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Unedited Feed from the TheRightStuf panel at Anime Expo 2012. Transcription: bayoab
Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.

17:00:31 <bay|AX|TRSI> (25 years logo with dark lord randomly popping his head up on screen)
17:01:06 <bay|AX|TRSI> (room is now filling)
17:05:55 <bay|AX|TRSI> Hi, I'm Shawne Kleckner..
17:06:03 <bay|AX|TRSI> Will let you know what's going on
17:06:12 <bay|AX|TRSI> Without further adieu
17:06:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> hit us with the button
17:06:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> (starts with live action)
17:08:21 <bay|AX|TRSI> (Tazza the High Rollers)
17:07:36 <bay|AX|TRSI> (korean)
17:08:36 <bay|AX|TRSI> one of the 5 points pictures label titles
17:08:45 <bay|AX|TRSI> that label will focus on live action titles from asia and elsewhere
17:08:47 <bay|AX|TRSI> we have 3 titles announced
17:08:51 <bay|AX|TRSI> Finding Mr. Destinry
17:08:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> Moss
17:09:00 <bay|AX|TRSI> Tazza The High Rollers
17:09:08 <bay|AX|TRSI> had a lot of demand on the store for korean and japanese live action
17:09:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> so we decided we'd go ahead and make titles from this available
17:09:19 <bay|AX|TRSI> Rightstuf on Demand
17:09:28 <bay|AX|TRSI> Has anyone heard about that?
17:09:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> As a retailer, we sell lots of books
17:09:41 <bay|AX|TRSI> we know as fans, you get annoyed when you can't finish a series
17:09:51 <bay|AX|TRSI> so we work with publishers to make title as print on demand
17:09:58 <bay|AX|TRSI> first title is Hetalia
17:10:04 <bay|AX|TRSI> vols 1-2 available, 3 now available
17:10:11 <bay|AX|TRSI> first run will have color pages, after that they won't be there
17:10:25 <bay|AX|TRSI> that's a difference with the print on demand process
17:10:39 <bay|AX|TRSI> so this is what we started with
17:10:41 <bay|AX|TRSI> we had good response
17:10:45 <bay|AX|TRSI> and vol 3 should be shipping now
17:10:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> we also annonuced earlier we will continue Bizenghast
17:10:59 <bay|AX|TRSI> vol 8, july 2012
17:11:12 <bay|AX|TRSI> this is actually the conclusion of the story line that started in vol 1
17:11:22 <bay|AX|TRSI> that one is going to press as of yesterday
17:11:25 <bay|AX|TRSI> should be available at end of month
17:11:29 <bay|AX|TRSI> and this is our next announcement
17:11:31 <bay|AX|TRSI> Psy Comm
17:11:34 <bay|AX|TRSI> vol 3 aug 2012
17:11:39 <bay|AX|TRSI> another OEL manga that okyopop had
17:11:44 <bay|AX|TRSI> this title had not been available before
17:11:50 <bay|AX|TRSI> we will also have 1-2 available at the same time
17:11:57 <bay|AX|TRSI> the concept of this is to figure out how we can keep things in print
17:12:08 <bay|AX|TRSI> i know how frsutrating it is to try and get stuff in print
17:12:13 <bay|AX|TRSI> and there are people who want digital
17:12:18 <bay|AX|TRSI> and that's fine
17:12:24 <bay|AX|TRSI> but there are those who like books (paraphrasing)
17:12:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> if there is a title you hope gets back into print, that you cant find except on amazon marketplace for $400 a copy, drop us a note or make your voice heard at a panel
17:12:57 <bay|AX|TRSI> Lithographs
17:13:07 <bay|AX|TRSI> two new Angel Beats lithographs
17:13:22 <bay|AX|TRSI> Recent releases
17:13:29 <bay|AX|TRSI> Sound of the Sky L.E
17:13:37 <bay|AX|TRSI> Revolutionary Girl Utena LE
17:13:45 <bay|AX|TRSI> Dirty Pair TV series and OVA series
17:13:56 <bay|AX|TRSI> sound of the sky, we are on the last run of tis if you want to purchase it in the limited edition form
17:14:14 <bay|AX|TRSI> we do still have a limited number of the utena rings available if you buy the 3 utena sets from the webstore
17:14:19 <bay|AX|TRSI> now available...
17:14:23 <bay|AX|TRSI> Gakuen Alice litebox
17:14:27 <bay|AX|TRSI> Gasarki litebox
17:14:34 <bay|AX|TRSI> Boogiepop Phantom TV litebox
17:14:44 <bay|AX|TRSI> Coming soon
17:14:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> Rental Magica pt 1 and 2 litebox
17:14:58 <bay|AX|TRSI> and Maria watches over us s1 and 2 litebox
17:15:02 <bay|AX|TRSI> one of the maria seasons is oop
17:15:07 <bay|AX|TRSI> aug, oct, sep nov
17:15:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> rental rental maria maria (all 2012)
17:15:32 <bay|AX|TRSI> (Dirty Pair Flash video)
17:15:48 <bay|AX|TRSI> (maria is two separate boxes)
17:16:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> Dirty Pair Flash
17:17:01 <bay|AX|TRSI> brings back the last dirty pair series that wasn't in print
17:17:03 <bay|AX|TRSI> available now
17:17:40 <bay|AX|TRSI> Martian Successor Nadesico Complete Collection
17:17:48 <bay|AX|TRSI> TV series + OVA + movie
17:17:57 <bay|AX|TRSI> Gekigangar 3 ova for the first time ever, sub only
17:18:01 <bay|AX|TRSI> avail sept 2012
17:18:09 <bay|AX|TRSI> Limited edition set
17:18:21 <bay|AX|TRSI> we've moved LE sets into a "we print a number and then stop" process
17:18:40 <bay|AX|TRSI> let's go ahead
17:18:43 <bay|AX|TRSI> Nozomi Entertainment
17:18:45 <bay|AX|TRSI> Lucky Penny
17:18:51 <bay|AX|TRSI> we're going to break our products into two labels
17:19:09 <bay|AX|TRSI> one thing we did earlier was move TRSI away from video products because people couldn't differentiate between the site and print and publish
17:19:17 <bay|AX|TRSI> so then we established was nozomi entertainment
17:19:23 <bay|AX|TRSI> so we're going to use Nozomi for collectors releases
17:19:31 <bay|AX|TRSI> this is going to be our criterion line
17:20:26 <bay|AX|TRSI> then we are going to have normal release on lucky penny which will have 3 new releases
17:20:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> Ristorante Paradiso
17:21:11 <bay|AX|TRSI> complete dvd set fall 2012
17:21:19 <bay|AX|TRSI> Hyakko
17:22:34 <bay|AX|TRSI> complete series on DVD 2012
17:22:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> probably spring
17:23:03 <bay|AX|TRSI> Aoi Hana
17:23:18 <bay|AX|TRSI> (3 fuji tv titles)
17:24:06 <bay|AX|TRSI> Sweet Blue Flowers
17:24:14 <bay|AX|TRSI> complete series on DVD 2013
17:24:21 <bay|AX|TRSI> spring or early summer early 2013
17:24:33 <bay|AX|TRSI> 25 years... want to talk a little about that
17:24:37 <bay|AX|TRSI> we're going to hit our 25th anniv this year
17:24:48 <bay|AX|TRSI> a long long time ago, a runt kid in iowa decided he wanted to be in this stuff
17:24:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> and we started in rounded about way
17:24:57 <bay|AX|TRSI> the business was formed to sell telescopes
17:25:02 <bay|AX|TRSI> telescopes are really expensive
17:25:29 <bay|AX|TRSI> and then we moved on, my business partner at the time was interested in 1960 cartoons, so we went and licensed the 1960 astro boy
17:25:37 <bay|AX|TRSI> it was old enough that nobody really had materials
17:26:02 <bay|AX|TRSI> the license was originally done with NBC and then the materials were thought destroyed
17:26:33 <bay|AX|TRSI> the business has changed since the 1980s.. with rental chains and no stores
17:26:49 <bay|AX|TRSI> so we started a catalog which morphed into the site and the 3x/year catalog
17:26:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> and we hit the 25 year mark this year
17:27:05 <bay|AX|TRSI> in your convention bag when you came to the convention, there should have been a card in your bag
17:27:11 <bay|AX|TRSI> we're giving away a number of prizes
17:27:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> you can scan the thing with your phone
17:27:19 <bay|AX|TRSI> or type it in
17:27:38 <bay|AX|TRSI> facebook.com/rightstuf, twitter: @animetoday, youtube.com/nozomient
17:27:48 <bay|AX|TRSI> now taking questions
17:27:59 <bay|AX|TRSI> also have prizes for good questions
17:28:22 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: is there a chance for captain tyler blu-ray?
17:28:32 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: would say there is a chance, wont say it will happen real fast, but there is a chance
17:28:36 <bay|AX|TRSI> I'm not going to promise you a date on it though
17:28:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: For the TRSI on the demand stuff, tokyopop or special spine?
17:29:01 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: People like their spines to match so they will match
17:29:28 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: Is there any tension as trsi as a company that sells stuff and one as a licensor
17:29:50 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Not really, we have a good relationship with all the companies
17:30:02 <bay|AX|TRSI> we promote their products as we promote our own
17:30:14 <bay|AX|TRSI> we like to pride ourself on finding titles that are overlooked or we like or that we know there is demand for
17:30:58 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: How do you think google's decision to make their shop ads only affects the anime market
17:31:21 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: I can't blame google for wanting to monetize googlebase or whatever it's calle. but they are a business like any other,and they are looking to get value for what they do
17:31:36 <bay|AX|TRSI> (missed rest)
17:32:17 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: What's your strategy for having the promenience you do against Amazon and such?
17:32:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: That's a tough question. I've always looked at how we do business as who we do business with rather than who we do it against
17:32:40 <bay|AX|TRSI> we will not always be the cheapest and i'm aware of that
17:32:48 <bay|AX|TRSI> some people only buy that way
17:32:55 <bay|AX|TRSI> and I feel our business is in the way that we can focus on the consumer
17:33:01 <bay|AX|TRSI> we sell only anime
17:33:12 <bay|AX|TRSI> we sell some associated stuff, but we don't sell toasters, we don't sell dishwashers
17:33:16 <bay|AX|TRSI> our business is to sell to like you
17:33:20 <bay|AX|TRSI> (paraphrasing)
17:33:28 <bay|AX|TRSI> i think our people have good knowledge of the products
17:33:47 <bay|AX|TRSI> at the same time, i know for a fact, that we cannot service all the customers in the market, for example, if you don't have a credit card
17:33:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> i can't take cash payments
17:34:02 <bay|AX|TRSI> and a lot of people in the convention hall we service with product
17:34:08 <bay|AX|TRSI> it's one of the reason we don't have a booth at conventions
17:34:12 <bay|AX|TRSI> we don't compete with our customers
17:34:21 <bay|AX|TRSI> in a long winded answer, i see it our as focus is on the anime consumer
17:34:32 <bay|AX|TRSI> we try to set ourselves apart by doing that (lost parts)
17:34:57 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: About the on demand service, you had mentioned that you wanted people to go to other companies and suggest such a thing to them, so TRSI is looking to publish with any company?
17:35:05 <bay|AX|TRSI> A; I'll work with anybody who will work with us
17:35:42 <bay|AX|TRSI> I can go to anyone and go "you should reprint that book" but that doesn't do much
17:35:32 <bay|AX|TRSI> It matters when the consumer asks for it
17:35:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> We are keeping a list
17:35:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> I can send that list, but it doesn't have the impact of you talking with that company
17:36:05 <bay|AX|TRSI> We will work with anyone because I believe it benefits the manga market as a whole
17:36:09 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: DVD rental program?
17:36:21 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: I don't see that as a business that we will go into, there are a number of companies that do that
17:37:39 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Obviously the DVD market has a challenge when competing with the online material, we're rolling out our stuff on digitial platforms, like captain tyler is on itunes... we're looking to give the ability for customers to consume the contnet where they want to consume it, i understand some aren't buyers and we need to service them
17:37:49 <bay|AX|TRSI> part of the way we handle it is making sure our content is available on those platforms
17:37:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> Does that affect DVD sales? Absolutely does
17:38:01 <bay|AX|TRSI> it's more and more difficulty to sell DVDs, price points have gone down
17:38:08 <bay|AX|TRSI> it's difficult to explain to people in japan
17:38:10 <bay|AX|TRSI> it's a different market
17:38:16 <bay|AX|TRSI> and the fanbase is different
17:38:22 <bay|AX|TRSI> because of that, licensing is more of a challenging
17:38:31 <bay|AX|TRSI> the number of units sold and placing in retail has become a challenge
17:38:39 <bay|AX|TRSI> now on the flip side, it's somewhat of a boom to our online presence
17:38:50 <bay|AX|TRSI> people aren't able to find those products where they would normally purchase them
17:38:59 <bay|AX|TRSI> (Question was about effect of streaming on DVDs)
17:39:17 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: With Bandai pulling out... is that the future? (something about a paper)
17:39:41 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Believe they posted the text of that on ANN, but to address that specifically, one of the things i mentioned in that discussion, the market in the shift, requires that we coordinate more closely with japan
17:39:54 <bay|AX|TRSI> one of the results is the increase in simulcast activity where things are brought over
17:40:06 <bay|AX|TRSI> and another is how do you work with licensors to moneitze their older content
17:40:20 <bay|AX|TRSI> one example being the dirty pair which we finally got unwenched and released
17:40:51 <bay|AX|TRSI> We need to find out.. why is that they aren't purchasing DVDs (lost part)
17:41:13 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: Now that the Nozomi label will only be handling LEs, how will you determine print #, set number or pre-orders?
17:41:17 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: I'm going to flip a coin
17:41:29 <bay|AX|TRSI> Really, I'm going to look at demand based on what I think we can sell out of
17:41:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> I'm not a fan of unlimited lmiited editions
17:41:37 <bay|AX|TRSI> the purpose is to be lmited
17:41:42 <bay|AX|TRSI> we will put out a certain number
17:41:58 <bay|AX|TRSI> i don't think i'll discuss on the front end, but there will be an end counter
17:42:04 <bay|AX|TRSI> we will make a reasonable number so they won't sell out in a week
17:42:13 <bay|AX|TRSI> a difference is a title that we can't get vlaue added materials for
17:42:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> or maybe a title that has reduced demand or won't call for high end packaging which will probably move to Lucky Penny label
17:42:46 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: WHat is the logistical limitations of on demand? NA or INternational?
17:42:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Anywhere we ship with the store
17:43:02 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: What cooperation will you have with madman and others
17:43:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: At the present time, it's limited to sales through rightstuf
17:43:22 <bay|AX|TRSI> the goal now is to bring stuff back into print
17:43:28 <bay|AX|TRSI> i'm not looking to sell into stores
17:43:37 <bay|AX|TRSI> the great part of print on demand is we can print 1
17:44:08 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: Graphic novels for Aria on ondemand?
17:44:58 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Highly requested, depends on the licensor(lost)
17:44:39 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: Future Diary last volume?
17:44:46 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Another highly asked for....
17:44:52 <bay|AX|TRSI> keep in mind a lot of parties control these rights
17:45:53 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: How do you come up with the idea of "we have to pick up this title" and how do you decide on dubbing?
17:46:05 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: It's a difficult question of how we decide what we want to buy...
17:46:06 <bay|AX|TRSI> (lost)
17:46:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> there is a market for all these titles or they wouldn't have been made in the first
17:46:17 <bay|AX|TRSI> (lost)
17:46:40 <bay|AX|TRSI> Dubbing... in the anime market has become really complicated, to pay for the cost of dub, you need to have mass market exposure, you can't sell 500 units and pay for a dub
17:46:57 <bay|AX|TRSI> We have to look at a forcast of whether we can sell enough units to make up the money
17:47:11 <bay|AX|TRSI> We haven't done it recently because we've picked up a lot of niche fan titles
17:47:35 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: Now that nozomi is becoming a collectors line, do you think it will become a more premium line? Like artbooks?
17:47:40 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: If the materials are available yes
17:48:25 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: There are some titles which you released like Sound of the Sky are available streaming on Crunchyroll, but some people get DVDs because there is a dub...
17:48:40 <bay|AX|TRSI> whent here is no dvd, what's your consideration in competing
17:48:54 <bay|AX|TRSI> (asked to clarifiy or rephrase)
17:49:15 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: To try and address it, you can watch a stream but you can't watch it in your car and you can't watch it
17:49:19 <bay|AX|TRSI> the point of a dvd is to own it
17:49:23 <bay|AX|TRSI> a stream isn't something you can own
17:49:51 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: Dirty Pair Flash blu-ray?
17:49:59 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Don't know if we are going to do it, depends on the sales
17:50:36 <bay|AX|TRSI> Q: For the ondemand program, do you have an input for titles that are on hiatus... do you have any influence to get the author working again?
17:50:44 <bay|AX|TRSI> A: Most of them would have already been made in Japan
17:50:59 <bay|AX|TRSI> for incomplete titles, we have hetalia, we have bizenghast
17:51:08 <bay|AX|TRSI> it all depends who controls the rights and what's available and what we can do
Notes: None