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19:02:12 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (Flyer for Clannad says coming to Steam Nov 2015)
19:06:14 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> All right guys and gals
19:06:21 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this is the sekai project anime expo 2015 industry panel
19:06:25 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> all right yal
19:06:44 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're going to go through this, we're going to introduce ourselves, we have annoucnements, have hasekura sensei, and then another guests
19:06:55 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> my name is Evan Mapo
19:06:59 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> business development
19:07:01 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and Chris Lin
19:07:07 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> vp of sekai project
19:07:14 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> also i'm in charge of a lot of the licensing work in japan
19:07:15 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> who we are...
19:07:42 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're a bunch of fans who fully incorporated as a company in 2013 who are comitted to bring the media you love from asia to the west
19:07:52 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Announcements
19:09:54 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> AKABEi SOFT2...
19:08:27 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> the devil on G-string
19:09:57 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> coming out this summer
19:10:24 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this is coming out really soon
19:10:30 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we'll have more information at otakon
19:10:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Love in Space
19:12:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Sunrider Liberation Day
19:12:47 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> loveinspace.moe
19:12:57 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> twitter.com/love_in_space
19:13:02 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> patreon.com/loveinspace
19:13:28 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> ChronoClock (Purple software)
19:15:42 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (the slideshow keps spoiling the next thing)
19:15:47 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> this will be coming out somewhat soonish
19:16:27 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> more information as time goes on
19:16:48 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> World End Economica Episode 2
19:16:37 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> currently in production
19:16:38 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> releasing this month
19:18:58 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Root Double
19:19:01 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Before Crime After Days
19:20:25 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> By Yeti/Regista
19:20:36 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> in collaboration with Lemnisca Translations
19:20:38 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> more information soon
19:20:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> should have more information by otakon
19:21:11 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (mystery video)
19:21:37 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're working with the original creator of the Narcsissu project for a new project
19:22:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we're announcing Narcissu 3 (?) (the video wasn't clear if it was 3 or if it was something combined)
19:22:07 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we'll have more information as it goes on
19:22:52 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Please welcome Isuna Hasekura
19:24:00 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (Due to the no recording rule, this part will be left out )
19:41:45 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Another special guest
19:41:51 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> the crew from Degica and the muvluv team
19:42:18 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Hi
19:42:23 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Big thanks from sekai project for having us here
19:42:42 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> My name is mitchell, i work for a company called degica... (missed the other name, one from age, one from ixtl)
19:42:46 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> We're here to talk about MuvLuv
19:43:02 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> We got an exciting announcement for you guys
19:43:15 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> We have words from Koki Yoshimune
19:48:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Kickstarter launching late August/Early september
19:48:27 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> wil get an official english translation and release
19:48:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> more info at muvluv.degica.com
19:48:38 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> @muvluvseries
19:49:02 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Thank you
19:49:24 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> But guys, thank you for showing up, and more importantly supporting us, we couldn't do this without you
19:49:36 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> This basically concludes the panel
19:49:48 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if you guys have questions, you can meet us at booth 1722 tomorrow
19:49:58 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we have 10 min... 10 min of q&a for anyone who has questions they dare to ask
19:50:26 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: For G-string, will you replicate the first press edition?
19:50:42 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: As much as we can, we'll try, we'll talk with the creators about it... we can't say it will happen, but we'll try
19:51:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Kaede(?) on osX?
19:51:38 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: As much as we want to try as many platforms as possible, we cannot answer that right now
19:52:04 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: If clannad is as successful as it seems it will be, will you do other key projects?
19:52:19 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: So right now, the situation really relies on Clannad
19:52:22 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we haven't even released the game yet
19:52:24 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> once the game comes out
19:52:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> and if the fans really want it
19:52:35 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we can make it happen
19:52:45 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if it succeeds, we'll see more after that
19:52:50 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Extended edition for Root Double?
19:52:54 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: I can't promise that
19:53:01 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> We might announce that at otakon
19:53:42 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: (question about sony and consoles)
19:53:55 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: It's more difficult for us, as publishers, we're quite well know at this point on steam and pc
19:54:05 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> but considering we've never had a console version before, there are more hoops
19:54:23 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> when you do a console, the console maker's logo is on it, so they are concerned too
19:54:27 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> so there are more hoops to go through
19:54:58 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: What's the difficult for when you guys choose a project to work on?
19:55:25 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: As someone who handles licensing work with japanese companies and doujin circles, a lot of it comes from feedback from you guys out there
19:55:32 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we rely a lot on feedback from customers and fanbase
19:55:39 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we see what they are talking about and we explore possibilities from there
19:55:54 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if you are looking for specific titles that you want, hit us up on facebook and twitter
19:56:24 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Was WEE, did you randomly run into that project or did fans ask you?
19:56:45 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: For some titles, if there is a lot of fan push, we'll get it... but as we said earlier, we're fans too.. so these are titles we enjoy too
19:56:54 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if it's a title we enjoy, we'll go for it
19:57:15 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> if it's a title you guys enjoy, we'll go for it
19:57:28 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> (he then quotes hasekura)
19:57:34 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: How has digital release affected your company?
19:57:55 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: Digital release titles are fun... but as to how it has affected our company... i think you know one of our first things released was the headphones book
19:58:03 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> which is a phsycail title, and then we went into games from there
19:58:11 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> how it's affected us, it's affected us really good
19:58:28 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> as an example, our first visit to sakuracon, we had 5 people attend the panel... and they were friends of the company
19:58:37 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> as you can see how it's changed, it's changed dramatically
19:59:15 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> have we abandoned physical releases? no (lost)
19:59:11 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> but going fully digital, going on steam, it's affected the market greatly, it's affected us greatly, and hopefully it will affect us in positive ways
19:59:30 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> we will do what we can to still offer physical releases to you guys
20:03:27 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Q: Working with Love in Space, what is the time frame or how large a project it will be?
20:03:29 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> A: Hoping before end of year
20:03:31 <bay|AX|SekaiProject> Thank you for dropping by and thankyo for asking questions