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Transcript will begin when the panel starts.
Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.

16:16:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Check check
16:16:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Anime expo how are you guys doing out there?
16:16:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Was that loud enough?
16:17:10 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Before we start, we do this every year, ... can we take a picture of you guys and post it on facebook
16:17:42 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Thank you very much everyone
16:17:49 <bay|AX|Aniplex> You guys ready for the aniplex panel
16:17:57 <bay|AX|Aniplex> All right, then let's start, with this wonderful trailer that we have
16:18:06 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (sizzle reel)
16:19:21 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Anime expo, are you ready for the aniplex of america panel?
16:19:27 <bay|AX|Aniplex> My name is EJ, aka the Aniplex Guy
16:19:33 <bay|AX|Aniplex> And I am Joanna, aka the aAniplex Girl
16:19:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and we're the marketing specialists
16:19:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we've been doing this for 5 years
16:19:54 <bay|AX|Aniplex> this is our 5th anime expo and we're ready to do it for 5 more
16:20:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we got a lot to cover today and we got some special announcements
16:20:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's start this panel off
16:20:26 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's start with special guests that we brought
16:20:31 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (anime expo events)
16:21:22 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Going over the Fate Stay Night special event tomororw)
16:21:30 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Chanting Mashiro)
16:22:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Please welcome Mashiro Ayano
16:22:14 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Hi, I'm Mashiro Ayano, I'm the singer of the FSN opening theme, ideal white
16:22:39 <bay|AX|Aniplex> This is the first time I'm in the states, and i'm really excited to meet all of you (translated)
16:23:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> We're going to have a special event on saturday and i'm going to be performing there, so i hope to see all of you there (translated)
16:23:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Let's enjoy it together. Thank you everyone (translated)
16:24:10 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Aldnoah English dub premiere)
16:24:42 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Kill and Kill event with English cast)
16:25:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (A-1 pictures panel)
16:26:36 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Fate stay creators panel)
16:27:13 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Stuff for sale at the booth)
16:31:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> New Streaming Titles
16:31:52 <bay|AX|Aniplex> We have a whole bunch of new titles coming your way
16:32:04 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Starting off with this first title... let's check the trailer
16:32:38 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Wagnaria!!3
16:32:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Premieres this Saturday on July 4th
16:33:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Aniplex Channel, crunchyroll, hulu, daisuki, viewster
16:33:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/wagnaria3
16:33:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Next series trailer..
16:33:30 <bay|AX|Aniplex> God Eater
16:34:47 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Premieres July 12th Next Sunday
16:34:57 <bay|AX|Aniplex> First not-Aniplex title picked up by Aniplex of America
16:35:03 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Check it out on Daisuki
16:35:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/godeater
16:35:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> And that's not all... we have more
16:35:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Charlotte
16:36:15 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (Audio issues... )
16:37:46 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Premieres this Saturday on July 4th
16:37:53 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Aniplex channel, crunchyroll, hulu, daisuki, viewster
16:38:03 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/charlotte
16:38:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Next show...streams on Fridays...
16:38:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Classroom Crisis
16:39:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> July 3rd... Aniplex Channel, crunchyroll, hulu, daisuki, viewster
16:39:09 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/classroomcrisis
16:39:46 <bay|AX|Aniplex> One more premiering this Saturday...continuation of previous series
16:40:37 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Durarara X2 The Second Arc
16:40:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> premieres july 4th
16:40:47 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Aniplex channel, hulu, crunchyroll, daisuki
16:40:57 <bay|AX|Aniplex> durararausa.com
16:41:06 <bay|AX|Aniplex> so that's enough about streaming titles
16:41:17 <bay|AX|Aniplex> normally we'd talk about what's available and soon... but we thought we'd skip all that and go straight to announcements
16:41:20 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Starting off
16:41:26 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Your Lie in April
16:41:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> English dub
16:41:33 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Directed by Patrick Seitz
16:41:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> added to open auditions with bang zoom
16:42:24 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Up next...
16:42:28 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Brand new mobile app
16:42:33 <bay|AX|Aniplex> The Aniplex Calendar
16:42:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> available on google play and itunes app store
16:42:52 <bay|AX|Aniplex> stay up to date with news, streaming schedule, release dates, and more
16:42:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/aniplexcalendar
16:43:00 <bay|AX|Aniplex> free mobile app
16:43:18 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Now...
16:43:23 <bay|AX|Aniplex> we also have some series coming on bluray
16:43:26 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's play the trailer
16:43:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Tsukimongatari
16:45:19 <bay|AX|Aniplex> bluray set coming 9-15
16:45:26 <bay|AX|Aniplex> preorders start today
16:45:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/monogatarisecondseason
16:45:41 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Japanese audio, english subtitles
16:45:44 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Yotsugi doll eps 1-4
16:45:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 2 bd discs
16:46:06 <bay|AX|Aniplex> textless op/ed, pv/cm collections, delux booklet, pin-up postcards, package illustrated by the character designer
16:46:10 <bay|AX|Aniplex> up next...
16:46:24 <bay|AX|Aniplex> series on BD and DVD featuring dub and sub
16:47:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Fate Stay Night UBW
16:48:52 <bay|AX|Aniplex> limited edition blu-ray box set 1
16:48:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> august 25th
16:49:02 <bay|AX|Aniplex> dvd complete 1st season also coming soon
16:49:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> preorders start today
16:49:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> fatestaynightusa.com
16:49:26 <bay|AX|Aniplex> blu ray set..
16:49:31 <bay|AX|Aniplex> japanese and english audio
16:49:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> english and spanish subs
16:49:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> uncut episodes of 0-12
16:49:48 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 5 discs, 4 bluray + 1 cd
16:49:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> trailer, tv spot, cm, pv collections
16:49:56 <bay|AX|Aniplex> textless op/ed
16:49:59 <bay|AX|Aniplex> soundtrack 1
16:50:11 <bay|AX|Aniplex> weis schwraz pr card
16:50:05 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 24 page booklet
16:50:07 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (lost rest)
16:50:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> really excited for the English dub...
16:50:35 <bay|AX|Aniplex> which was just announced
16:50:40 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Shiro: Bryce Papenbrook
16:50:46 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Rin: Mela Lee
16:50:52 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Saber: Kari Wahlgreen
16:50:58 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Directed by Tony Oliver
16:51:03 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Archer: Kaiji Tang
16:51:11 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Sakura: Christina Vee
16:51:14 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (can't get the rest)
16:51:17 <bay|AX|Aniplex> One last announcement
16:51:35 <bay|AX|Aniplex> Durarara X2
16:52:24 <bay|AX|Aniplex> coming to BD and DVD
16:52:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 1 sept 29
16:52:32 <bay|AX|Aniplex> vol 2 nov 24th
16:52:34 <bay|AX|Aniplex> preorders start today
16:52:38 <bay|AX|Aniplex> durararausa.com
16:52:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> bluray vol 1
16:53:13 <bay|AX|Aniplex> eps 1-6, jp and eng dub, english and spanish subs, pre-air special talk show, textless op and ed, 16 page booklet, illustration postcards
16:53:29 <bay|AX|Aniplex> 2-sided wraps, package illustrated by character designer
16:53:39 <bay|AX|Aniplex> and that's the last special announcement
16:53:43 <bay|AX|Aniplex> let's go ahead and proceed to prize time
16:53:55 <bay|AX|Aniplex> normally we bring you posters and figures, but this time we are bringing some special prizes from sony
16:56:22 <bay|AX|Aniplex> (doing a win a walkman (digital media player) campaign at various events all summer with aniplex USA)
17:02:08 <bay|AX|Aniplex> thank you guys for coming to the panel today