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20:05:03 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> We are strapped for time... we have a lot of announcements
20:05:12 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we need to get going just so you people can see who you were waiting for
20:06:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Intorduction
20:07:04 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> My name is Evan Mapoy, I'm director of publishing
20:07:14 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> This here is the famous Samuel Munson
20:07:22 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're going to run through this
20:07:26 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> you probably have heard this before
20:07:40 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (overview of company)
20:08:22 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we have started a shop
20:08:25 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> sekaiproject.com/shop
20:08:30 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we've constantly heard "why do you guys only sell at cons"
20:08:59 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if there is anything you notice you guys want, let us know through support
20:09:09 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and i bet they will slave me away trying to figure out how to make it happen
20:11:02 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> first up... you know this game, we're putting it out on playstation
20:09:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> fault - milestone one
20:11:10 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> coming fall 2016 ps4, psvita
20:11:41 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we've been working with limited run games and sony to get it on ps4 and vita
20:13:53 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> next one
20:14:11 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Rabi-Ribi
20:15:12 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> coming to ps4 and psvita
20:15:17 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> sometime in the near future
20:16:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> new announcements
20:17:03 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> World End Economica
20:17:11 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> We're going to bring it to ps4 and vita
20:17:15 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> all 3 chapters in 1 package
20:17:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> new development footage
20:17:23 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> limited physical edition
20:17:31 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> kickstarter backers will get access to preorders
20:17:45 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> pre-order gift bonus to be revealed later
20:17:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> scheduled for 2017
20:17:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> engine being done from the ground up to hold all 3 chapters
20:18:10 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (also something about the art on the box being reversable?)
20:18:16 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Japanese School Life
20:18:22 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we've talked about it before
20:18:28 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're going to work with code:jp
20:18:32 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we were going to crowd fund it
20:18:44 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're going to forgo crowdfunding entirely
20:18:48 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're going to implement the following things
20:18:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> cat ear mode
20:19:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we have done edits to the key visuals to make new illustrations
20:19:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> voice actors have been decided
20:19:46 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and the recording is complete
20:19:49 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> japanese only thus far
20:20:18 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> the release date, unfortunately because we're going to implement this with emote(?), it's going to be set back to october
20:21:59 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (after a segue) we are about idols... we were wondering why we don't have a game about it...this is the answer
20:21:27 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Love in Space....
20:21:37 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Shining Song Starnova
20:24:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> it's an idol themed visual novel about you the player being the producer who manages 7 very imperfect talents
20:25:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this is coming soon...
20:27:01 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (video commentary by the voice actors of the game about why they became voice actors)
20:31:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> straight into our next title
20:33:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A magical high-school girl
20:33:22 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and the mysterious way home
20:33:39 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> it's a magic creating rpg
20:33:45 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and then key words contained in it decide its power
20:33:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> you can combine magic
20:33:58 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this game is extremely new
20:34:07 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> the game will be released this summer, ios and pc
20:34:36 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> our next title..
20:34:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> there are some titles that are extremely important to us.. we've been trying to get this title for 3 years...
20:35:16 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> fun fact, we didn't even know if we could announce this till yesterday
20:35:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> so.. enjoy
20:35:24 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> TEAM BALDRHEAD
20:36:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Baldr Sky
20:37:39 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Baldr Sky "Lost Memory" Dive 1
20:37:41 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this is a really big title
20:37:53 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> who here thought this would never come out? exactly
20:39:49 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and that's not it.. we also got
20:39:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (BALDRHEAD again)
20:41:09 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Baldr Sky "Recorarde" Dive 2
20:41:30 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and so, cross this one off your bucket list
20:41:42 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> support us, support these titles, and we'll bring you more of them
20:42:03 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> with that being said...
20:42:09 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we can do a small, quick Q&A
20:42:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if there are baldr questions, i literally got word friday, so i don't know
20:42:40 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: What % of the titles are going to be on steam?
20:42:48 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: In all honesty, most, if not all will be on steam
20:43:36 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: There seems to be more games on consoles, is this a direction you expect to go as a business? A: It's something we want to do.. we want to grow the direction of what you guys want and you guys say you want it on console
20:43:44 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> there are the few hardcore beatup lovers
20:44:05 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: WEE and Grisaia for kickstarter people on console?
20:44:17 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: can't give you a timeline beacuse we're adding a lot of stuff
20:44:49 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Baldr will be 18+?
20:44:54 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: I just found out on Friday....
20:45:10 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> So how can I break this to me... I have two more announcements
20:45:16 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Give me one second...
20:45:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> more Q&A
20:45:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Announced manga last year, where's that out?
20:45:43 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: We got the okay, we're going to go ahead with the physical print run, and it's going to be soon
20:45:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this summer
20:46:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Other Baldr games?
20:46:39 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: We're getting the first 2... if you support those two, why wouldn't we?
20:47:05 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Is the high school magic girl like scribblenauts or magika?
20:47:10 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: I really can't answer that right now
20:47:17 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're adding the announcements today on the website
20:47:20 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> so each title should have an update
20:47:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Any other places beside steam like GOG or humble?
20:47:49 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: We'd have to see
20:47:56 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're looking into other platforms other than steam
20:48:00 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> but it's not simply we can just decide
20:48:13 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> it's always a discusion with our partners where they feel comfortable with the games
20:48:39 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: tonkotsu akuma... wil that ever get a localization?
20:48:43 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: in terms of future titles, can't say
20:49:00 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: will future titles come with cat ear options?
20:49:21 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: will grisaia get a physical release?
20:49:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: in the future..possibly, we are looking towards it, it's something we're working towards
20:49:40 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> making physical is really hard
20:50:22 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> now... i'm going to switch this....
20:50:30 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we had some technical difficulties
20:50:32 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> enjoy this title
20:51:16 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> video title is "Boku to Koisuru Ponkotsu Akuma OP "
20:53:55 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this one... is from smile... it features artwork from Sayori
20:54:41 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we have a product page up already on the website
20:54:51 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we also have another title
20:55:15 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Paretto...
20:58:41 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Koi ga saku koro sakura doki
20:56:41 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> sakura saku...
21:00:44 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> out of time