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13:58:16 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (Will be leaving 5 min early due to heavy con traffic)
14:04:53 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (Having technical difficulties)
14:06:37 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> This is Masao Maruyama, the producer for studio Mappa
14:07:03 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> M; So I did bring my newest film, but I'm not sure if we're able to show it
14:07:41 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> One of the trailers I bought this time is Terror in Resonance directed by Shinichiro Watanabe
14:07:57 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And I have two more trailers that I want to show... the other is directed by Keichi Sato and it's based on a game called Rage of Bahamut, and this is an intense hardcore fantasy
14:08:58 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And the other i brought is directed by Yuichiro Hayashi, he's working on an anime adaptation of the live action series Garo
14:09:07 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> This will start airing in Japan in October
14:09:30 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And we have the first episode finished at this point
14:11:15 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> So we have a july show, and two upcoming october shows, so our staff is very busy
14:11:09 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And upcoming in april, we're working on another show, and it's based on old content and it's going to be brought back, but i can't talk about it at this time
14:11:11 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (not sure if heard that right)
14:11:48 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so for terror in resonnance, the script was finished last month...but now the scripts have the full vision, i can assure you it'll be a full blast, and we're currently working on production, and we'll probably barely make the deadline for the last episode
14:13:01 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so I started doing Mappa 3 years ago after I left madhouse, but basically our first project was with Shinichiro Watanabe doing Kids on the Slope,and now i'm working with katabuchi on a theatrical film which will hopefully be ready two years from now
14:13:39 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so basically, our production house is very busy right, and they told me not to come to otakon, and i told them that i come every year, and it's only once a year, so they should let me
14:15:06 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (Attempting to show the trailers)
14:17:24 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (doesn't work)
14:17:29 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> So if you guys have any questions....
14:18:27 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: What do you do when archiving productions? What do you keep? How is this changed from the 80s and 90s?
14:18:41 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And what about for properties that are no longer commercially exploitable?
14:20:40 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: I think most of the materials aren't preserved, we were focused on making things, not storing things... and when I left madhouse, it's not my company any more, so I don't know
14:21:35 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> I had like tons of key animations from Ikko kanada(?) but one day I'd like to go back and organize them
14:21:51 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And regarding the Satoshi Kon's stuff, his company's Kon's tone had all these materials
14:22:16 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> but for using these things, most of the rights, madhouse has them
14:22:32 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: (Questiona about the posters at the front)
14:23:03 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: This is a poster for the movie that mappa is making... I think there will be a panel today with Katabuchi director, but it's a movie called "in this corner of the world" (kono sekai no katasumi de)
14:23:31 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (Finally got the trailers working)
14:29:12 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Going back to questions
14:29:45 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: Any advice about running an animation studio?
14:31:22 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: I don't have the right to give advice to anyone because I can make stuff, and make stuff happen, but i'm not good with money, and I had my studio for 30 years and after 30 years, we were deep in the red and we got bought out by another company
14:31:30 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so i started a new company, and we're not doing bad
14:32:40 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> I mean all productionhas a budget, and everyone wants to make good stuff, but if I encourage people to make good stuff, they'll use up the budget quickly and we'll go into the red
14:32:51 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: When can I start handing you money for season 3 of Kaiji?
14:37:03 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: This is a difficult problem because NTV brought out madhouse and if they want to do a 3rd season, they will use madhouse isntead of mappa, and we're competitors, so i don't think they'll use another studio
14:37:06 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And the producer (missed), is a long time friend, and if he works with us with it, i'd be happy, and the same goes for the director who is a long time madhouse staff...
14:37:10 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> So the same goes for Kaiji and Chihayafuru, but by having the new studio, we're able to do new things, so please look forward to our stuff, it was a company i set up when i was 70 years old, so people were making fun of me for that
14:37:13 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so miyazaki and I are the same age, and he announced his retirement, but i'm going to keep going
14:38:14 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: (During Katabuchi's Q&A session, he mentioned how it was recommend that he work on projects from this person)
14:40:02 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: So, when the flowers bloom video was propsed by NHK, they were saying they wanted to use Kano for the music, but then I presented to them that there's a director Katabuchi and a short that he's done...
14:42:15 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so when we started working on when the flower blooms, we stopped working in this corner of the world production, and we used the same exact staff for it, but as soon as we finished, hidenori matsubara joined us for the team
14:41:37 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (lost) so for the movie in this corner of the world, it's going to be in similar taste, but it's a movie
14:41:59 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so tomorrow, if i can, i want to show fuma and the floower blooms
14:42:50 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: How did you feel when terror in resonance was first proposed to you?
14:43:09 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: One word to describe this project is it's very dangerous
14:43:22 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> I was thinking that worst case scenario, we might not be able to even screen it
14:43:49 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Actually, watanabe's bebop ep 1 was never aired in Japan since the first ep was based on terrorism
14:45:02 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Television is for the general public to view it, so they have a strict broadcasting code, but watanabe and I have similar lines... if it doesn't go on air, then oh well
14:45:15 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so we're constantly challenging the boundries of what can be shown and what can't
14:45:25 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so as the series is going on , there is a worry the series might not be able to broadcast at some point
14:45:37 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> but we are going to do what we can
14:47:29 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: (question about differences production between madhouse and mappa) A: actually my producting style is i let my directors express themselves...
14:47:35 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so nothing has really changed
14:47:39 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (paraphrased)
14:51:27 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: (question abotu the superhero works) A: When I first launched work with the states, bringing wicked city, and that got huge support from the states and that's why i want to bring it to the states,... and (3 names) are all fans of batman, and after 20 years, we all got to work on batman
14:52:02 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> and when we worked on batman, we think we were able to do a good job ebcause when wae saw the old batman carton, we thought "this isn't batman, he's more like this"
14:52:19 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> and with the new comics, there are people asking us to do american comic adaptations
14:52:25 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> but mappa is currently really busy
14:52:28 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (los rest)
14:53:05 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> Q: Can you say which specific titles?
14:53:57 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: Can't say yet, even though we say our capacity is full, we're still in discussions
14:55:37 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: I'm sorry to sya this, but this is the samething I said during madhouse, but i have no philosophy
14:55:37 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> A: I'm sorry to say this, but this is the samething I said during madhouse, but i have no philosophy
14:56:35 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> But basically, what I do is people present me stuff, and I pick out what we can do, I'd like to do anything, but because of budget and time concerns, we can't do everything
14:56:26 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> but for me work is fun, so i'm working with similar people (lost)
14:56:56 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> And when I was first presented with Tekyu, it was presented with an amazingly low budget, but it was a company I knew well, so i knew they couldn't increase the budget
15:00:30 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> So um, Tekyu, the title, has a pun, it's supposed to mean tennis in japanese, but if you do a wordplay it means low grade or cheap..so i told them if it doesn't have to have animation, we could do it low grade, and i think the staff would do more, with our current impact, i don't think we can do the fourth season anytime soon
14:58:58 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> so expensive or cheap, as long as you have fun, we'll do it
15:02:34 <bay|Ota|Maruyama> (Ended to get to FUNi)