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14:45:15 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Okay
14:45:27 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Welcome everyone to the AnimEigo panel
14:45:55 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> I'm going to do a very quick intro presentation and then i'll throw open the floor to questions
14:46:04 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> I'm here to learn from you
14:46:12 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Our current project is releasing Otaku no Video on bluray
14:46:25 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> we had a succesful kickstarer last month and we're already full on in production
14:46:45 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> we're doing it using a technique called crowd production where we invite backers to come work on the production
14:46:55 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> between them, 20 people have put in over 1000 hours of effort
14:47:34 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the quality of the master is excellent, it's almost too good that I think you can see fingerprints on some cells
14:47:49 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> and we've signifcantly expanded, once the crowd production team gets involved, the scope of the project
14:48:01 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> this time i was smart and knew this was going to happen and built some slack into the production schedule
14:48:13 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the reasons i do crowdfunded limited editions now
14:48:51 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the point of it is to get the people in japan used to it so we can do older stuff that i think is worth releasing
14:49:35 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> (he has slides about why crowdfunding, and what he's learned from bubblegum crisis)
14:50:01 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> you also learn that once you have a lot of inputs, that the voice of experince is often wrong
14:50:06 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> and you also get the freedom to do weird shit
14:51:36 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> interactions are very important part of the project
14:51:42 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the backers get to decide how much to be involved
14:52:03 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> whether to just put in money, or comment, or to actually make part of it
14:52:23 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Otaku no Vido Otaking Edition
14:52:36 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> we wanted 40k.. i knew if i got that, we could do the project and gainax would be happy
14:52:46 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> we got 100k, which meant i could do more, and gainax would be really happy
14:53:28 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> promised to deliver both eps in 1080p on a high-bitrate BD50 with english subtitles and 2 commentary tracks
14:53:32 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the JP release is a BD25
14:53:39 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> enhanced packaging and artbook for premium backers
14:53:44 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> a special patch...
14:53:50 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> here is the current working design for the patch
14:54:03 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> what we will deliver
14:54:09 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> extra English SDH subtitle track
14:54:27 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> we head from the backers to make a track for those hard of hearing
14:54:57 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> based o stretch goals... we have a commentary track with Gilles poitras w/ sdh subtitles
14:55:14 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> one of the backer team decided to transcribe it
14:55:25 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> new sonoda artwork and mini-doujinshi
14:55:36 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> 3 of the backers will be immortalized in the doujinshi
14:55:47 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> 40 mm minifigure and extra patch at the secret master of otakudom level
14:56:07 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> crowd production...
14:56:26 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> 20 people working on subtitle proof reading, graphic cleanup and curation, liner note research, and more
14:58:33 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Riding Bean High Octane Edition
14:57:36 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> probably our next project
14:57:52 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> several others under negotiations
14:58:11 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> a few contractual issues need to be resolved
14:58:22 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> kickstarter in fall hopefully
14:59:08 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> now... Q&A
14:59:14 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> let me explain how this works...
14:59:20 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> you ask questions, i try not to answer them
15:00:13 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: (license to AMG OVAs? couldn't really hear)
15:01:05 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Bluray of Urusei Yatsura?
15:01:11 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: First issue is if I can get the license
15:01:19 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> The more success we have with this releasing style, the more likely it is
15:02:31 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> The other problem with it is it's so big
15:02:35 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> So it'd be a huge project
15:04:22 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: What about Arcadia?
15:04:48 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Anything that's in our catalog, we'd love to release, but i'd like to get to a point where we're mixing titles that we haven't released that i really wanted to release
15:05:17 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> One title I really wanted was LOGH, which we hadn't done before
15:06:52 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> There are a number of titles where, I think if you gather the right audience, it will eventually be done
15:07:05 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> This is what I want to do to preserve and update older titles
15:07:20 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> I want to be able to find titles where the film is still in decent shape and do a 4k transfer
15:08:13 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: What would it take to include soundtrack CDs with the crowdfunded releases?
15:08:21 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: What it would take for music rights and music rights can be a nightmare
15:08:47 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> sometimes it's not even clear if the music rights that were originally attached to the project will even let you use them in the menu
15:09:16 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> there are cases where they can't find the original project, or the person who can answer the question, or the person who can license you the rights
15:09:22 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> it's so logistically difficult sometimes
15:09:26 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> especially for the older stuff
15:09:41 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> that it's not something that you want to... like bang for the buck in terms of time, it's just not there
15:09:48 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> if it's easy, i'd do it, because it'd be nice and cool
15:10:01 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> but it usually isn't
15:10:04 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> i will say that i always ask
15:10:32 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: So with crowdfunding with a medium now, might we see Wizardry the (??) edition?
15:10:59 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: I will make you this promise, when i go to japan in the fall, i'll try and track down the person with the rights... but you have to pledge at the 5k level
15:11:21 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: How about BAO then?
15:11:35 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Okay, BAO I'd do...
15:12:23 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> To explain, many many moons ago, I worked on a game called Wizardry, and they eventually made an anime based on it, which i had nothing to do with and didn't know until after it was made
15:12:50 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: (Couldn't hear)
15:13:44 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: (Wouldn't make sense without the question... basically that if the project was interesting, he'd try to make it happen)
15:16:56 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: (A question of doing larger series)
15:17:29 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: What I learned from BGC is, the scheduled slipped by 3 months... and if you put in your money, you should get something after a year...
15:17:54 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> For Otaku no Video, i'm trying to beat my deadline for it... if it goes late, it's because of the feature creep
15:18:11 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> So the big thing is, time...how quickly can we do things
15:19:05 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> I know small pipelines can do 4eps/month
15:19:12 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> with the people doing all of the work
15:20:46 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> for long series, it'd have to be made into smaller subprojects
15:22:44 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> One thing I want to mention, is that on these kickstarters, (censored)
15:23:10 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Full release of Yawara the Judo girl?
15:27:00 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: (talking about the SD eps on BD poll, missed rest)
15:29:29 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Trailer for the first episode for Otaku no Video?
15:29:36 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Yes, we have it and we have reconstructed it
15:31:06 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> The 1982 trailer was easy to replicate cause it contains no missing footage
15:31:14 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> There may have been one scene we had to tweak
15:32:06 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the 1985 have 3 or 4 sequences that don't appear in the video or only partially appear in the video, and we had to add frames, but it's unnoticable
15:32:33 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Gunsmith cats release?
15:32:39 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Can't talk about it, not sure about the license situation
15:35:09 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Since releasing UY is a huge project and not a consideration... they recently released the BDs of the movies in Japan all together
15:36:22 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: That's definitely do-able... that project is do-able in a something like a 1 year time
15:38:40 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: The UY Rumic World single eps
15:38:52 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Don't know the license situation there
15:40:31 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: (Klingon subtitle track question)
15:42:34 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: (For Riding Bean, the stretch goals aren't going to be defined, but the backers will have a list of them and their difficulty and they will use the popularity of the stretch goals to judge which ones to add)
15:43:13 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Orange Road LD sleeves?
15:43:17 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Absolutely no idea...
15:44:17 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Q: Discussion of license rescues of titles other companies held?
15:44:27 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> A: Yeah... Those are what I'd call the orphan titles
15:44:41 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the problem is that even when a company goes out of business, someone else still holds their stuff
15:45:03 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> the license may be stuck in a limbo where it hasn't reverted, and the people who have it, it might be costly to figure out who has it...
15:45:22 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> Okay, with that, I think we'll call it quits
15:45:28 <bay|Ota|Animeigo> I thank you for coming.