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20:11:44 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (Still waiting to go in)
20:17:35 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (Letting people in)
20:19:36 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (Room is one of the smallest ones and should fill quickly)
20:23:27 <bay|AX|NISAnime> This is the NISA anime panel
20:23:30 <bay|AX|NISAnime> what's in store for next year
20:23:42 <bay|AX|NISAnime> Before we get into the anime
20:23:50 <bay|AX|NISAnime> i'd like to let you know there are lots of way to keep in touch with us
20:23:54 <bay|AX|NISAnime> our oldest is the prinny bomb
20:24:04 <bay|AX|NISAnime> it'll be delivered at least once a week which keeps you updated
20:24:16 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and we have accounts on facebook and twitter
20:24:44 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and last but not least, this is anime expo, we have a booth down in the hall
20:25:18 <bay|AX|NISAnime> most of what we are showing you tonight are available there
20:26:38 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (The Pilot's Love Song trailer)
20:26:45 <bay|AX|NISAnime> Coming September 22nd
20:27:21 <bay|AX|NISAnime> for those who are fans of princess and the pilot, this is created by the same people
20:27:52 <bay|AX|NISAnime> we have a special premium edition
20:28:56 <bay|AX|NISAnime> that was our new reveal announce title
20:29:07 <bay|AX|NISAnime> now we'll show you some titles we've previously announced
20:30:02 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura trailer)
20:31:45 <bay|AX|NISAnime> that will be available August 4th
20:31:55 <bay|AX|NISAnime> we have a premium edition available for pre-order
20:33:31 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (A Lull in the Sea Trailer)
20:35:09 <bay|AX|NISAnime> you probably noticed.. this is a super special title for us, this is the 2nd title we've dubbed..
20:35:23 <bay|AX|NISAnime> both dub and sub available on the disc
20:35:48 <bay|AX|NISAnime> so also, we have two special guests who came to AX this year, the director and producer from a lull in the sea
20:37:44 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (My Little Monster trailer)
20:39:16 <bay|AX|NISAnime> so that's My Little Monster, also known as tonari no kaibutsu kun
20:39:43 <bay|AX|NISAnime> we have the limited edition available now
20:39:47 <bay|AX|NISAnime> it got released on jun 30th
20:40:03 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and we'll go on to the next one
20:40:07 <bay|AX|NISAnime> who here is a love live fan?
20:40:21 <bay|AX|NISAnime> first, we'll refresh your memory about season 1
20:41:05 <bay|AX|NISAnime> (trailer for s1)
20:42:30 <bay|AX|NISAnime> we previously released the first season of the series
20:42:39 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and we're proud to release the 2nd season
20:42:44 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and we'll be doing the english dub for the series
20:43:00 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and we're currently selling the last chance to produce the premium edition of the japanese audio track of the first seaon
20:43:30 <bay|AX|NISAnime> the first season will be available with english dub as a standard edition only, but the second season will be both
20:43:40 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and this fall, we're also helping to screen the love live movie
20:43:44 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and we have the trailer for you as well
20:45:29 <bay|AX|NISAnime> September 12th
20:45:33 <bay|AX|NISAnime> coming to select theaters
20:45:59 <bay|AX|NISAnime> we will be hosting a limited screening for the movie across america in the following series up here
20:46:05 <bay|AX|NISAnime> they wll start september 12th
20:46:20 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and people who go see the movie will received shikishi identical to the ones in japan
20:46:26 <bay|AX|NISAnime> they will be distributed at random
20:46:38 <bay|AX|NISAnime> while supplies last
20:47:02 <bay|AX|NISAnime> we are also having an LA premiere on september 11th
20:47:40 <bay|AX|NISAnime> will have special movie merchandise that is exclusive to our release there
20:48:08 <bay|AX|NISAnime> at the booth, in addition to the big box set, we brought over some of the singles, we brought over the blurays, and we brought some of the normal albums as well
20:48:25 <bay|AX|NISAnime> as a reminder, sign up for our prinny bomb for the latest news
20:48:42 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and follow us on facebook and twitter
20:48:44 <bay|AX|NISAnime> and thank you for coming
20:49:06 <bay|AX|NISAnime> if you are fans of nyarko, yuruyuri, or wganria, we have standard editions too
20:49:07 <bay|AX|NISAnime> thank you