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Transcript will begin when the panel starts.
Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.

17:15:37 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Okay, take your seats
17:15:39 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we're about to begin
17:15:45 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (sizzle reel)
17:16:53 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and where did the feed go....
17:17:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (tech issues~)
17:17:29 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> you guys having a good anime expo?
17:17:34 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> i know it's just day 1
17:17:38 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we still have our voices
17:17:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> how many of you have checked out the stage in a new location?
17:18:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (take the plug out and plug it back in again)
17:18:28 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> i'm adam sheehan
17:18:32 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and i'm victoria holden
17:18:35 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> what do i do?
17:18:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> i run the social media...
17:18:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a lot to talk about
17:19:29 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so for crunchyroll members
17:19:33 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> who is a premium member?
17:19:40 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so you guys might already know, you get this awesome stuff
17:20:00 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> like ad free, hi definition, simulcats.... simulcasts....
17:20:06 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> unlimited manga, watched anywhere
17:20:10 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (going over the numbers)
17:20:54 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> over 23k episodes, 700 shows
17:23:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a lot of devices... like i said, you can watch anywhere
17:23:10 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (bunch of devices on the screen)
17:23:51 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> manga... we have manga
17:23:53 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> it's pretty awesome
17:23:56 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a lot of good manga
17:23:56 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have orange
17:23:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> it's a great manga
17:25:33 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have news...
17:25:41 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have crunchyroll news.. and we have a crunchyroll news app
17:26:38 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> social... follow us on your favorite social sites
17:26:54 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> twitter, tumblr, we have facebook pages
17:27:02 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a youtube channel now
17:27:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> store...
17:27:51 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> you guys like buying things
17:27:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a store
17:28:17 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> if you are premium members, you get discounts, there are daily deals
17:28:21 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we also have the store here
17:28:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and there's a special offer
17:29:16 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> lootanime
17:29:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> lootcrate.com/crates/anime
17:30:48 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a booth store
17:30:55 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (they jumped the order)
17:32:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> anime expo free stuff...
17:32:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> lots of free stuff
17:32:50 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (skipping at con events)
17:33:39 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have anime branded hotel card keys
17:33:16 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> you can keep those
17:34:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> premium bags at the booth
17:36:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (still at con events)
17:37:14 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (even more events)
17:38:38 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Summer Season Showcase
17:38:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Talk about some of the new shows coming this summer
17:39:15 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> 91 days... Premiereing July 7th
17:40:18 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> trailer
17:40:46 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (no audio...)
17:44:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (switch to trivia to kill time while they fix the audio)
17:46:09 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> moving along ...no audios till
17:46:19 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Alderamin on the Sky
17:46:30 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> premiering july 8th
17:49:49 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Berserk
17:49:54 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premiered July 1st
17:51:13 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> trailer
17:52:30 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Mob Psycho 100
17:52:34 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premiering on July 11th
17:55:24 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Orange
17:55:35 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premiering on July 3rd
17:56:50 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Food Wars
17:56:58 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premiering July 2nd
17:59:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Special Announcements
18:00:12 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> New shows
18:00:17 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> B-PROJECT
18:01:05 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> New Game!
18:01:11 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premieres July 4th
18:02:11 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Hitorinoshita The Outcast
18:02:17 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> July 9th
18:03:20 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Bananya
18:03:26 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premieres July 4th
18:04:29 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Atraxia
18:04:33 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Premieres July 5th
18:06:20 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Next slide is a show that's been around for a while...
18:06:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
18:06:45 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> both sub and dub is coming this summer
18:06:56 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> next announcement
18:07:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we want to bring on a special guest
18:07:07 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> the direct of the brand and community department
18:07:10 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> dallas middaugh
18:07:27 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> We got a promotion with Barnes and Noble
18:07:33 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> if you are a premium subscriber
18:07:39 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> you get 20% off your next manga purchase
18:07:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> you should have recived an email
18:07:45 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> manga is continuing to do well
18:07:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> these are not new announcements
18:07:49 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> these are the top titles
18:07:57 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> relife, kiznaiver, seven deadly sins
18:08:05 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and now a couple of quick announcements from square enix
18:08:12 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> The Grim Reaper and an Argent Cavalier
18:08:13 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> by Irono
18:08:35 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Sukedachi 09
18:08:40 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> by Seishi Kishimoto
18:09:11 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and that's it... thank you
18:09:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> next up...
18:09:26 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> VRV
18:12:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> One more huge announcements
18:12:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> It's too big for you and I
18:12:14 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we would like to invite CEO of Crunchyroll Kun Gao to the stage
18:12:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so first of all
18:12:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> leme just say, wow
18:12:36 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> ths is ... this is the biggest industry panel for us of all time
18:12:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and it's really exciting to see the fans of anime
18:12:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> thank you
18:13:17 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (going over some backstory of crunchyroll)
18:13:58 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so today
18:14:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> i want to announce somethin special
18:14:06 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> something that we've never done before
18:14:10 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> well, it only makes complete sense that we do this
18:14:16 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we will be dubbing and releasing some of our titles
18:14:18 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and releasing them on dvd and bluray
18:14:31 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we think this is another way for you guys to enjoy the anime you live in a different format
18:14:40 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and the moneythat comes fromthis will also go back to creating more content
18:14:43 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> let's talk titles
18:14:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> berserk
18:14:46 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> twin star exrocists
18:14:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> free
18:14:48 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> gintama
18:14:50 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> big order
18:14:54 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> yamada and the 7 witches
18:15:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> myrid colors phantom world
18:15:06 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and the biggest one that we haven't announced
18:15:16 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we will be releasing home video for kabaneri
18:15:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (all "coming to bluray and dvd")
18:15:27 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> thank you so much kun
18:15:39 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we're so excited for this that we have a kabaneri poster tomorrow
18:15:53 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and that is our panel
18:15:57 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we're going to end with a special thank you video
18:15:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and then say thank you
18:17:02 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> thank you for coming today