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15:16:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> test
15:29:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> (a 2 hour panel in the biggest room with nothing before it starting on time? nope)
15:29:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> (though one would guess the 2 hours contained buffer just for this)
15:35:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> (people are still coming into the room)
15:42:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Screen finally comes up)
15:43:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> (people are still coming in)
15:48:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> Hey guys
15:48:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> Welcome to the FUNimation Industry panel here at anime expo 2015
15:48:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> how you guys doing
15:48:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> Thank you guys so much for coming out
15:49:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> Justin Rojan, Social Strategy and Development
15:49:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> Lauren Moore, Social Media Coordinator
15:49:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> hosts of the dubbletalk show
15:49:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> so what we're going to do today is go through the latest and newest...
15:49:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> and some stuf from the future
15:50:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> (the room is over 2/3rds full in the main events hall)
15:50:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> Social Media
15:51:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're on facebook, we're on twitter, we're on pintrest, instagram, tumblr, we're on youtube...
15:50:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> we just recently hit 1 mil on youtube
15:50:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> and they sent us a youtube button
15:51:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have more stuff on fuimation.com
15:51:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> we recently did a new layout for the launch page
15:51:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> it does a more funalized...is that a word? more funalied way of going to the website
15:51:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can stream, shop and discover
15:52:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> and all things we are talking about today will be posted to our blog
15:52:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> funimation.com/blog
15:52:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> we also have the shop on funimation
15:52:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> we recently launched this
15:52:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> now that we sell direct, we can do real special things
15:52:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> since our teams have their own ship, the teams are able to be creative and come up with exclusives
15:53:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> like the boobies edition boxset for Space Dandy
15:53:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got a lot more exclusives coming to you
15:53:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> and then merchandise...
15:53:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got tshirts...
15:53:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we also have cool deals.. we have deals of the week
15:53:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> every week we take 4 titles and slash the price
15:53:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> we also stream lots and lots of things on our website
15:53:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> who likes to stream anime?
15:54:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's the future now, you can get so much anime now
15:54:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can get almost over 200,000 minutes of anime episodes and movies
15:54:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> how many episodes is that? it's over 9000
15:54:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> so all this stuff is streaming on the site
15:55:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have the subpass and the all access pass
15:55:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> we used to have one tier, and then we broke it into two tiers...
15:56:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're doing some new stuff with the all access pass
15:57:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> we hvae other ways to watch
15:57:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> android, apple, kindle, (lost)
15:57:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we just launched the ps4 app
15:58:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> xbox one app is in progress
15:58:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> and will be coming out soon
15:58:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> so you can watch tons of anime
15:58:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> including our largest simulcast lineup of all time
15:58:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have 20 shows
15:58:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> one piece, fairy tail, ninja slayer, ultime otaku teacher, castle town dandelion, heroic tale of arslan
15:58:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> snow white with the red hair
15:59:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> ranpo kitan
15:59:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> gansta
15:59:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> shimoneta, that's the first half
15:59:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> and
15:59:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> seiyu's life
15:59:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> bikini warriors
15:59:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> prison school
15:59:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> hetalia: the world twinkle
15:59:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> aquarion lgoos
15:59:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> sky wizar'ds academy
15:59:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> junjo romantica 3
15:59:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> overlord
15:59:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> junjo.. that's something new for us...
16:00:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> (and two tba boxes)
16:00:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> who doesn't know what a simulcast is?
16:00:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> our next show that we're announcing today is chaos dragon
16:01:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got a great pedigree on this
16:01:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> psychopass, baccano...
16:01:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's based on a table top roleplaying game
16:01:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we got one more..
16:01:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> Venus Project Climax
16:01:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> this show is a blend of animation and live action
16:01:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> so this is a different show than what we normally have
16:01:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> last season we had a live action
16:02:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> this show mixes it
16:02:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> this follows the japanese idol thing
16:02:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> the anime portion is an idol battle to become the new idol princess
16:02:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> and the live action portion which is a variety show
16:02:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> so keep an eye out cause we'll likely have a preview
16:02:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> and that is a lot of anime
16:02:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> that's 20 shows
16:02:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> biggest ever
16:02:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> give it up
16:02:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> 20 new anime in one season
16:03:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> thanks production team on the backend for doing all those shows
16:03:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> so in addition to the simulcast, we started an initiative for broadcast dubs
16:03:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> broadacst dubs - use broadcast materials, stream to fans faster than ever
16:04:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> home video releases - bluray/dvd relases will use the home video materials, audio/video may vary from broadcast dub
16:04:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> 4-6 weeks after it airs in japan, you get an english dub
16:04:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> last season, we broadcast dubbed 10 shows
16:05:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are continuing 3 of our broadcast dubs
16:05:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are continugin ultimate otaku teacher, arslan and ninja slayer
16:05:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> which means for the new season, we'll have new dubs coming up
16:05:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> we'll be announcing those very very soon
16:06:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> so also part of our broadcast dub initiatlve, we have have a primetime block called dubbletalk
16:06:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> so we wanted to og back to the idea of an anime prime timeblock
16:06:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> so we took the top 3 shows, and we aired them 3 of them back to back to back, and then we do a live show right after
16:06:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> where we recap
16:07:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> which is a way to interact with you fans
16:07:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> twitch has been featuring us and has been a great partner
16:07:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> you guys are the part because it's for you guys and about your interaction
16:07:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we give away things
16:07:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> so actually, here's a promo video from the first season in the winter
16:09:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> the current season is assasination classroom, seraph of the end, and blood blockade battlefront
16:10:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> (another promo vid)
16:10:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> video on demand...
16:11:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can watch anime pretty much everywhere else as well
16:11:16 <bay|AX|FUNi> netflix...who doesn't have netflix?
16:11:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> on hulu, on google play, on itunes
16:11:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> on xbox, on playstation.. pretty much everywhere you can get digital content
16:12:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> but still... on funimation.com, that's where you get the most amount of anime
16:12:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> so you can also watch anime on toonami
16:12:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> Attack on Titan, Dragonball Z Kai, One PIece, Space Dandy, Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Black Lagoon, Deadman Wonderland
16:13:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> and recently announced
16:13:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> Michiko and Hatchin
16:13:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> so not only do we have TV and internet
16:13:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> but we have stuff going on right here
16:14:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> does anyone collect pins?
16:14:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> we rolled out these brand new pins that you can get at our booth
16:15:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you buy $75 or more, you get one pin, .. two for $125, 3 for $200
16:15:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> these are designed by our graphic designers in house
16:15:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> free, tokyo ghoul, black butler, psychopass, full metal alchemist
16:15:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> and more
16:15:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> Home Video
16:15:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's talk about these now
16:18:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's start with Dragonball Z Battle of Gods
16:16:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the extended edition, which is 20 min longer than the theatrical release
16:18:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's start here with the trailer for Battle of Gods extended edition
16:19:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> Hyperdimension Neptunia
16:20:16 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
16:21:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> Fairy Tail Collection 4
16:22:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the equiv of parts 7 and 8
16:22:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the most recent collection.. released a month and a half ago
16:22:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> we got that at the booth as well as part 15... i think that's the latest one we released
16:23:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> D-Frag!
16:25:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
16:26:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> If you pay attention to the music in our trailers, we have an inhouse music team who makes these
16:27:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> And props to our promotional trailers team for making our lives easier by making entertaining trailers
16:27:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> next up...
16:27:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> Nobunagun
16:29:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
16:29:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> jsut recently released
16:29:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> Wanna Be the Strongest in the World
16:29:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> this one...we're not going to show the trailer right now
16:30:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> so one of the reasons we're not going to play the trailer now is it's a little risque
16:30:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> the audio itself is the most risque part
16:30:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> but you can watch it tonight
16:30:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> at the FUNImation peepshow panel
16:30:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're not hosting it, but some people who look like us are hosting it
16:30:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's go to the opposite end of the spectrum
16:30:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> Ping Pong
16:32:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
16:34:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> next up...
16:34:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> Blazblue Alter Memory
16:35:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
16:36:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> One Piece
16:36:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> season 7, voyage 1
16:36:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is like ep 385-396
16:37:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> before we show the trailer... we have the cast for the new crew who is joining season 7 of one peice
16:37:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> Trafalgar Law - Matthew Mercer
16:37:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> Eustass Kid - Justin Cook
16:38:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> (couldn't copy it quickly)
16:39:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> .hack//GU Trilogy
16:39:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> available early at the booth
16:40:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> we released quantum, sign, roots, (missed one?)
16:40:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer)
16:41:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> Soul Eater Not!
16:42:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> comes out july 21st
16:42:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> available early at the booth
16:44:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> Noragami
16:45:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> with the premium edition for noragami, it comes with yato's business card holder, and a yen coin
16:46:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> show's really popular, and we have it at the booth early
16:46:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
16:47:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> so that's kinda the end of home video releases
16:48:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> we also want to let you guys know about the peep show... this panel that is hosted by other people, not us, other people, not us
16:48:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> this panel is 18+
16:48:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> (trailer for Senran Kagura)
16:50:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> so you are going to see ore of that and a lot of other stuff
16:50:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> we do encourage audition participation on the panel
16:50:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you plan o going, you might want to make a twitter alias
16:50:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> so now.. news and anouncements
16:54:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection "F"
16:51:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> English dub coming to theaters august 4th-12th
16:51:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> tickets available for preorder on dragonballz.com
16:51:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> remember the more epic trailer i mentioned? here it is
16:55:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> and you need to preorder those tickets
16:56:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> and another thing we recently talked about
16:56:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> Attack on Titan Live Action movie
16:56:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> there will be a theatrical release this fall
16:56:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're bringing this to theaters this fall
16:56:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> it will be subtitled
16:57:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> so what we have here, is we worked with our partners at madman in australia
16:57:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> and they provided us the english subbed version of trailer 2
16:57:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Trailer)
16:59:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> so keep an eye out cause we will have more announcements soon for this
16:59:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we have another announcement here
16:59:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> who is going to SDCC?
17:00:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> SDCC Exclusive Goods...
17:00:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> and next...
17:00:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> we talked about exclusives, so this is exciting
17:01:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> Fullmetal Alchemist
17:01:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> Collector's Edition Complete Series
17:01:16 <bay|AX|FUNi> on bluray for the first time
17:01:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> available for pre-order
17:01:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> release date 9/15/15
17:01:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> here is what's inside
17:01:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> complete series eps 1-51 and extras
17:01:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> 300 page full color artbook with leather texture cover
17:01:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> alchemy book styled chipboard box with leather textucre and gold foil accents
17:02:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> 10 collectible art cards with textured envelope
17:02:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> 3 deluxe 8x10 textured art prints
17:02:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> suitcase packaging with leather texture
17:02:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is funimation.com exclusive collectors
17:02:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> at the end of this panel, we will have the trailer for this up on youtube for the first time
17:02:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> do you want more limited editions?
17:03:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> Free Eternal Summer "For the Future" edition
17:03:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> full color art book
17:03:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> seven glossy art cards
17:03:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> color sports towel
17:03:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> iwatobi and samezuka decals
17:03:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> collector's box
17:03:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> bluray and dvd combo 9/29/15
17:04:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> can preorder this now on funimation.com
17:04:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> English dub premiere of Free! Eternal Summer tomorrow..
17:04:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> and let's watch the trailer of Free eternal summer
17:07:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we got one more special thing for you guys
17:07:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> not only is it a new announcements
17:07:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> but it's a historical thing
17:07:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're announcing a brand new show that is in the works
17:07:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> Dimension W
17:07:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> based on the hit manga Dimension W
17:07:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> FUNimation will be part of the commitee for the anime
17:08:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is new for us...
17:08:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> we don't have too much details...
17:08:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's still in the works
17:09:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is a world wide annoucnement
17:09:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> japan hasn't even heard this
17:09:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> this promo video is also a worldwide exclusive
17:10:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> director kanta kamei
17:10:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> tv anime coming soon
17:10:43 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Couldn't read the ending screen with the studio name)
17:11:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> that is the end of our panel here at AX
17:11:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are pretty much at time
17:11:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> thanks guys
17:11:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> end