth
13:53:32 <bay|NYAF|SotI> sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
13:53:46 <bay|NYAF|SotI> hopefully, we'll keep finding news ways and you guys keep telling us
13:53:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mc: The industry is in flux... the world has changed so much for US consumers
13:54:00 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I"m sure most of you have ipods/itunes
13:54:05 <bay|NYAF|SotI> you want to to watch/listen to things right now
13:54:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it used to be that if you wanted to listen to the radio, you had to rely on music programming directors
13:54:27 <bay|NYAF|SotI> but now you can listen to any song you want and in most cases legally
13:54:41 <bay|NYAF|SotI> for us in the anime world, you can watch any type of anime or programming you want, so we need to get it to you quicker
13:54:47 <bay|NYAF|SotI> thats why we have things like hulu and youtube showing things legally
13:54:52 <bay|NYAF|SotI> hulu is taking off for anime
13:54:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's important that you find out for anime
13:55:12 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's important that you as the consumer can choose so you can buy the materials for your play list
13:55:35 <bay|NYAF|SotI> N: I agree that simultaneous i s the word of the day and that trend is going to contineu and all the companies are going to try and respond to the desire of the fans to get the shows when they are available in japan
13:55:52 <bay|NYAF|SotI> the companies have to repond for legal means for that to happen
13:56:10 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we did a series that was simultaneous broadcast in korea, us and japan, and they wanted it dubbed
13:56:24 <bay|NYAF|SotI> so it was quite a bit of work, so it was the types of thingns that we have to do for the fans
13:56:49 <bay|NYAF|SotI> M: the word now is day and date... the whole territorial day restrictions are breaking down.. it used to be 6 months from mvoie->vhs... now its collapsed down
13:56:55 <bay|NYAF|SotI> now its more day and date and more consolidated
13:57:08 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: As manga.. how are we day and date?
13:57:29 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: someone asked what it would take to do a simul release... and i had an anuerism...
13:57:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mc: It's not easy... it takes time... but now since you are losing money in essence, but now you are spending money to localize itt faster....
13:58:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: I mean, it's been done.. Viz is doing vagnabond...
13:58:35 <bay|NYAF|SotI> It takes a lot of coordination. You have to be close to the licensors in Japan. You have to be close to the authors, and I think viz works with them
13:58:56 <bay|NYAF|SotI> In the case of ertical, we've been hearing from people like you that we want more manga.. .and i woudln't be on this stage if it wasn't for that
13:59:14 <bay|NYAF|SotI> And what we're doing is we're listening.. we're on the internet, websites, blogs, attending more cons, having events..
13:59:23 <bay|NYAF|SotI> what we need to do iskeep getting more comments, questions, requests,
13:59:26 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we want to publish what you guys want
13:59:42 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: I think it's worth going through someone's history to understand someone's comments...
13:59:50 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ed was working in Japan on a peridocial manga in Japan 6 months ago.
14:00:08 <bay|NYAF|SotI> If anyone knows of the challenges of doing day and date chapters, it would be him.
14:00:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: I worked at morning.. everything was day to day... in some cases we would have the artists finishing things up to go straight to the printer.. knowing that turn around makes it tricky, but it doesn't make it impossible
14:00:54 <bay|NYAF|SotI> you have to have that dialogue, you have to have that accesss, right now vertical is in our infant stage as far as that is concerned, as far as manga.
14:00:59 <bay|NYAF|SotI> with del rey and kodansha, maybe thats possible
14:01:04 <bay|NYAF|SotI> K: All things are possible
14:01:27 <bay|NYAF|SotI> As you said, it takes a lot of coordination, particularly if you are talking about an ongoing series, you have to get all the ducks in a row
14:01:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> doing a simul publication is a lot of work
14:01:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> all things are possible
14:01:58 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: Something worth pointing out from both industries, when you want to do something simultaneously, the process in japan has to change a bit right?
14:02:23 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: Yea, absolutely. So we need to work wit them to get us to sync up.
14:03:04 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Na: The work with kurokami was facination and i'm glad i wasn't a part of that but it was creating a whole new process with the licensors in japan and approvals are an important part and you have to create the localized version and you send stuff to get checked
14:03:20 <bay|NYAF|SotI> with something like kurokami, they had to adjust he approval process so they could release it simul
14:03:31 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: The approvals are definitely a make or break situation...
14:03:48 <bay|NYAF|SotI> It used to be that every two changes, would take 2 months... now we try and do it day and day...
14:03:52 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we're we talk 3 times a day
14:04:15 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: I think that leads to the manga too. For Chi's sweet home, we had to get a lot of approvals, flipped, etc
14:04:25 <bay|NYAF|SotI> For pipoo choo, it's similar..
14:04:29 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it takes time, but its also speeding up too
14:05:12 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Na; Just to add one more comment on approvals and why its a process. The licensors aren't being picky for thef fun of it. They have to report back to the committee and in japan there are moral rights, so the creators have a say, so its a long process...
14:05:19 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it would take an evolution on their side of the street to get answers quickers
14:05:46 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: We joke about what the approvals does to us, but we always want to be good partners for the creative vision of the thing we are blessed to work with so we remind ourselves
14:06:13 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: One more q then Q&A, regarding online streaming.. over the last year and a half, things like hulu, funi, CR have been growing and exploding... two questions here, one for anime and one for manga....
14:06:34 <bay|NYAF|SotI> For the anime companies, what is online streaming? Revenue ? marketing? will it ever replace diminishing box media sets?
14:06:48 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Na: I think the legal online streaming oppotunities have not been monitized enough ...
14:07:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> as a monitary thing, I don't think they are there yet, I ithink it's an important thing to do so that there is a legal alternative for a show being released in japan
14:07:20 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it definitely creates a great marketing opportunity if you are doing it in advance of the dvd
14:07:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we did an experiment with kannagi putting the streaming up simul with the dvd in response to the changes in the market place
14:07:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> give the consumer the choice
14:08:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> so that's... that's something we did, but on a monetary scale, i don't think online is there yet, but all companies are looking for ways to monitize.. Chris anderson just wrote a book that talks about the online model giving away everything for free and then paying a premium that funds things
14:08:35 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mc: Online is just starting out. It was only a year ago that hulu and legal streaming came into existance.. the monitaztion isn't there
14:08:35 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's an evolving things
14:08:52 <bay|NYAF|SotI> when vhs was first coming into the mainstream consumer world... the studios sued the VHS makers thinking it would hurt
14:09:04 <bay|NYAF|SotI> eventually the studios co-opted it and turned it into a huge moneymaker
14:09:06 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we're just starting out with the streaming
14:09:10 <bay|NYAF|SotI> everyone is slowing co-opting it
14:09:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> whether we are achieve the same monitzation as dvd and home video remains to be seen
14:09:37 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: There is monitzation to be made but DVD and bluray and disc is still god and will be for a while
14:09:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> When it comes to streaming, it's like there wasn't enough anime on tv but there never was, but in the end of the day, there is so mcuh anime out there...
14:10:19 <bay|NYAF|SotI> getting it out there in good chunks and samples so you can take a look at it and then look at it from there.. its a great marketing tool and we're getting kickback here and there...
14:10:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> hopefully it will grow
14:10:51 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: On the manga side, what can manga companies do in the digital space? Are their opportunties there ... in a digital format?
14:11:03 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: I think the promotional opportunities are there...
14:11:29 <bay|NYAF|SotI> in terms of just monitzing the potentail for the digital sales of books, we're still waiting for the killer ap, the kindle isn't quite there but its better than whats before
14:11:34 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it isn't a paradaigm shifting thing
14:11:45 <bay|NYAF|SotI> the ipod is the most adopted piece of hardware since .. i dunno..
14:12:05 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we're waiting fhat thing that will shifte everything... and when that thing develops... we're waiting for that.. ways to take advantage.. that fair to say
14:12:15 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: You have to use the interwebs for marketing, putting up samples, promotion, other stuff
14:12:26 <bay|NYAF|SotI> We'ved worked with CR in the past and we've put up samples and we're looking to partner with other people
14:12:29 <bay|NYAF|SotI> whether its prose or manga
14:12:39 <bay|NYAF|SotI> but there are other little details that are behind that and all that needs approval again
14:12:42 <bay|NYAF|SotI> but its not quite as easy as you would think
14:12:56 <bay|NYAF|SotI> particularlly with the licensing element
14:12:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's going to take some time
14:13:15 <bay|NYAF|SotI> when i was with kodansha, they were putting up whole issues of the magazine i was working with, morning 2 online
14:13:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it would be up for a month for free
14:13:32 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it actually improved the sales for the magazine... the magazine sales weren't that significant to begin with
14:13:39 <bay|NYAF|SotI> even in japan where stuff is saturated, it's hard to monitize manga
14:13:46 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q&A now...
14:14:20 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q: You were saying DVD and other content was king... (couldn't hear)
14:15:11 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: Most people aren't walking around with DVDs, they get the digital version and walking around. Even if its the same person, it's a diferent consumer. They might buy the DVD... they might buy the DVD but won't watch on the iphone.. there are people who are buying for the dvd and (lost)
14:15:28 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q do you think the digital push, on the one hand, i see that you guys have gotten a lot of material out there but not a lot of marketing for that materials...
14:15:36 <bay|NYAF|SotI> is the push to digital taking away the collector spriit?
14:15:57 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Na: In terms of marketing, I think thats a fair statement. Marketing in general for anime is a tricky business.
14:16:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I think we attack it by attacking the core group and try to make people aware.
14:16:27 <bay|NYAF|SotI> I think the point you made about the collectors mentality, but the drop in the DVD sales has taken away the ability to be doing the cool deluxe packaging...
14:16:33 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it isn't affordable for that, frankly, nont enough sales are there
14:16:37 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's simple artihmatic...
14:16:48 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's always a chanllenge to think of a plan that makes sense
14:17:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q: One of the things i noticed is who isn't on the panel.... that gets back to the whole.. who are you marketing too issue... where are viz and tp... are you also marketing where they are?
14:17:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch/Ko: OF couse
14:17:39 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: I find tit that the underlying permise.. that because the others aren't here.. they must be doing something better...
14:17:55 <bay|NYAF|SotI> i'm not saying that viz doesn't love you.. but nobody loves you more than del rey
14:18:08 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q: my poing is the marketing, because o the cuts, are focusing on a diffefrent part of the things
14:18:27 <bay|NYAF|SotI> CH: Let me say that vertical puts almost all of its money toward diamond.. most of our readers are diamond..
14:18:53 <bay|NYAF|SotI> i was actually hired to approach you guys, the manga and anime fans... the sad state for us, the manga fans weren't buying our books
14:19:06 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we were putting ads in previews, time, ,the village voice, wizard
14:19:10 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we've been trying to get everyone else in, and now we have to get the core back in
14:19:28 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: I think the generally philosphy... you need to have your core audience taken care of before you can expand
14:19:34 <bay|NYAF|SotI> CH: Our biggest was.. you...
14:19:49 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: DR is part of RH, but coming here is much more fun than Book expo
14:19:53 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ch: We love to go there but yea.
14:20:17 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q: You've talked about the fanbase is growing, but at the same time, there is many people going to cons for 10 years... how is the fanbase aging affecting the companies..
14:20:53 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mc: With the fanbase aging, you have to change along with the fanbase. ANime is entering a new phase... It used to be 15-20s... now you are seeing people in your 30s and 40s...
14:21:06 <bay|NYAF|SotI> you start thinking about other financial things at those ages
14:21:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> we as marketer and industry have to think about how to get anime to you in a 30/40 mindset
14:21:24 <bay|NYAF|SotI> what appeals to a 15 yr old is not going to appeal to 30 yr old
14:21:31 <bay|NYAF|SotI> you can't market to the audiences in the same way
14:21:37 <bay|NYAF|SotI> you gotta bring it to them in the same way
14:21:44 <bay|NYAF|SotI> in america, despite the growth, its still a niche market
14:22:09 <bay|NYAF|SotI> you have to look for new avenues and new ways to bring out anime
14:22:24 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: Would anyone like to address the core mistake in the question
14:22:42 <bay|NYAF|SotI> (The average fan is becoing younger... disagree?)
14:22:49 <bay|NYAF|SotI> (Ali makes a math joke)
14:23:05 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mc: I'll disagree... the fanbase is getting older but the con attendees are getting younger
14:23:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> 20 years ago, it was star trek conventions that ruled the world and where are they now
14:23:25 <bay|NYAF|SotI> i'm seeing more and more anime fans
14:23:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> who are "look, i go to a convention i see this stuff, andn i walk out because it isn't appealing to me
14:24:17 <bay|NYAF|SotI> there are younger fans coming in, but we cannot assume there will always be a wellspring of young fans and we will suffer horribly
14:24:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> star trek thought that and it hurt them
14:24:56 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: I think the one thing that needs to be taken.. the fanbase got older but didn't leave.. we have a fanbase that got older, and we are adding new people... but the fanbase which is large and out there
14:25:07 <bay|NYAF|SotI> That market is still there, so you have an influx, but the older fanbase isn't to be ignored
14:25:10 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Our bread and butter is 18-34
14:25:23 <bay|NYAF|SotI> that means we won't pick up something that a 15 yr old will like, or something an adult will like
14:25:51 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Q: Thoughts on the recent downfall of ADV and CPM?
14:26:18 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Ko: If you want a comment, it's "That's unfortunate"
14:26:38 <bay|NYAF|SotI> what happens to any individual business is specific to that business.. just some guys got into some bad luck
14:26:52 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mod: I'd like to point out that both companies had financial situations that lead to their undoing.
14:27:14 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Sh: ADV is still around.. it's just like voltron's got 5 lions... everything is still specific...
14:27:21 <bay|NYAF|SotI> each company has their own story...
14:27:28 <bay|NYAF|SotI> the industry is too complex to explain simply
14:27:44 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Mc: the anime industry was here before.. this happened in the 90s, most little companies went away
14:27:58 <bay|NYAF|SotI> it's not the end of the world, is it a challenged because of the economy? yes, is it the end of the world, no.
14:28:01 <bay|NYAF|SotI> Thank you for coming.
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