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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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15:58:59 <bay|AX|Aniplex> We're hot and i think we're ready
15:59:06 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (I don't think regular has been let in yet?)
15:59:18 <bay|AX|Aniplex> You guys are here at the Aniplex panel
15:59:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Let's get this show on the road
16:00:27 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Sizzle reel)
16:01:15 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Thank you so much for joining us today
16:01:21 <bay|AX|Aniplex> We're so glad to be here at Anime Expo
16:01:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> My name is Johanna, and here with me is Alex
16:01:50 <bay|AX|Aniplex> One quick thing....can i take a picture
16:03:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Today were doing a special edition of Aniplex live with Crum and Jo
16:03:17 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Our live show on twitch
16:03:23 <bay|AX|Aniplex> twitch.tv/aniplexusa
16:03:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> You can check out things like this
16:03:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> We do cool give aways, we have special guests sometimes
16:04:01 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Speaking of special guests...
16:04:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have some special guests here today
16:04:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> so let's give them a big round of applause
16:04:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> So first we have Toshihiro Konno, chairman of aniplex japan
16:04:37 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next up, we have the CEO of aniplex japan, atsuhiro iwakami
16:04:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> he joins us again after joining us for our fate stay night event
16:05:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> also , many guests here tied to lots of our titles
16:05:21 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have tatsuyuki nagai, director of anohana the movie and anthem of the heart
16:05:45 <bay|AX|Aniplex> he will be joining the A-1 pictures panel
16:06:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have the author of the Blue Exorcist manga, kazue kato
16:06:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> last but not least
16:06:42 <bay|AX|Aniplex> naoshi arakawa - author of your lie in april
16:06:45 <bay|AX|Aniplex> there's all the guests
16:06:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and it's going to be a full anime expo
16:06:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's go into more detail about our events
16:07:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (AX events)
16:10:45 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Still on events)
16:12:23 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Now streaming titles for your binge viewing pleasure
16:12:25 <bay|AX|Aniplex> ...Trailer...
16:12:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Asterisk War
16:14:58 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Second season of Asterisk War
16:15:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and I think in the audience, we have the producer of asterisk war, mr kashiwara
16:15:15 <bay|AX|Aniplex> thank you for joining us mr kashiwara
16:15:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> check it out on crunchyroll, aniplex channel, hulu, daisuki, funimaton now
16:15:42 <bay|AX|Aniplex> has anyone watched high school fleet?
16:15:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's watch a trailer for those who haven't seen it yet
16:16:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> now streaming on crunchyroll, daisuki and funimation now
16:16:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> all 12 episodes are now out
16:17:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Who watches on Netflix
16:17:04 <bay|AX|Aniplex> We have tons of anipelx titles on Netlix
16:17:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have tons and tons of shows and movies on Netflix
16:17:14 <bay|AX|Aniplex> like the persona 3 movie
16:17:44 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Now let's talk about stuff available at the booth
16:17:45 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Trailer...
16:18:01 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Wagnaria3
16:18:18 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Vol 1 now available
16:19:21 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next.. any nisekoi fans out there?
16:19:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> nisekoi2 trailer
16:20:46 <bay|AX|Aniplex> so the first volume is now available
16:20:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next..
16:21:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have the sword art online extra edition
16:21:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have the standard edition blu-ray now available
16:21:16 <bay|AX|Aniplex> the limited edition flew off the racks
16:21:38 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we also have some Sword Art Online 2 available for you
16:21:50 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we also have the limited edition music collection available
16:21:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 4cds and 1 bd disc
16:22:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 131 scores by yuki kajiura
16:22:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> including her unpublished work
16:22:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> anyone played the sword art online games?
16:22:52 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have a special trailer for you
16:22:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> from the new sword art online game
16:26:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> all right, what is enxt
16:27:01 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Anthem of the Heart
16:27:14 <bay|AX|Aniplex> trailer
16:29:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we currently have avilable the limited edition blu-ray
16:29:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> before we move forward
16:29:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> no let's do one more
16:29:58 <bay|AX|Aniplex> who is a monogatari fan?
16:30:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have bakemonogatari and nisemonogatari blu-ray set available at the booth
16:30:16 <bay|AX|Aniplex> an we also have the second season of monogatari
16:31:22 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Utamonogatari
16:31:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> limited edition monogatari series theme songs complication album
16:31:37 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 2cds and 1 bd disc (Except for onimongatari)
16:31:46 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Now a trailer that will bring tears to your eyes
16:31:50 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Your Lie in April
16:33:26 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Your Lie in April...
16:33:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Both volumes now available
16:33:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Fortunately.. we hae tissues for when you cry
16:34:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Available on Bluray, vols 1 and 2, both come with soundtracks for the show
16:34:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> come with postcards as well
16:34:11 <bay|AX|Aniplex> part 2 comes with bloopers
16:34:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're going to have a your lie in april kazoo along at our booth, also wehave tissues to hand out then
16:34:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next
16:34:49 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're going to talk about aniplex plus products we have
16:34:54 <bay|AX|Aniplex> first.. sudo project
16:35:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> this is the art sudio drew live on stage back in ax 2015
16:35:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> this is a great piece of art you can now collect
16:35:31 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we also have SAO movie merch
16:35:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> to get you ready for the movie
16:35:42 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we also have fans
16:35:51 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and we also have some figures
16:36:18 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we also have soundtrack cds fo a lot of titles you probably love
16:36:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we have kill la kill music collection, the your lie in april music collection
16:36:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and 2 new duarara music cds that came out recently in japan
16:36:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Coming soon to Blu-ray and DVD
16:37:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're going to go through these really quickly
16:37:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Plastic Memories
16:37:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> trailer
16:37:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Vol 1 7.19.16
16:37:35 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Vol 2 9.27.16
16:38:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next we have a persona trailer fo you guys
16:38:17 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (persona 3 movies)
16:39:35 <bay|AX|Aniplex> #4 winter of rebirth
16:39:47 <bay|AX|Aniplex> collectors and standard edtion blu-rays import
16:39:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> august 3rd
16:39:44 <bay|AX|Aniplex> pre-order now
16:39:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next up...a great title, let's check the trailer
16:40:31 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Charlotte
16:41:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we just announced we would do a dub for charlotte recently
16:42:04 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 1 augu 16, vol 2 nov 15
16:42:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 2 nisekoi 8.23
16:42:13 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 2 wagnari 3
16:42:15 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 8.30
16:42:46 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and... any madoka fans out there? we announced recently we woul do a full tv boxset for madoka
16:42:47 <bay|AX|Aniplex> trailer
16:43:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> madoka blu-ray box set
16:43:47 <bay|AX|Aniplex> coming 8-23
16:43:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> episodes 1-12, 3 bd discs
16:44:03 <bay|AX|Aniplex> any boys love fans out there?
16:44:13 <bay|AX|Aniplex> dokyusei trailer
16:46:25 <bay|AX|Aniplex> blu-ray release
16:46:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> original japanese dialogue w/ substiles
16:46:30 <bay|AX|Aniplex> sept 20th
16:46:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next.. the dub trailer for asterisk war
16:47:57 <bay|AX|Aniplex> asterisk war the english dub
16:48:06 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 1 9.20, vol 2 11.22
16:48:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> coming to bluray
16:48:10 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next guys
16:48:13 <bay|AX|Aniplex> what you have been waiting for
16:48:14 <bay|AX|Aniplex> announcements
16:48:21 <bay|AX|Aniplex> would you nlike to do the honors?
16:48:25 <bay|AX|Aniplex> first announcement is a great title
16:49:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Kiznaiver, streaming on crunchyroll (there was a url i missed)
16:48:47 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Full metal alchemist: brotherhood
16:48:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> coming soon to stream on crunchyroll
16:49:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Durarara 2 the third arc, vol 5 10.18.16, vol 6, 12.13.16
16:49:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next up
16:49:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> annother announcement
16:49:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's jump into it
16:49:58 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Owarimonogatari
16:51:23 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 1
16:51:25 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 10.25.16
16:51:27 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 2
16:51:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 12.20.16
16:51:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> blu-ray
16:51:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> how many erased fans do we have?
16:51:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> maybe some of you have heard we are dubbing it
16:51:59 <bay|AX|Aniplex> some of you have seen the trailer
16:52:03 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's check out the trailer
16:53:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> english dub cast
16:54:13 <bay|AX|Aniplex> announcement today is we are bringing it to bluray
16:54:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 1 10.18.16
16:54:04 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 2 1.24.17
16:54:19 <bay|AX|Aniplex> here is the art of the volumes (subject to change)
16:54:24 <bay|AX|Aniplex> so some of you knew it was coming based on the trailer
16:54:33 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next announcement is completely new
16:54:37 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're doing a dub of god eater
16:54:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're excited to show the trailer today
16:57:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> And we're sharing you some information from Bandai Namco about the god eater game
16:57:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> but we don't have time to show the trailer
16:57:10 <bay|AX|Aniplex> you can get more information at their panel
16:57:17 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and they have a special SAO themed dlc
16:57:35 <bay|AX|Aniplex> next, we're going to be welcome a special guest to the stage
16:57:39 <bay|AX|Aniplex> to make a very special annoucement
16:58:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> now welcome to the director of business development to the stage
16:57:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> john inada
16:57:54 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplex of america
16:58:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> hello, my name is john inada
16:58:12 <bay|AX|Aniplex> before i tell you the special announcement
16:58:16 <bay|AX|Aniplex> i want you to take a look at the photo
16:58:19 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and tell me if you knwow here it is
16:58:22 <bay|AX|Aniplex> it's akihabara
16:58:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> well.. how many of you have been there
16:58:39 <bay|AX|Aniplex> well... how did you like it?
16:58:59 <bay|AX|Aniplex> it's the birthplace of otaku subculture and a mecca
16:59:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> but we came up with this awesome idea for those of you who can't go there
16:59:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> to bring akiba to la
16:59:16 <bay|AX|Aniplex> so you can get a taste of akiba without the expense of flying there
16:59:19 <bay|AX|Aniplex> where in LA are you thinking..
16:59:23 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Little Tokyo Downtown LA
16:59:49 <bay|AX|Aniplex> so there is a playground for the people who love otaku subculture
16:59:59 <bay|AX|Aniplex> now....
17:00:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> the big unveil
17:00:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> what did we name this event...
17:00:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're going to call this event
17:00:12 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Akibafest in Little Tokoyo
17:00:19 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Look. Play. Feel. (the catch phrase)
17:00:27 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we're going to to turn little tokyo into akiba
17:00:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> on october 15th and 16th 2016
17:00:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> two day weekend event
17:00:37 <bay|AX|Aniplex> that's this year
17:01:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> screenings, video game demos, licensed merchandisers with stuff for purchase, 4k android tv app that will make you feel initimate with your favorite anime characters
17:01:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> you can also debut your costume there for the chance to win prizes
17:01:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we'll have many fun events waiting for you
17:02:06 <bay|AX|Aniplex> just imagine, you can have endless fun for an entire day for less than you paid for parking today
17:02:11 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Akibafest =Shared vision
17:02:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> it's a collaborative effort of the little tokyo comunity, aniplex, business partners, and you
17:02:45 <bay|AX|Aniplex> to be the first to know when the tickets go on sale or guests or film screenings
17:02:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> please go to akibafest.com
17:02:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and register your email address
17:03:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> thank you everyone
17:03:30 <bay|AX|Aniplex> okay guys, we're running out of time, so we can't do q&a
17:03:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> but we do want to two raffle prizes
17:05:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> thank you for coming