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13:44:59 <bay|AX|VIz> (Now joining in progress as they pimp the booth)
13:46:48 <bay|AX|VIz> Announcements....
13:46:57 <bay|AX|VIz> Let's start with a manga announcement
13:47:05 <bay|AX|VIz> This is a beautiful new shoujo series
13:47:09 <bay|AX|VIz> The Water Dragon's Bride
13:47:38 <bay|AX|VIz> And now something not shoujo
13:47:41 <bay|AX|VIz> Gundam Thunderbolt
13:47:44 <bay|AX|VIz> (manga)
13:48:27 <bay|AX|VIz> Coming soon
13:48:30 <bay|AX|VIz> Now something from SHonen Jump
13:48:36 <bay|AX|VIz> Yu-gi-oh ! ARC-V
13:49:16 <bay|AX|VIz> Now
13:49:20 <bay|AX|VIz> Kenshin 3-in-1
13:49:32 <bay|AX|VIz> This is our 3-in-1, this is a cheap, nice way to read it
13:49:41 <bay|AX|VIz> if you haven't read it, you should check it out
13:49:48 <bay|AX|VIz> We have another announcement that is pretty big
13:49:55 <bay|AX|VIz> Dragon Ball Super
13:49:56 <bay|AX|VIz> (manga)
13:50:22 <bay|AX|VIz> The first new dragon ball manga in years
13:50:31 <bay|AX|VIz> And now for the next one.. it's a manga announcement, we're going to give you a hint
13:50:56 <bay|AX|VIz> Utena
13:51:14 <bay|AX|VIz> And it's not just getting reprinted
13:51:18 <bay|AX|VIz> these are going to be limited edition sets
13:51:29 <bay|AX|VIz> hardcover release with posters, color pages, box to house them
13:51:30 <bay|AX|VIz> and it's heavy
13:51:33 <bay|AX|VIz> it's over 5 lbs
13:51:46 <bay|AX|VIz> complete series, larger trim size, chopboard box, full color poster
13:51:51 <bay|AX|VIz> from the adolence of utena
13:51:54 <bay|AX|VIz> i can't show you the poster now
13:52:00 <bay|AX|VIz> but if you know the image, it's in there
13:52:03 <bay|AX|VIz> spring 2017
13:52:13 <bay|AX|VIz> Do we have any utena fans?
13:56:12 <bay|AX|VIz> (Just finished trivia)
13:56:28 <bay|AX|VIz> (Now promoting Sailor Moon events at the con)
13:58:07 <bay|AX|VIz> (Trailer for Sailor Moon Crystal box set 1)
13:59:45 <bay|AX|VIz> (More Sailor Moon merch at the Viz booth)
13:59:48 <bay|AX|VIz> Now...
13:59:53 <bay|AX|VIz> Weekly Shonen Jump
14:00:19 <bay|AX|VIz> Naruto...
14:00:45 <bay|AX|VIz> we still have anime releases coming out every water
14:00:50 <bay|AX|VIz> July 5th episodes 336-348
14:00:57 <bay|AX|VIz> New packaging
14:01:07 <bay|AX|VIz> And you can watch new episodes every thursday on Viz.com
14:01:11 <bay|AX|VIz> and that includes on your mobile devices
14:01:18 <bay|AX|VIz> and now one of your favorite titles
14:01:20 <bay|AX|VIz> Hunter X Hunter
14:01:37 <bay|AX|VIz> on toonami every week at 1am
14:01:39 <bay|AX|VIz> check it out there
14:01:42 <bay|AX|VIz> it's a great great shonen series
14:01:44 <bay|AX|VIz> now antoher one
14:01:46 <bay|AX|VIz> Bleach
14:01:53 <bay|AX|VIz> we have a new volume of the manga coming out tuesday
14:01:59 <bay|AX|VIz> but what i want to talk about is bleach is coming to blu-ray
14:02:01 <bay|AX|VIz> july 19th
14:02:03 <bay|AX|VIz> eps 1-27
14:02:13 <bay|AX|VIz> never before seen content never released on dvd
14:02:08 <bay|AX|VIz> original aspect ratio
14:02:19 <bay|AX|VIz> noticably, kon's segments are back
14:02:22 <bay|AX|VIz> premium packaging
14:02:39 <bay|AX|VIz> if you think the packaging is beautiful, wait till you see the trailer
14:02:59 <bay|AX|VIz> (comparison trailer of the two versions)
14:03:16 <bay|AX|VIz> doesn't that look amazing?
14:03:22 <bay|AX|VIz> yes, bleach, coming to bluray this july
14:03:26 <bay|AX|VIz> and now we have... oraoraorao
14:03:31 <bay|AX|VIz> Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
14:04:12 <bay|AX|VIz> and now i have a trailer for the latest part of the anime
14:04:15 <bay|AX|VIz> diamond is unbreakable
14:06:43 <bay|AX|VIz> and now we have more shonen jump goodness
14:07:10 <bay|AX|VIz> (Blue Exorcist creator events at con)
14:07:50 <bay|AX|VIz> and now the shonen jump ...announcement
14:07:53 <bay|AX|VIz> Boruto
14:08:40 <bay|AX|VIz> and now another title i think some of you are fans of
14:08:47 <bay|AX|VIz> Tokyo Ghoul [Jack]
14:08:52 <bay|AX|VIz> spin off of the original manga
14:08:58 <bay|AX|VIz> drawn by the mangaka of the original series
14:09:02 <bay|AX|VIz> read it on shonenjump.com
14:09:20 <bay|AX|VIz> and here's a few more of the free manga titles we have on shonen jump
14:09:38 <bay|AX|VIz> some of the newer stuff...
14:10:53 <bay|AX|VIz> (Showing off stuff you get fo signing up for shonen jump at the con)
14:11:41 <bay|AX|VIz> (More at con events for Shonen Jump)
14:12:29 <bay|AX|VIz> And now... a very special announcement
14:12:37 <bay|AX|VIz> Going to give you a couple clues...
14:12:39 <bay|AX|VIz> It's anime related...
14:12:47 <bay|AX|VIz> And here's your other hint...
14:13:01 <bay|AX|VIz> One Punch Man
14:13:43 <bay|AX|VIz> English Cast
14:14:42 <bay|AX|VIz> Mumen Rider
14:14:44 <bay|AX|VIz> Robbie Daymond
14:14:51 <bay|AX|VIz> (they are having them come up to the stage)
14:15:11 <bay|AX|VIz> Speed O'Sound Sonic
14:15:20 <bay|AX|VIz> Erik Scott Kimerer
14:15:41 <bay|AX|VIz> Genos
14:15:54 <bay|AX|VIz> Zach Aguilar
14:16:25 <bay|AX|VIz> Saitama
14:16:41 <bay|AX|VIz> Max Mittelman
14:17:23 <bay|AX|VIz> (Events with the dub cast)
14:18:25 <bay|AX|VIz> (And One Punch Man related con events)
14:18:39 <bay|AX|VIz> (Trivia again)
14:26:14 <bay|AX|VIz> (Done with trivia..and quick comments from the cast...)
14:26:34 <bay|AX|VIz> That concludes announcements for the panel
14:26:40 <bay|AX|VIz> We have a few minutes for Q&A
14:27:20 <bay|AX|VIz> Q: Will there ever be new Bleach episodes? A: No new episodes announced at this time.
14:28:39 <bay|AX|VIz> (Incomprehensible question... Question about if a DB Super anime exists...)
14:29:43 <bay|AX|VIz> (Hiring question... And they completely answered a different question because they couldn't hear)
14:29:47 <bay|AX|VIz> Times up