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10:58:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> test
11:08:43 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> test2
11:10:48 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> We're going to get started though people are still coming in
11:10:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> My name is Tiffany Chen, I'm the head of the brand management team at crunchyroll
11:11:16 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> I'm Miles Thomas, I'm one of the Brand Managers on Tiffany's team
11:11:38 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> What is Crunchyroll?
11:11:55 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (intro)
11:12:11 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> So Crunchyroll is a global service, we're in more countries than the UN recognizes
11:12:50 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> And a lot of people don't realize we stream elsewhere, but we're in latam, europe and other places beside america
11:13:05 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> And here is a video to introduce the people behind Crunchyroll
11:15:45 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> We are trying to make sure there is as little between the content and you as possible
11:16:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (Going over the premium details)
11:17:49 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> And all premium members get access to manga and drama as February of this year...
11:18:02 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> And one of the beta features that premium plus members get access to is the simulcast calendar
11:18:27 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (Demonstration)
11:19:14 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> All right
11:19:18 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> What you've been waiting for
11:19:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Summer 2015
11:19:34 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> First off, all the continuing titles from last season
11:19:36 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> 18 so far
11:20:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> And of course, we've been announcing a bunch so far
11:21:03 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> New Catalog Titles
11:21:10 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Yu-Gi-Oh GX Subtitled
11:21:12 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Starting August 1st
11:21:21 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Anohana coming back
11:21:40 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Wagnaria!! Season 1 coming back
11:21:53 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> that warps it up for catalog
11:22:00 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and we have a bunch of new ones to announce
11:22:02 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Million Doll
11:22:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Symphogear GX
11:23:36 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> The Perfect Insider
11:23:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (Subete ga F ni Naru)
11:25:39 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> October
11:25:41 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Teekyu 5
11:25:43 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Monday july 5th @ 10:30am
11:25:54 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Next up... another sequel
11:25:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Non Non Biyori Repeat
11:26:02 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Monday July 6th @ 12pm
11:26:40 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Gatchaman Crowds insight
11:26:45 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Saturday July 4th @ 12pm
11:27:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> To Love Ru Darkness 2
11:27:30 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Wed July 8th @ 1pm
11:28:03 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Monster Musume - Everyday Life with Monster Girls
11:28:11 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Tuesday July 7th @ 9:30am
11:29:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> That's it for new announcements
11:29:50 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we're proud to show more features on the site
11:29:51 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> like manga
11:29:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we got some huge announcements for tomorrow
11:30:08 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Crunchyroll manga has over 50 titles
11:30:34 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> As premium members, you get access to the titles the same day as Japan
11:31:26 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (Going over AX panels)
11:31:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Crunchyroll store
11:32:27 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> The store also has daily deals
11:32:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Next.. Crunchyroll Collabs
11:33:03 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we've been doing work with artists in Japan
11:33:09 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> one of which is Hypersonic Music Club
11:33:25 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> it's an original collaboration with Hiroyuki Takahashi...
11:34:07 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Park Harajuku Crisis Team
11:34:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> collaboration with Park
11:34:42 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> next up, we've been doing a monthly collaboration, crunchyroll hime is the mascot... and these artists have been doing illustrations with her
11:34:50 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Social Media
11:35:01 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we're on all the major platforms
11:35:24 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> twitter, facebook, instragram, mii verse
11:36:23 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Crunchyroll gaming....
11:36:28 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> who watched the live stream we did recently?
11:36:57 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> we have a dedicated facebook page for our gaming community
11:37:21 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> facebook.com/crunchyrollgaming
11:37:32 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> one last video which sums up everything better than i can say it...
11:38:33 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so we tried to have as short of a panel as possible
11:38:38 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so we can answer as many questions
11:38:41 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> but first stuff to give away
11:42:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q&A
11:43:17 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q: One of the things i've been noicing is that the video streaming is getting a lot more competitive, daisuki is stepping up their game, funimation is doing simul dubs, and just announced they are on a committe, and netflix is entering japan at the end of th eyear
11:43:24 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> so what is crunchyroll going to do
11:43:48 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> A: We have stuff coming up, we just can't say it
11:44:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> You'll see them as they come up
11:44:30 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> You can see some of the stuff as collaborations
11:44:37 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and new dev developments
11:44:44 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> and stay tuned for our announcements
11:46:51 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q: Hyped for Monster Girl... if you were to be swooped up by the girls, which would it be?
11:47:02 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> A; (Miles... only read first volume... Snake Girl)
11:48:19 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q: Will you guys be streaming Junjo Romantica 3?
11:48:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> A: As far as I know, we don't have plans to stream it... but that doesn't mean it won't show up in the future
11:49:26 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q: About the apps, do you plan to make one for Vizio
11:49:43 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> A: I don't think we do at the moment (lost rest)
11:50:26 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q: About manga, it's a super niche market, but it's relaly hard to get ebook manga in Japanese outside of japan since they require a japanese billing address
11:50:34 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Is there any chance to see untranslated manga?
11:50:39 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> A: We get that question a lot...
11:50:49 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> It is a licensing issue, because Japan already has their own services and their own markets
11:50:59 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> It's their domain
11:51:04 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> So it's pretty difficult to get raw manga
11:51:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> I do know a few publishers do have it online
11:51:57 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> (Back to raffle)
11:53:47 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Thank you all so much... are there any other questions?
11:54:07 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Q: I know a lot of people stream anime without subscriptions... what are the advantages of paying for subscriptions?
11:54:15 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> A: Supporting the industry, no ads, hd
11:55:22 <bay|AX|Crunchyroll> Thank you all for coming