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12:28:56 <bay|AX|CRManga> test
12:30:40 <bay|AX|CRManga> So I think we're going to get started
12:30:52 <bay|AX|CRManga> All right, so this is the crunchyroll manga panel
12:31:43 <bay|AX|CRManga> My name is Danika Harrod
12:31:46 <bay|AX|CRManga> I'm the brand manager for Crunchyroll Manga
12:31:53 <bay|AX|CRManga> I joined the manga team in June of last year
12:32:56 <bay|AX|CRManga> My name is Evan Minto
12:33:03 <bay|AX|CRManga> I work as a software engineer
12:33:09 <bay|AX|CRManga> I'm a meme on the internet
12:34:00 <bay|AX|CRManga> And I'm excited to have one of our translators on the panel
12:34:13 <bay|AX|CRManga> Adam, tell us about translating
12:34:21 <bay|AX|CRManga> My name is Adam, I'm a translator for Crunchyroll
12:34:35 <bay|AX|CRManga> I've been a translator since the early days
12:34:49 <bay|AX|CRManga> Currently I'm doing Okite Nemuru, Arpeggio of Blue Steel, Space Brothers
12:37:09 <bay|AX|CRManga> So, the service in general
12:35:11 <bay|AX|CRManga> we have apps for iphone and android
12:35:14 <bay|AX|CRManga> and you can read manga on the web
12:35:20 <bay|AX|CRManga> recently we made manga available to all premium members
12:35:50 <bay|AX|CRManga> for manga, we do simulpubs, like anime we do simulcasts, we launch manga as soon as it goes on the bookshelves in japan
12:36:01 <bay|AX|CRManga> What We're Reading
12:36:22 <bay|AX|CRManga> Inside Mari...
12:38:19 <bay|AX|CRManga> Sun-Ken Rock
12:38:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> We're working on the missing chapters by the way
12:39:36 <bay|AX|CRManga> Ajin Demi-Human
12:43:55 <bay|AX|CRManga> Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
12:44:54 <bay|AX|CRManga> Inuyashiki
12:46:04 <bay|AX|CRManga> Kiss Him, Not Me
12:47:18 <bay|AX|CRManga> Insufficient Direction
12:49:01 <bay|AX|CRManga> Memoirs of Amorous Gentlemen
12:49:53 <bay|AX|CRManga> Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches PV...
12:50:00 <bay|AX|CRManga> Check out this PV created in house
12:51:00 <bay|AX|CRManga> You guys can read and watch on Crunchyroll
12:51:03 <bay|AX|CRManga> Recently added titles
12:51:16 <bay|AX|CRManga> People were excited about our recent partnership with square-enix
12:51:57 <bay|AX|CRManga> Father and Son (Uchi to ko)
12:51:25 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Uchiko
12:52:05 <bay|AX|CRManga> Aizawa-san Multiplies
12:52:14 <bay|AX|CRManga> this and the next have been the two most popular
12:52:23 <bay|AX|CRManga> (Aizawasan Zoushoku)
12:52:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Seiichi Shiki
12:52:37 <bay|AX|CRManga> Tales of Wedding Rings
12:52:41 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Maybe
12:52:56 <bay|AX|CRManga> (Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari)
12:53:05 <bay|AX|CRManga> Donyatsu
12:53:08 <bay|AX|CRManga> we have the manga and anime on the site
12:53:27 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Kozaki Yusuke
12:53:58 <bay|AX|CRManga> Character designer of Fire Emblem Awakening
12:54:28 <bay|AX|CRManga> Unlimited Fafnir
12:54:58 <bay|AX|CRManga> we also have the anime on the site
12:55:05 <bay|AX|CRManga> New manga titles!
12:55:09 <bay|AX|CRManga> who is ready for new announcements?
12:55:18 <bay|AX|CRManga> we recently picked up 3 more titles from square enix
12:56:11 <bay|AX|CRManga> The Morose Mononokean
12:55:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Kiri Wazawa
12:55:38 <bay|AX|CRManga> launching today at 5pm worldwide
12:55:55 <bay|AX|CRManga> (Fukigenna Mononokean)
12:56:24 <bay|AX|CRManga> Takahashi-san is listening
12:56:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Yuu Hokou?
12:56:37 <bay|AX|CRManga> launching today at 5pm
12:56:47 <bay|AX|CRManga> (Takahashisan ga kiiteiru)
12:57:28 <bay|AX|CRManga> Scum's Wish
12:57:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> by Mengo Yokoyari
12:57:39 <bay|AX|CRManga> (Kuzu no Honkai)
12:58:03 <bay|AX|CRManga> also launching today at 5pm
12:58:11 <bay|AX|CRManga> next title from Kodansha
12:58:15 <bay|AX|CRManga> Ama to Inazuma
12:58:22 <bay|AX|CRManga> English Title: Sweetness and Lightning
12:58:28 <bay|AX|CRManga> launches 7/15 at 5pm
12:59:10 <bay|AX|CRManga> Princess Jellyfish
12:59:19 <bay|AX|CRManga> first 4 volumes launch 7/15 @ 5pm
12:59:27 <bay|AX|CRManga> volumes added regulary after that
13:01:04 <bay|AX|CRManga> stay tuned to the site for more details and territories
13:01:07 <bay|AX|CRManga> that's it for annoucements
13:01:13 <bay|AX|CRManga> going to move onto general infor now
13:01:17 <bay|AX|CRManga> Crunchyroll Manga Social Media
13:01:21 <bay|AX|CRManga> we have an ask.fm
13:01:24 <bay|AX|CRManga> ask.fm/cr_manga
13:01:38 <bay|AX|CRManga> or tweet as me
13:01:36 <bay|AX|CRManga> twitter.com/cr_manga
13:01:42 <bay|AX|CRManga> or facebook.com/crunchyrollmanga
13:02:09 <bay|AX|CRManga> feel free to tweet suggestions
13:02:43 <bay|AX|CRManga> We're going to be taking questions, so please line up at the mic
13:03:40 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Is there any chance that you guys will take on manwha?
13:04:02 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: I've gotten this question a lot.. people want to read tower of god...
13:04:13 <bay|AX|CRManga> And Crunchyroll manga, we're focused on working with Japanese publishers
13:04:26 <bay|AX|CRManga> We're focused on the current product
13:04:29 <bay|AX|CRManga> but it's not out of the question
13:04:41 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: For the manga titles, some of them, the first few chapters are available to all, others is the last few chapters?
13:04:52 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: For those who have free accounts, it's the first and most recent simulpub
13:05:08 <bay|AX|CRManga> Some chapters, like one-shots, we have to take a different approach
13:05:36 <bay|AX|CRManga> For the majority of the titles, the most recent simulpub and the first are available for free?
13:05:45 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Why is nobody reading Koe no Katachi (a slient voice)
13:06:16 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: (Lamenting that not everyone in the room has read it)
13:06:30 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Will you be in talks to get the anime to get it?
13:06:48 <bay|AX|CRManga> A; Obviously, we want to get all anime, and all manga, I can't tell if we will get it, but we'll definitely go after it
13:07:02 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: How far in advance do you get manga before it has to be on the site... for things that are simultaneously published
13:07:39 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: It depends on the show, one we get in advance in which we get far in advance, and other ones, like one we got last night and is going up tomorrow morning
13:07:56 <bay|AX|CRManga> And anime is the exact same
13:08:22 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: For something that has been picked up by Crunchyroll first, how likely is it that someone will put it in print?
13:08:38 <bay|AX|CRManga> A; It depends, there are cases where we get stuff digitally, then a publisher picks it up in pring, like Ajin
13:08:43 <bay|AX|CRManga> it depends on the publisher and title
13:08:48 <bay|AX|CRManga> it really depends
13:09:12 <bay|AX|CRManga> people reading things on crunchyroll is beneficial to the publishers because they can see what's popular
13:09:23 <bay|AX|CRManga> print is a higher risk because they have to make all those books
13:09:43 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: In terms of the simulcast, with the manga translations, I've noticed that some have been too hasty. Can the translations be fixedu p?
13:09:54 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: We do QA content, if you have issues, please email support.
13:10:04 <bay|AX|CRManga> It has happened when people notice stuff and we do get it fixed
13:10:21 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: I don't know who owns the rights, but by chance, are you guys getting One Punch Man
13:10:33 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: Viz has One Punch Man, so it's not likely Crunchyroll will pick it up
13:10:43 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: How often do you pick up artists?
13:11:02 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: We currently have an artists alley, but it probably won't be available much longer... we're trying to figure out what to do with it
13:11:07 <bay|AX|CRManga> It's something we're thinking about
13:11:22 <bay|AX|CRManga> We'll put more info on the site when it happens
13:11:38 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: A lot of anime comes from light novels, are you thinking about light novels?
13:11:46 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: That's the other thing that gets asked about a lot
13:11:49 <bay|AX|CRManga> it's something we've thought about
13:11:51 <bay|AX|CRManga> it hasn't been ruled out
13:12:08 <bay|AX|CRManga> I'm not involved in those negotiations, but the difficulty of light novels in general is different
13:12:30 <bay|AX|CRManga> One chapter of a light novel has as much text as 1 volume of manga
13:12:55 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: I've noticed that your audience is mainly things like Yamadakun and other things.. have you been thinking of more niche titles?
13:13:02 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: We do have a pretty good amount of niche titles
13:13:09 <bay|AX|CRManga> With our current announcements, we're up to 71 titles
13:13:20 <bay|AX|CRManga> We're going at a good speed, and we do have some niche titles
13:13:28 <bay|AX|CRManga> Do you have something you wnat specifically?
13:13:42 <bay|AX|CRManga> We're always thinking of what we should go after, but we always have to take performance into consideration
13:13:49 <bay|AX|CRManga> because publishers want to give us content when they see content doing well
13:13:54 <bay|AX|CRManga> and other titles doing well
13:14:08 <bay|AX|CRManga> nothing is off the title, and we do have some niche titles already, and we do like them
13:14:24 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: In regards to the square partnership, do you guys have a future working on more titles?
13:14:33 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: Stay tuned to the site, because we might have more to announce soon
13:14:47 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: So what was the manga that you mentioned that you want everyone else to read?
13:14:54 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: A Silent Voice
13:15:00 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Any other recommmendations?
13:16:25 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q; Any plans to do offline syncing for the app?
13:16:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: So this is another big question we get
13:16:43 <bay|AX|CRManga> Our business model is different from the other distributors because we have a streaming service
13:16:54 <bay|AX|CRManga> Consider it just like our anime, right now, it's probably not in the stars but who knows about the future
13:17:05 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Have you looked at adding volume key navigation to the app?
13:17:12 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: We've made some recent changes, and we're getting more resources
13:18:00 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: And you mentioned, as the town moves and other titles, they have gaps.. are you still working on those?
13:18:05 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: We have a few titles which have gaps here and there
13:18:09 <bay|AX|CRManga> Some of that is we're still waiting on publishers
13:18:13 <bay|AX|CRManga> Some of that is we're still translation
13:18:18 <bay|AX|CRManga> we're mostly working on simulpubs
13:18:36 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Percentage of users that use manga?
13:18:44 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: Couldn't say even if I knew
13:19:01 <bay|AX|CRManga> Since we added manga to the premium service, the numbers keep growing
13:19:28 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Relationship between Crunchyroll and physical publishers... so titles that start out digital and end up in print, is there a working relationship?
13:19:42 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: We mainly work with the Japanese publishers, and they handle the rights with the print publishers separately
13:19:58 <bay|AX|CRManga> somtimes we're in the know, usually we're in the know, but working directly with them, not really
13:20:31 <bay|AX|CRManga> and generally I believe, the way the rights work, the translations belong to the publisher
13:20:58 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Whatever to Recollection?
13:21:37 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: Some titles.. some authors will go on hiatus.. like with Orange, the author went on hiatus
13:21:35 <bay|AX|CRManga> we can't predict that kind of thing.. it's a japan side thing
13:22:01 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: Infinite scrolling when it's horizontal?
13:22:08 <bay|AX|CRManga> A: Can bring it up with the devs
13:22:47 <bay|AX|CRManga> Q: (Question about translation philosophy)
13:25:04 <bay|AX|CRManga> (Doing a plug for Sweetness and Lightning)
13:25:33 <bay|AX|CRManga> Thank you so much guys