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21:08:32 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> test
21:10:30 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Hello and welcome to the mangagamer anime expo 2015 panel
21:10:39 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> there are people still streaming in, so let's hope nobody misses to much
21:10:54 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> tonight's safety word will be scalia... apple sauce will also do
21:10:58 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we have a long list of things to do
21:11:13 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're going to go through this quickly
21:11:19 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> let's start with introduction
21:11:21 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> for those who don't know
21:11:25 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> We are manga gamer
21:11:29 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we'll start with Koji
21:11:41 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> he's the person who helps us get all the licenses in japan
21:11:47 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> so give him a round of applause
21:13:20 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> so for those of you who don't know, i'm john, or on the internet, koryuu, one of the translators, currently working on dc 3
21:12:07 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and next to me here is goodharu
21:12:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> i translate and also do pr and marketing stuff
21:12:24 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> hi
21:12:31 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> i'm tim, most of you know me from hen da ne, i sell you dojinshi
21:12:39 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> so you are all horrible perverts
21:12:47 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> i'm paul, i'm a translator for mangagamer
21:13:11 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and my name is also paul, i will ... yeah.. i work as an editor, i did testing in a past
21:13:26 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> 2015 Harcopies
21:13:30 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Valkyrie Svia
21:13:32 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Imouto Paradise
21:13:40 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Armored Warrior Iris
21:13:45 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Bukkake Ranch
21:13:48 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> No, Thank You!!!
21:14:08 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> catchup for those who weren't aware
21:14:09 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> on steam
21:14:16 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> this year has been big for us there
21:14:22 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we got through with go go nipon
21:14:33 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> degenki stryker, eden, , higrashi
21:14:36 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> 3rd party titles
21:14:39 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> to start off tonight
21:14:51 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we want to start talking about 3rd party titles, the oel titles we're working with
21:18:24 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> -Radiant period- In the City of Alabast The Menagerie (EL soft(?))
21:17:42 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Sumer 2015
21:18:26 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Sept 18th
21:18:36 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Nukige titles
21:22:16 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Free Friends
21:22:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Noesis
21:22:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Sister brand of innocent grey, was just released this month
21:22:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Free Friends 2
21:22:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> translation is mostly complete, editing is mostly done, moving into beta testing hopefully by the end of the quarter, maybe by winter
21:22:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Sweet Sweat in Summer - The Naughty Girl and Her Ripe Scent-
21:22:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Slated for July, coming out soon
21:22:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Kuroinu
21:22:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Chapter 1
21:22:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> We're splitting it up into 3 chapters for the release
21:22:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Story Titles
21:22:25 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Supibara
21:22:39 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> This is the ongoing fundraiser we're doing with the sales of eden and ef
21:22:50 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> As you can tell, 96,350.79
21:22:56 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> our current fundraiser
21:23:19 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Myth
21:23:23 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Coming out on steam as well
21:23:26 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Circletempo
21:23:41 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> the musician worked on umineko
21:24:27 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Ozmafia
21:24:36 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> one of our annoucnements for last year
21:24:40 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> translation is close to 50% now
21:24:43 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> it's our first otome game
21:24:52 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> should be on steam near end of the year or early next year
21:25:06 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Bokuten - Why I became an Angel-
21:25:10 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> next title from overdrive
21:26:24 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> 3rd game in the rock and roll visual novel series
21:26:33 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> if you are fans of kira kira or dear drops, look fgorward to this
21:26:40 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Kara no Shojo II
21:26:53 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Hopefully will be able to get it out by fall
21:26:57 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> sequel to Kara no Shojo
21:27:16 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning
21:27:24 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> translation just finished
21:27:26 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> editing is underway
21:27:37 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> hopefully we'll be able to get it out end of year-ish? not sure... no promises there
21:27:50 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> euphoria
21:28:00 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> so this is euphoria.. have you seen the ovas?
21:28:07 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> they are not really indicative of what the game is like
21:28:47 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> the ovas are really tame compared to the game
21:29:11 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> i've been doing this stuff for a long time, i thought i was prepared for everything... my body was not ready for this...
21:29:36 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> the most extreme artists got nothing on this
21:30:59 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> as far as release details... the demo is almost done... it should be ready soon
21:31:06 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and editing and translation is finished.. so hopefully very soon
21:31:15 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're hoping to have this out by fall, the winter at latest
21:31:28 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're waiting to the reactions to this
21:31:41 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> The House in Fata Morgana
21:31:52 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> one of the announcements from otakon last year.. a little over 60% translated
21:32:09 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> D.C. III R
21:32:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we announced it at AX or Otakon... 2 years ago?
21:32:34 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> it's a really fun game for those who have played da capo 1 or 2
21:32:37 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> it closes the loop
21:33:16 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> it's really really long.. it's about a million words.. it's about the same length as lord of the rings and a sword of fire and ice
21:33:24 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Announcements
21:33:28 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> before we get into new announcements
21:33:30 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> who here likes yuri?
21:33:38 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're proud to present
21:34:02 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How we Met (Sono Hanabira)
21:34:20 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> this series is a must follow for all fans of yuri
21:37:08 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> this announcement is special as it hasn't even been announced in japan yet
21:36:12 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're proud to present with cooperation from Frontwing
21:36:04 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> hi*ma*wa*ri
21:37:26 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> (op by euphonius)
21:37:43 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> blank-note/ frontwing/prototype
21:38:31 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> himawari - pebble in the sky
21:38:05 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> this version is a complete visual remake of the hard scifi romance originally created by blank-note
21:39:43 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> (this new version paints the classic with new colors by a frontwing artist ... and script touchups)
21:39:52 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> (couldn't get the jp names of the staff doing that)
21:40:02 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and now to help us introduce our next new announcement, we have a special guest with us tonight
21:40:03 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Ryukishi
21:40:32 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Hello everyone, I'm Ryukishi07
21:40:57 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> So.. our next title...
21:41:12 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Umineko When they Cry
21:41:32 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Mangagamer will be publishing the english version through the site with a new feature
21:41:35 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> updated english translation
21:41:55 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> completely uncut
21:41:38 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> new character art
21:42:54 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> So one of the main features of the new uminkeo is that it's based of the witchhunt(?) and sonozaki futago(?) version, we'll be using their translation but it'll be reedited and proofed
21:44:40 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> So it will be uncut, it will contain the original bgm and the character art, but on top of that, there will be a new version, like the higurashi re-release
21:45:33 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and it'll look like this (picture of updated visuals put on screen)
21:44:17 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and so we can introduce umineko to a new audience
21:45:12 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> (introducing the story, asking people not to spoil if they know )
21:50:28 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and that was the premise of the story, and in japan, the game was released in 8 chapters, but in japan, 90% of the people who play the game gave up on the second chapter because it was difficult, so give it your all
21:50:40 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and for our next announcement
21:50:44 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're proud to announce this one
21:50:48 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> because people told us it couldn't be done
21:50:51 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> they said it was impossoble
21:51:47 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> but today we're proud to announce our partnership with Alicesoft
21:51:18 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> So the first title we'll be releasing
21:51:23 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Beat Blades Haruka
21:54:06 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> So for those who are familar with H-Ova, this is the spiritual successor to beat blades takamaru(?)
21:54:37 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> like all alicesoft games, it's an RPG with a lot of game play to it
21:54:46 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> you have a 99 day timelimit to beat the ninjas
21:55:06 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> (each day is separated into 3 phrases, in the first two, you power up your characters... in the 3rd you attack the enemy)
21:56:07 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and of course like in other alicesoft titles, if you lose to the enemy, they have their way with the character
21:55:57 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> 80 different hscenes, each with multiple different versions, different variations
21:56:16 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and that brings us to Q&A
21:56:25 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we only have 4 minutes...
21:56:41 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: Negotiations to bring Rance over?
21:57:08 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: As you may know, that's Alicesoft's most famous game, so of course that's what we wanted to do, but to test the waters of the english market, they do haruka first, and we thought it would be an interest title
21:57:15 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> so buy lots of haruka, and we'll bring you rance
21:57:48 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q:Will the Umineko release also have the 1080p release like the PS3 version or just the sprites?
21:58:03 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: We are planning to expand the backgrounds like with Higurashi, and expand the text
21:58:32 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: Would it be too far fetched to get the Umineko fighting game down the line?
21:58:46 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: It may happen if a lot of people buy the Umineko release
21:58:57 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: Do you plan on localizing more yuri titles?
21:58:58 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: Yes
21:59:33 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: Who do you think is cuter, Rika or Maria?
21:59:43 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: If I don't answer carefully, I might get killed
21:59:56 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: Would you think of bringing Higabana(?)
22:00:14 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: It'd be great if Higabana would be released in English, that's all I can say rightnow
22:00:35 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: What did you think of the PS3 sprites for Umineko? Any English release for Rose Gun Days?
22:00:57 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: The Umineko PS3 sprites were really great
22:01:12 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> And it would be great if Rose Gun Days made it to the English market
22:01:42 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> Q: Any plans for doing CG scenes for future releases of Higurashi?
22:01:50 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> A: No plans to add additional CG to Higurashi
22:01:55 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> we're basing it off the original release
22:02:14 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> And that concludes our panel for AX2015
22:02:26 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> if you have more questions, come down to the booth, and remember if you buy EF hard copy, that supports supibara, please come buy EF
22:02:31 <bay|AX|MangaGamer> and don't forget, ryukishi's panel is tomorrow