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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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16:24:04 <bay|Ota|Sol> Anime Sols
16:24:10 <bay|Ota|Sol> The Future of Anime's Past
16:24:12 <bay|Ota|Sol> Otakon 2014
16:29:33 <bay|Ota|Sol> Welcome to the anime sols panel
16:29:42 <bay|Ota|Sol> we're going to start by introducing the site
16:29:50 <bay|Ota|Sol> we've been around for a little over a year and a quarter
16:29:54 <bay|Ota|Sol> we launched last may
16:30:14 <bay|Ota|Sol> it's a joint venture between animation studios and a tv station to bring classic anime to north american fans
16:30:21 <bay|Ota|Sol> a place to watch classic anime for free
16:30:34 <bay|Ota|Sol> a place you can pledge money to get dvd box sets
16:30:44 <bay|Ota|Sol> (missed last)
16:31:12 <bay|Ota|Sol> Partners; YTV, YTV Enterprise, ADEC, Studio Pierrot, Tatsunoko Productions, Tezuka Productions, Quarkpro LLC
16:31:36 <bay|Ota|Sol> you go to the site, register for free, and watch for free
16:31:41 <bay|Ota|Sol> html5 driven platform
16:32:19 <bay|Ota|Sol> will work on any platform which supports html5 streaming
16:32:01 <bay|Ota|Sol> check out the support goal and support packages
16:32:31 <bay|Ota|Sol> pledge money
16:32:40 <bay|Ota|Sol> and you can leave comments
16:32:44 <bay|Ota|Sol> what does it mean to pledge?
16:33:22 <bay|Ota|Sol> You get to help make the DVD boxs; no funds, no dvd box, no streaming
16:33:01 <bay|Ota|Sol> it's important that you pledge if you want to see it
16:33:37 <bay|Ota|Sol> for pledging, you get the dvds for much cheaper than later on
16:33:44 <bay|Ota|Sol> like kickstarter, you aren't charged until the goal is met
16:33:51 <bay|Ota|Sol> you can pledge as many times as you want
16:34:09 <bay|Ota|Sol> successful campaigns
16:34:15 <bay|Ota|Sol> Creamy Mami
16:34:21 <bay|Ota|Sol> Complete DVD Sets 1-4
16:34:24 <bay|Ota|Sol> Set 1 in stores now
16:34:33 <bay|Ota|Sol> Set 2 - DVD authorin finsihed
16:34:46 <bay|Ota|Sol> pledge rewards received from pierrot, should ship in ~1 month
16:35:03 <bay|Ota|Sol> set 3 - should ship in 2 months
16:35:00 <bay|Ota|Sol> set 4 - pierrot working on pledge rewards
16:35:11 <bay|Ota|Sol> Dear Brother, Sets 1-3
16:35:20 <bay|Ota|Sol> Set 1 - in stores now
16:35:41 <bay|Ota|Sol> Set 2/Set 3 - FInished DVD authoring, should ship in 1-2 months
16:35:53 <bay|Ota|Sol> they are being authored simultanously
16:35:58 <bay|Ota|Sol> that is the complete series
16:36:06 <bay|Ota|Sol> Black Jack TV, DVD sets 1-2
16:36:12 <bay|Ota|Sol> Set 1 - In Stores now
16:36:20 <bay|Ota|Sol> Set 2 - Finishing DVD authoring, should ship in ~3 months
16:36:33 <bay|Ota|Sol> if you noticed, the streaming has gone monthly on that
16:36:50 <bay|Ota|Sol> Pledge up for set 3 in the next few months
16:37:01 <bay|Ota|Sol> Currently raising money for The File of Young Kindaichi Returns
16:37:55 <bay|Ota|Sol> 25 ep show, currently airing in Japan
16:37:12 <bay|Ota|Sol> sorta reboot, sorta sequel of old one
16:37:18 <bay|Ota|Sol> streaming on Crunchyroll or Anime Sols
16:37:28 <bay|Ota|Sol> First box: episodes 1-14
16:37:31 <bay|Ota|Sol> Four complete stories
16:38:14 <bay|Ota|Sol> Goal is $27000 in 6 months
16:38:23 <bay|Ota|Sol> this covers all fees
16:38:45 <bay|Ota|Sol> got special goods for pledges: Clear Files, Straps, Etched Wooden box, and more
16:38:41 <bay|Ota|Sol> here's a trailer
16:40:45 <bay|Ota|Sol> we are doing streaming campaigns
16:40:51 <bay|Ota|Sol> there are shows which are risky to even translate
16:41:00 <bay|Ota|Sol> every 2 weeks, we'll put up 2 new titles
16:41:15 <bay|Ota|Sol> the goal is to make $2700 to put up 13 eps
16:41:20 <bay|Ota|Sol> Dororo
16:41:26 <bay|Ota|Sol> Gordian, the Warrior
16:41:47 <bay|Ota|Sol> watch episodes 1-3 now
16:47:52 <bay|Ota|Sol> next two shows
16:48:02 <bay|Ota|Sol> first one is Space Ace, the first show from Tatsunoko Productions
16:51:26 <bay|Ota|Sol> Goku's Grand Adventure
16:51:44 <bay|Ota|Sol> Osama Tezuka's version of Journey to the West
16:51:49 <bay|Ota|Sol> it replaced Astro Boy on japanese tv
16:54:10 <bay|Ota|Sol> with all streaming shows, there is no deadline on these
16:54:25 <bay|Ota|Sol> got a few more shows coming
16:54:26 <bay|Ota|Sol> 5 more coming
16:54:30 <bay|Ota|Sol> Time Bokan
16:54:32 <bay|Ota|Sol> original one
16:55:03 <bay|Ota|Sol> Temple the Balloonist - grand cinematic adventure
16:55:31 <bay|Ota|Sol> Wonder 3 - Sci-fi Tezuka, the Amazing 3 on 60's tv
16:55:34 <bay|Ota|Sol> Kerokko Dematan - Fairytail Epic
16:54:49 <bay|Ota|Sol> Belfy and Li'l Bit
16:55:43 <bay|Ota|Sol> the nick jr. classic in its original japanese
16:56:32 <bay|Ota|Sol> about every 2 weeks, a show or two will go up
16:56:47 <bay|Ota|Sol> with streaming shows, you can pledge as much or as little as you want
16:57:12 <bay|Ota|Sol> $50 gets your name as a sponsorship credit
16:57:53 <bay|Ota|Sol> not a con panel without a new announcement is it
16:58:09 <bay|Ota|Sol> so as you may have seen, we also put up some things as merchandise
16:58:18 <bay|Ota|Sol> new campaign annoucement
16:58:27 <bay|Ota|Sol> NA Exclusive, Magical Emi Figure from Ryuns
16:58:30 <bay|Ota|Sol> direct import from japan
16:58:52 <bay|Ota|Sol> this is not a crowdfund, this is a manufacturer preorder
16:58:59 <bay|Ota|Sol> in addition to selling the figure...
16:59:13 <bay|Ota|Sol> streaming episodes 1-3 of Magical Emi
16:59:24 <bay|Ota|Sol> possibility for more if the figure sells and there are good viewer numbers
16:59:31 <bay|Ota|Sol> figure is 1/6th scale,
16:59:36 <bay|Ota|Sol> $185 including US shipping
17:00:28 <bay|Ota|Sol> it's about $150 in Japan plus the shipping, so there is almost no markup
16:59:56 <bay|Ota|Sol> preorders close 9/8
17:00:01 <bay|Ota|Sol> there will be no after-market
17:00:10 <bay|Ota|Sol> delivery will be in november
17:01:18 <bay|Ota|Sol> follow us on twitter at @animesols
17:01:25 <bay|Ota|Sol> friend us on facebook at anime sols
17:02:04 <bay|Ota|Sol> now... Q&A
17:03:08 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: How long do your streaming rights last?
17:03:20 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: We don't hold the titles, the parent companies hold the titles
17:03:52 <bay|Ota|Sol> The parent companies are posting it for streaming
17:04:22 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: When will Black Jack part 3 start?
17:04:29 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: We slowed it down so people's wallets can recover....
17:04:42 <bay|Ota|Sol> The answer is I don't know.. I think a bunch of other discs need to be finished first
17:04:47 <bay|Ota|Sol> we're definitely going to finish black jack
17:04:51 <bay|Ota|Sol> we know people want it
17:05:37 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Concering the shows that you are putting up that you have to pay for the streaming, once they get funded, will they be up permanently?
17:05:50 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: Yes. The 3 eps are up are for free
17:05:59 <bay|Ota|Sol> the shows are being put up by the japanese studios, the rights don't expire
17:06:33 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Why is the DRM protection rules different in this case?
17:06:49 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: We believe compatibility is the top issue...
17:07:11 <bay|Ota|Sol> The licensors don't object? No. Considering our numbers, it's not a top concern
17:07:32 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Do you usually take surveys?
17:07:58 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: We did a survey and got a bunch of feedback, and the number one series on the survey which we could get fell on its face hard
17:08:16 <bay|Ota|Sol> And it made a 1/3rd of the budget even with the Black Friday sale
17:08:33 <bay|Ota|Sol> we learned that surveys aren't accurate representations of what people will pay for
17:09:22 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: What are the major obstacles that you encounter working in this crowdfunding format?
17:09:59 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: The biggest issue is people like to wait for the last minute
17:10:18 <bay|Ota|Sol> Like set 3 of Dear Brother and set 4 of Creamy Mami
17:10:55 <bay|Ota|Sol> Also, it's a case of getting people to the site
17:11:00 <bay|Ota|Sol> getting the promotion out there
17:11:13 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: About the packaging, how much time do you spend on packaging?
17:11:17 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: Dictated by the licensor
17:11:45 <bay|Ota|Sol> For Dear Brother, that's the same art they used on all international editions
17:13:24 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Considering adding partners later?
17:13:33 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: Considering adding more, but can't say anything more
17:14:47 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: The crowdfunding to stream series... is a box set in the cards when they are complete?
17:14:54 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: It's possible.. but let's see what happens first
17:15:35 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: How does it work when it holds your information for pledges? Does it tell you before?
17:15:42 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: It's similar to kickstarter
17:16:03 <bay|Ota|Sol> You'll be charged when it funds
17:16:07 <bay|Ota|Sol> you should get an email
17:16:48 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Considering the stuff that failed already, I remember you said you would consider coming back to them in the future, any update on coming back to them?
17:16:52 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: Not yet for the most part
17:17:27 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Any chance of more premium items like the Magical Emi figure?
17:17:42 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: This is an experiment which we can do since we are partnered with Pierrot
17:17:54 <bay|Ota|Sol> At the moment, that's the one we have, if it sells well...
17:22:44 <bay|Ota|Sol> (people are asking for titles now)
17:26:34 <bay|Ota|Sol> Q: Print on demand?
17:26:48 <bay|Ota|Sol> A: Cheaper to do 1000 units and dump half
17:28:23 <bay|Ota|Sol> Please visit the site and pledge
17:28:24 <bay|Ota|Sol> thank you for coming
17:28:25 <bay|Ota|Sol> end