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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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11:48:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> (assuming funimation has 2 hours so they can spend 30 min filling the room)
11:54:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> (about to start moving the regular badges in)
12:02:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> (and for tech issues)
12:07:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> all right guys
12:07:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to get started
12:07:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're still waiting on people, but we got a lot to share
12:07:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> thank you for coming today
12:08:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> how long did you have to wait in line today?
12:08:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's get started
12:08:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> welcome to the funimation industry panel
12:08:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is our biggest event every year
12:08:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you haven't seen me yet, i'm justin rojas
12:09:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> my name is lauren moore
12:10:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> social media..
12:10:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> check out our facebook page... 1.7 million followers
12:10:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're the social media team, we're all over the place
12:11:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> we also started using snapchat recently
12:11:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have a filter
12:12:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> (going over the website)
12:12:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> (funimation shop)
12:12:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> (i'm paraphrasing the basic intro part since this is always the same)
12:13:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> (showing off the exclusive shirts on funimation.com shop)
12:14:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can also stream on our site
12:13:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> how many people didn't know that?
12:14:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got our streaming service we call funimation now
12:14:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is our revamped streaming service we announced back in january
12:14:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> and launched it at CES
12:14:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> so we're excited about this
12:14:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're revamping how we stream our shows
12:14:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're revamping everything, the app is going to be way way better, and it'll have more features
12:15:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> we relaunched it and called it funimation now... and we made a video for this
12:15:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
12:16:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> quick look at what's coming in 2016
12:16:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> now avaialble, ios and android and kindle
12:16:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have the windows 10 ap
12:16:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're getting ready to roll it out for consoles
12:16:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> apple tv and fire tv soon
12:17:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> coming in september:
12:17:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> fully respsonvie website optimze for mobile and tablets
12:17:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> better search
12:17:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> console app updates
12:17:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> (new mobile apps)
12:17:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> consoles...
12:18:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> xbox 360... xbox one.. roku... ps3 and ps4...
12:18:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> vita coming soon
12:18:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> pc people can go to our new website
12:18:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is a sneak peek
12:18:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> nobody has seen this before
12:19:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the early phases of what the site is going to look like
12:19:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> going to be mobile responsive
12:19:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to introduce new features
12:19:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> including chapter skips
12:19:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can skip based on content instead of based on time
12:19:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to incorporate more imdb characteristics
12:19:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> and make the viewer experience more robust
12:19:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> and integrating social media
12:19:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> (and recommendations)
12:20:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have 2 tiers, the sub pass, and the all-access pass
12:20:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> you have the two plans, and have the features when you sign up, so pick the plan that's right for you
12:20:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> everyone watches differently and we're trying to tailor it to that
12:21:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> over 200,000 minutes of anime episodes and movies
12:21:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> over 500 different series
12:21:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> i think we need to update that number
12:21:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have more anime coming, the summer simulcast season is happening right now
12:21:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we recently announced it the past two weeks
12:21:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> the theme of the summer season is "find the one for you"
12:21:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have such a varied lineup
12:21:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> there are some of the shows we announced
12:21:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> tales of zesteria the x
12:21:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> first love monster
12:22:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> d.gray-man hallow
12:22:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> you guys love dgrayman? you want more?
12:22:16 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got all the existing dgrayman
12:22:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> dgray-man eps 52-103
12:22:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> more details to come
12:22:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> we already have 1-51 available
12:22:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to start rolling out the additional episodes of the previous series
12:22:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> there is no news yet about the dub
12:22:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> hallow does begin streaming tomorrow
12:23:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got lots and lots of other shows
12:23:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> lets run through the season
12:23:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> d.gray-man hallow
12:23:16 <bay|AX|FUNi> servamp
12:23:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> tales of zestieria the x
12:23:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> dangronpa 3, both arcs
12:23:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> endrie
12:23:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> heroic legend of arlsan dust storm dance
12:23:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> cute high earth defence club love love
12:23:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> cheer boys
12:23:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> first love monster
12:24:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> disasterous life of saiki k
12:23:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> handa-kun
12:23:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> tsukiuta
12:23:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> time travel girl
12:23:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> scar-red riders x
12:23:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> one piece
12:24:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> love live sunshine
12:24:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> regalia: the three sacred starsa
12:24:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> puzzles and dragons cross
12:24:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> ...love live sunshine promo video
12:26:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> along with the new simuclast season comes broadcast dubs
12:26:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> (intro to broadcast dubs)
12:28:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> we've done this for 5 seasons
12:28:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> that's over 40 shows of broadcast dubs
12:29:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're about to wrap up our spring broadcast dubs
12:29:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> shonen maid, three leaves three colors
12:29:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> endride, netoge
12:30:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> my hero academia
12:30:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> assassination classroom season 2
12:30:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> we will be announcing the summer ones soon
12:30:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> hang on for that
12:30:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> we wanted to make them a big deal,so we did a special thing for them
12:30:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> when we started doing broadcast dubs, we wanted to make it special, so we made this anime primetime block that we do every wednesday
12:30:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> we pick 3 shows, we air them back to back to back, then we go live on twitch and discuss them
12:31:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> (going over dubbletalk)
12:32:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Showing trailer for dubbletalk)
12:35:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> (talking about my hero academia)
12:35:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's bring up the president of bones... masahiko minami
12:36:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> so minami-san has worked on amazing shows... (going over the bones shows funimation has)
12:36:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> tell us a little about snow white with the red hair
12:36:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> how many have watched it?
12:37:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you haven't watched it.
12:37:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> it will make you go kyun-kyun
12:37:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> (opening for snow white)
12:39:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> the story is about a love story between a tom girl and a prince, but when you watch it, the characters that are in the anime, they are pure and straightforward people, and watching it makes you feel really good
12:39:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> check out snow white, both season 1 and season, both are dubbed
12:40:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's also talk about show by rock
12:40:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> show by rock is a music show related to the sanrio universe
12:40:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> can you tell us about show by rock?
12:40:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> show by rock is based on an SNS game by sanrio
12:40:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> so we developed a story based on it, the game doesn't really have a story, but the story line is original to go with the game
12:41:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> so people in japan were surprised to find that bones worked on the show because it's unlike bones, but the show is about bands battling eachother so there is battling, so it's kinda bones like
12:41:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> so wejust got in some news
12:41:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are getting the rights to the show by rock shorts, starting tomorrow
12:42:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> keep an eye out for more news on that
12:42:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> (or maybe not tomorrow)
12:42:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> and bones also worked on my hero academia
12:42:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> so we are doing a lot of stuff with my hero academia today
12:43:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are excited to have minami-san on stage, but we'd like to bring on more special guests
12:43:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> director kenji nagasaki
12:43:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> and producer wakana okamura
12:43:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> and let's bring up these other guys.. christopher sabat voice of all might
12:43:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> and justin briner voice of deku
12:44:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> please say a few words to the people here
12:45:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> (only the dub actors said anything and it was just hello)
12:46:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's talk more hero academia stuff
12:46:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> (at con stuff)
12:47:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> (going over at con stuff... free pins with purchase... photo booth...)
12:49:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> Funimation everywehre
12:49:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> google play, hulu, itunes, netflix..
12:50:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're also on microsoft movies and tv
12:50:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're having anime month on microsoft movies and tv
12:50:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have a whole thing we do on the movies and tv homepage
12:50:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> i think this is going live today
12:50:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
12:53:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> so the next few videos (on movies and tv) are going to lead you through the world of conventions
12:53:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> we also have anime saturday night on toonami
12:53:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> attack on titan, dragon ball z kai, one piece, space dandy, cowboy bebop, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, black lagoon, deadman wonderland, michiko and hatchin, samurai champloo
12:53:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> and more
12:54:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have some other fun stuff
12:54:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> partnering with our friends at gamesamba
12:54:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> doing a giant giveway for fairy tail
12:54:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> facebook.com/fairytailgame
12:54:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> a new online rpg
12:55:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> attack on titan video game
12:55:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> from our partners at koei techmo
12:55:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> available august 30th 2016 on ps4, vita, ps3, xbox one, steam
12:55:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer for the game)
12:58:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> the big reveal for this trailer is you get to play as titan
12:58:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's talk about home video
12:58:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> Dragonball Z Resurrection F
12:59:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> available now on bluray, dvd, hd digital, and on-demand
12:59:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> did you know that by going to watch dbz in the theaters, (you kicked christian bale out of the top 10 anime movies)
13:00:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
13:01:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> next up
13:01:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> Assasination Classroom
13:01:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> Available now on blu-ray dvd combo pack
13:02:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the season 1 part 1 of the series
13:02:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
13:02:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have season 1 part 2 about to roll out
13:04:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> another big show we have that's now available on home video
13:04:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> Seraph of the End; Vampire Reign
13:04:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> available now on Bluray and DVD
13:04:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> everything green on that box is glow in the dark
13:04:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is season one part 1
13:07:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
13:08:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> so another show you may have heard about
13:08:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> Tokyo Ghost Root A
13:08:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> Available now on blu-ray and dvd combo pack
13:08:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the uncensored
13:08:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you watched it on streaming.. the home video comes with the uncensored content
13:11:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> One Piece Season 8 Voyage 1
13:11:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> available now on DVD
13:11:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> eps 457-468
13:11:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
13:13:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> The Boy and the Beast
13:13:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> available now on blu-ray, dvd, and digital hd
13:14:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> latest film from mamoru hosoda
13:14:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
13:16:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> The Girl Who Lept Through Time
13:16:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> available now on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital hd
13:16:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> available for the first time on bluray
13:17:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are actually creating a hosoda collection for all the movies
13:17:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have this for the girl who lept through time already
13:18:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
13:20:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> Empire of Corpses
13:20:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> from project itoh
13:21:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> available 7.5.16 on blu-ray, dvd and digital hd
13:21:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> this was in theaters
13:22:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
13:24:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> Lucky Star
13:24:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> available 7.12.17
13:24:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> on blu-ray and dvd combo pack
13:24:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> we announced a handful of shows a while back now
13:24:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> we've been waiting on materials for things to start working on them
13:24:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> we now have the release happening this month
13:25:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're still figuring out the rest of the acquistions that we rescued, but we're really excited to be bringing you this one
13:25:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
13:26:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> another new release...
13:26:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> just got announced with a date
13:26:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> High School DXD Born
13:26:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> Season 3
13:26:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> available 9.6.16 bluray and dvd combo pack
13:26:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> i don't think we've released this trailer yet,
13:26:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> english dub trailer...
13:28:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> here's something that's not for everyone
13:28:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> the first 500 preorders that were ordered on funimation.com get this pillowcase
13:28:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> i don't know if there are anymore available yet
13:28:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> that's our current home video stuff
13:28:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> news and announcements
13:29:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> so this is going to have a bunch of types of things
13:29:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> first thing we're going to talk about is a new partnership
13:29:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> have you heard of geek and sundry?
13:29:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to be working with geek and sundry to help them produce their anime show
13:29:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> geek and sundry anime show...
13:29:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> they wanted to do an anime show, and who better to do it with than us
13:29:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we got a trailer out really quickly to show you this weekend
13:30:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> and the premise of the show is reaching out to the anime audience with their audience
13:30:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's recommendations
13:30:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> we want to make sure we have something for everyone and this is part of that
13:30:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is a promo bit they created the other day
13:30:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> the show is called "Anime Gateway"
13:33:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we're super excited to give you guys a sneakpeek
13:31:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> (it's comparing big name movies and comics to anime)
13:31:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> cohost is wwe superstar xavier woods
13:32:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> theatrical releases
13:33:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> rurouni kenshin live action movie trilogy
13:33:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> movie 1 aug 8-10 2016
13:33:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> movie 2 sept 12-14 2016
13:33:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> movie 3 october 3-5 2016
13:33:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> trailer
13:34:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you are curious and you are fan of the series, it covers through the kyoto shishio arc
13:35:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> home video announcements
13:35:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> this was a new inniatiave we started a few months back and it was unique
13:35:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> the vision of escaflowne
13:35:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> street date 10/18/16
13:35:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> collectors edition - bluray
13:35:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> kickstart exclusive - part 1 bluray and dvd combo pack
13:35:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> part 1 - bluray and dvd combo pack
13:35:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> part 2 - bluray and dvd combo pack
13:36:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> movie - movie and dvd combo pack
13:36:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> all releases availble for pre-order 7/15/16
13:36:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> (those are all separate releases)
13:36:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> collectors edition has both parts and the movie
13:36:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> it also has hitomi's pendent
13:36:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> and a little of background on the kickstarer
13:37:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> one of the thing is that there isn't bluray materials that existed
13:37:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> and with the bluray materials came extra materials that weren't part of the original release
13:37:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> so in order to have a fully fleshed out release, we'd have to do a new dub
13:37:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> all of the releases will have the new dub and the original dub
13:37:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> we'll take you through the relases
13:37:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> collectors
13:37:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> compelete series
13:37:47 <bay|AX|FUNi> movie
13:37:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> hardocver 40 page art book
13:38:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> hitomi's pendant
13:37:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> both version of dub
13:38:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> chipboard box
13:38:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> (tarot cards too...)
13:39:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> kickstart box... will get the hardcover rigid box that houses part 1 and 2
13:38:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can buy the individual parts
13:39:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> all contain both version of the dub
13:39:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have more home video coming soon...
13:39:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> another one you might have been waiting for
13:39:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> Code Geass
13:39:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> 10-4-16
13:39:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> season 1 and 2 available on bluray
13:40:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> collecctors edition - bluray only
13:40:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> but like escaflowne
13:41:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> many versions, collectors edition has:
13:40:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> season 1 and 2 on bluray
13:40:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> 16 art prints
13:40:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> rigid box with metallic ink
13:40:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> 3 hours of extras
13:41:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> (collectors edition info above)
13:40:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> also available standard edition bluray and dvd combo pack
13:41:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> so let's talk about
13:41:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> new acquisition
13:42:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> new show...from the creator and team of hellsing
13:42:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> Drifters
13:42:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> streaming oct 2016
13:42:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> 12 episodes x 25 minutes
13:45:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> (scenes... from the special edition dvd with the vol 5 special edition release of the manga)
13:48:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> that wraps it here for the industry panel
13:48:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> thank you guys for joining us