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16:01:30 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (filling room)
16:06:43 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Production IG and IG Port Panel
16:07:06 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (still preparing, but the ppt showed up)
16:11:15 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (still filling room)
16:13:59 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> hi guys
16:14:09 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> thank you so much for coming to another year of production ig panel
16:14:13 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> i do see a lot of famliar faces
16:14:27 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> how many of you were here last year
16:14:33 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and how many are here to stick around for the flcl panel?
16:15:24 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and as you can see, i do have a lot of give aways, well, it's not much but it's better stuff
16:15:40 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and this is the new ghost in the shell virtual reality, and it will be 15 min and come out in 2017
16:15:49 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> but i can't show you this because you can't see it without wearing it
16:15:59 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and we have two special guests fromjapan, the flcl creators
16:16:12 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and then jason and gil from toonami are also here, and they'll be on stage next panel
16:16:16 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and this panel will just be me
16:16:38 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> it won't just be, i have a special guest who will be coming on stage later, ari arad, the producer of ghost in the shell live action
16:16:48 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> i also want to thank all the staff who are working so hard and diligently for us
16:17:06 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and all the AX management for giving me a great slot and a great room, because we almost have a full house
16:17:26 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Production I.G.
16:17:31 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Titan Junior High School
16:17:34 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Joker Game
16:17:41 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Kuroko's Baskebtall 3 complication films, new movie in 2017
16:17:46 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> haikyu s3, oct 2016
16:17:53 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Perfect Bones: netflix
16:18:02 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and i have an exclusive trailer for Perfect Bones
16:18:14 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Ghost in the Shell the Movie
16:18:17 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Virtual Reality Diver
16:18:20 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> VR application
16:18:25 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> google play and apple store, 15 minutes
16:18:26 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> 480 yen
16:18:44 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> based on the Ghost in the Shell The Movie 2015
16:18:45 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Wit Studio
16:18:51 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
16:18:56 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> 2 complication films dec 16 and jan 17
16:19:01 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> star fox zero: the battle begins youtube
16:19:06 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> the ancient magus bride oad
16:20:13 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> part 1 sept 16, pt2 mar 17, pt3 sept 17
16:19:18 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> attack on titan s2 spring 2017
16:21:15 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> singal.md (Studio)
16:19:37 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> tantei team kz jiken note
16:19:44 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> colorful ninja iromaki
16:20:02 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> hirune hime (Working title) 2017 by director of GITS: SAC
16:24:41 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (trailers of the above)
16:31:02 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> now the never seen before perfect bones trailer
16:32:02 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (no audio...)
16:32:27 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> while we are waiting...
16:32:35 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> i want to introduce the flcl creator
16:32:49 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> kazuya tsurumaki(sp?)... and... (missed)
16:32:56 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> they are very excited to be talking with you guys at the next panel
16:34:25 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> IG Store
16:35:08 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> opened in april2016
16:34:34 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> two minutes from shibuya's scramble crossing
16:34:53 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> exhibition and exclusive events
16:36:16 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> From the I of production IG... job opportunity at IGHQ.... (going over the "requirements" to be an assistant)
16:39:22 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (one of them being you can't be poor because nobody goes into animation to be rich)
16:37:26 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Announcement from IG USA
16:37:32 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Miss Hokusai has been licened
16:38:00 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence licensed by FUnimation
16:37:47 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Adult Swim IDs x 3 (video clips)
16:37:54 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Mini Series by Mamoru Oshii on Adult Swim
16:38:37 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> FLCL 2 and 3
16:40:10 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Kazuya Tsurumaki, Mayumi Shintani, Jason Demarco to join the panel later (And a special announcement)
16:39:29 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Ghost in the Shell
16:39:38 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (Repeat of previous things)
16:39:48 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we would like to welcome Ari Arad
16:40:00 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> producer of the Ghost In the Shell Live Action
16:40:22 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we started talking about GITS in 2008... so it's taken a long time and we've been working diligently
16:40:38 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we (production ig people) all visited hong kong, and saw the shoot, and met with the talents
16:40:48 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> do you want to talk a bit about that
16:41:10 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> like maki says, we've been working back since 2008, we just wrapped up shooting
16:41:16 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we hope to start showing you guys things really soon
16:41:20 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and we hope you guys really like it
16:41:34 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we hope to make something that pulls together the breadth of ghost in the shell
16:42:13 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> maki has been helping us through production...
16:46:35 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (they really want to show things)
16:43:15 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we had an incredible obsessed crew
16:44:13 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we are so slow to show things (because our crew is going over everything)
16:43:43 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we waited this long, and i wish we didn't have to tease you guys
16:44:20 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> you saw the pictures from our sets that ig tweeted?
16:45:20 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> go to twitter and go to production ig, and we have two photos from the crew photos
16:45:28 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> i wish i was here showing things....
16:46:05 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> opening up to Q&A
16:51:14 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: (First question is the Scarlett Johansann question, why they didn't get an Asian actor)
16:53:07 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: The truth is scarlett is a pretty singuar actress, so as soon as she came up and wanted to talk, she overwhelmed the list... the question is a fair one... she's worked 14-15 years to get where she is... those opportunities need to happen... (lost rest)
16:53:37 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> makI: let me add: mamoru oshii is a big fan of her
16:52:35 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (The questioner: Shirow wrote GITS, not oshii)
16:53:23 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: What is your favorite episode of GITS?
16:53:33 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Ari: Affection, from 2nd gig with the pawn shop
16:55:16 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: More animation within films, like was done with Kill Bill vol1?
16:56:10 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: (paraphrase: i've had offers, but it's really hard to make it happen)
16:56:19 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Favorite character in GITS outside of the major.
16:57:04 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: What are you doing to help this movie be more... mainstream... for a wider audience? because the last thing is i want is that this movie bombs like warcraft or the one we won't mention
16:58:04 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: (lost first part),it's not a series of choices... i love the original animated movies and the manga.. but those are different tones, but the anime which is probably most peoples introduction... those are dream and poetic, we have to create something more exciting for a lack of a dynamic tone.. and liner.. so we took cues from(lost), but this is really another piece of ghost in the shell
16:58:10 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (lost rest)
16:58:41 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Are you going as far to americanze everything or sticking to japanese names? How deeply was Mamoru Oshii involved?
16:58:58 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: we were pretty involved...
17:00:17 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> there is someone who speaks in japanese in the movie... we aren't americanizing the names or westernizing the names.. the setting is as ambiguous as the other pieces of source material
17:00:41 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> it feels closer to ghost in the shell than what a city in the future would look like
17:00:56 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (apparently they were mispronouncing batou)
17:02:13 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (takeshi kitano is playing aramaki completely in japanese)
17:02:39 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: The netflix anime... was it production ig that went to them? Did they show them anything? Or was it them that came to you? Or did they just come with a bunch of money and say a bunch of things?
17:02:58 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: It was mutual, we've wanted to work together... we had some things to show them, they had things they wanted...
17:03:31 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Will the movie have the original music?
17:03:36 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Yes, we want the original music in the new film
17:03:48 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: As far as the live action film, can you give us info about the tachikomas
17:03:52 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: We have to save something...
17:04:10 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: What about shooting it in New Zealand?
17:04:17 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Just a place that had the resources we needed, we worked with the WETA workship
17:04:21 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> it was the best place to pull off the movie
17:04:39 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> and the setting is this futuristic kinda of hong kong movie so we went there for our externals
17:04:53 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> WETA... they built hundreds and hundreds of objects
17:05:25 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> they also have some obsessive GITS fans there, if you zoom in on frames, you might catch a few things
17:05:37 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Tell us about Pilu's performance as Batou?
17:06:03 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Casting Batou was hard, cause he has to be terrifying to most people, but has to love the major in some ways that he can't characterize himself... he really pulled it off... he's got that personality...
17:06:15 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> i'm excited for you to see what he's doing with the movie
17:06:32 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: As far as the way the movie is being made, is it made as 1 movie? or plans for sequel?
17:06:36 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Want to make as many as we can
17:07:14 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (most answers about the movie are ari unless noted)
17:06:51 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Practical effects, yay or nay?
17:07:21 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: It's a mix (lost the rest)
17:07:48 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Most labor intensive thing in filming?
17:08:40 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: every single day on this movie was pretty arduous, really because we were trying to do something that felt new, i know that's kinda a non-answer
17:09:44 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: More Psycho-pass?
17:09:56 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: do you want to see more psycho-pass? (cheers) I will let them know
17:10:07 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Sequel to Space Battleship Yamato 2091?
17:10:15 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: (maki calls over someone)
17:10:35 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> we're making 2202(?) being produced right now at xebec
17:11:33 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Last year, you showed a trailer for project itoh, but since manglobe went under, will that still be made
17:11:40 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: (calls someone over again)
17:11:51 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> It's a trilogy, one of them wit made, the rest other studios made
17:12:30 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> so again, we have no information on the one manglobe was making, but it's a trilogy
17:12:48 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> one was wit, one wa 4c, one was manglobe, oh, harmony got released.. i don't know about the manglobe one
17:13:36 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: Is the production budget for Perfect Bones above what's normally done for anime? (since netflix and american animation budgets are higher)
17:13:18 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Yes.
17:14:21 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: "Was stand alone complex a mistake?"
17:14:29 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> (The audience turns on him)
17:14:43 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: That's an interesting question....
17:14:52 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> Q: How much CGI is used in themovie?
17:15:38 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> A: Part of the answer is we wrapped two weeks ago, so not much... proportionally lower than you think... it's a tricky thing cause methodology gets a lot of attention, but what matters is when you see it, so we're going for as much of a practical methodology as possible (lost), hopefully it won't feel like a lot of cg is all i can say
17:17:29 <bay|AX|ProductionIG> We're going to finish this panel and move on to the FLCL panel