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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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16:42:53 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> How you guys doing out there?
16:43:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Thank you so much for coming to the Aniplex panel today?
16:43:05 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Are you guys ready?
16:43:12 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Okay, check out the screen real quick
16:43:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (Sizzle reel)
16:44:53 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Otakon, welcome ladies and gentlemen to the aniplex panel
16:45:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> I'm EJ, aka the aniplex guy
16:45:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (Going to go over the usual stuff...)
16:45:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Special Guests at Otakon....
16:46:37 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Saori Hayami, voice actress
16:46:19 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (going over otakon events)
16:46:48 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Shinichiro Kashiwada, producer
16:47:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Kill La Kill English dub cast
16:48:08 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Now streaming...
16:48:12 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> The Irregular at Magic High School
16:48:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> every saturday on aniplex channel, crunchyroll, daisuki and hulu
16:48:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also with eps every Saturday
16:48:31 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> second season of certain series
16:48:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Sword Art Online II
16:48:59 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplex channel, hulu, crunchyroll, daisuki
16:49:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> latest info at swordart-onlineusa.com
16:49:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also follow on the 2 million strong official facebook
16:49:52 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Another series streaming right now from the author of madoka magica and fate zero and the director of fate zero
16:49:59 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Aldnoah Zero
16:51:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> every satruday, aniplex channel, hulu, crunchyroll, daisuki
16:51:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> check out the official site at aldnoahzerousa.com
16:51:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next, another series streaming right now every thursday... retelling of a series from a few years ago
16:53:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Persona 4 the Golden Animation
16:54:00 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> on the same 4 streaming channels
16:54:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> p4gausa.com
16:54:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> beside the stuff streaming right now, we have a lot of stuff available
16:54:22 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we actually have a new store that we just opened up online
16:54:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> the next aniplex plus store is an exclusive store to give you the exclusive merchandise produced by aniplex japan
16:55:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> trying to sell figures at the same time as japan
16:55:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> starting today, we're starting presale of the devil homura figma
16:55:17 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> preorder by september 9th
16:55:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we have a sample available in the dealers hall if anyone wants to see it
16:55:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also going on resale today, aldnoah zero canvas art
16:55:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> preorders end sept 1st
16:56:08 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Now available...
16:56:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> tons of bds and dvds on sale right now
16:56:19 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> do we have any monogatari series fans?
16:56:31 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Nekomonogatari White now available on BD
16:56:39 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/monogatarisecondseason
16:57:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> for those of you who like FMA, the author did an anime about farming
16:57:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Silver Spoon complete 1st season DVD now available
16:57:59 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Gurren Lagann movies available in double feature set
16:58:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> both movies in HD in one set
16:58:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> if you guys didn't know, there was actually a CM that aired on cartoon network late saturday night...
16:58:49 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> starting August 16th at 2am on Toonami
16:59:20 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> for Madoka fans... we do have part 1 and part 2 in limited edition bd and dvd combo set
16:59:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> standard edition DVD also available
17:00:57 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> next....
17:01:02 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (Kill La Kill trailer)
17:03:13 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> volume 1 limited edition now available
17:03:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> BD/DVD/CD soundtrack combo set
17:03:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> standard bd and dvd are also available
17:04:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> a lot of people have been asking when vol 2 coming out
17:04:37 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 2 will come out 10/21
17:04:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> pre orders start right after this panel
17:04:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> limited edition BD/DVD/CD soundtrack set wth standard editions too
17:05:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> poster of nudist beach eating cake in the LE
17:05:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> for this set, there is an exclusive Weiss Schwarz card
17:05:44 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next...a movie on DVD and BD
17:05:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> if you've seen the series, you're going to cry after this
17:06:06 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Anohana Movie
17:07:06 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> colectors edition...
17:07:11 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> BD/DVD/CD combo
17:07:18 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> standard edition BD and CD also available
17:07:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> already available
17:08:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next is the last thing that's now available
17:08:14 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> a very popular series... part 2 of a series
17:08:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and if you don't think your sister is cute, you don't want to see this trailer
17:08:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Oreimo2
17:10:22 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> DVD limited edition complete box set
17:10:30 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also a heads up, i just got a correction
17:10:44 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Kill la Kill vol 2 the limited edition set...
17:10:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> is actually a BD, DVD and a making of DVD
17:10:53 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Coming soon
17:11:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we have some series coming out.. on BD right now...and some streaming soon
17:11:13 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now a continuation from a previous series we talked about
17:11:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Kabukimonogatari
17:11:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> coming on blu ray on august 26th
17:12:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> the whole arc in the case shown on the screen
17:12:12 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (there is a guy in the audience who has everything so far)
17:12:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> next is a series that's not at the booth, but it will be streaming soon
17:12:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> it will be streaming this fall
17:12:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> you might have seen the prequel
17:12:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> another studio is doing it and bringing it back
17:15:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Fate Stay Night (UBW TV)
17:12:55 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> fatestaynightusa.com
17:14:50 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> from the same studio that brought fate zero, ufotable
17:15:19 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Special Announcements
17:15:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we have a couple special annoucnements, some old, some new
17:15:34 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this first series is coming on bluray
17:15:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> it's from sunrise
17:17:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Valvrave the Liberator
17:17:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Complete 1st season BD set 9/23
17:17:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/valvrave
17:17:32 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> you can pre-order now....
17:17:58 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next... a brand new announcement
17:18:02 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this series is coming on bluray
17:18:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> brand new series that just finished streaming
17:18:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> it's a very popular series
17:18:14 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> i'll just play the trailer
17:18:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Nisekoi
17:19:11 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> coming 11/25
17:19:14 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> BD vol 1
17:19:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> subtitled only
17:19:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> 4 volumes
17:19:30 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> collectible ending card pin-ups
17:19:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> deluxe poster and box
17:19:50 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> preorders start today
17:20:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> that's pretty much all i have for announcements
17:20:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we'll go ahead and proceed with q&a and then have a raffle
17:20:45 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Do you have any plans to do english dub of the gurren lagann movies?
17:20:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A; Not at this time
17:21:00 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Do you guys want to see the movies dubbed?
17:21:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Post that on our facebok that you want it dubbed
17:21:18 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: I know it's early, are you planning on dubbing SAO II?
17:21:31 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Right now only focusing on the streaming, SAO did get dubbed...
17:21:38 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Second season of Angel Beats?
17:21:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Angel beats is an aniplex Japan title... but we couldn't get the first season license
17:22:19 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Re-release nisemonogatari in a cheaper box set? the BD without the special edition?
17:22:22 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: It's possible, if you noticed, we're doing more special editions
17:22:46 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we'll think about it when we're done selling the special editions
17:22:49 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: P3 movie?
17:22:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: we did the import...that's all so far
17:23:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Will we ever see a complex boxset of all of SAO I instead of 4 vols?
17:23:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Right now we only have the 4 vols.... eventually... down the line... we hope to put it in a set
17:23:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Dub or release of Rebellion (madoka movie)?
17:23:42 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: We brought it on import, no info on it yet
17:23:57 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: How many eps is Irregular at Magic High School?
17:24:00 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: I think 24 or so?
17:24:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> You can check the official aniplex calendar on the site, and the streaming info is there
17:24:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Releasing the older Bandai titles?
17:24:50 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: other companies might have the license and haven't announced it yet...
17:25:08 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q:...think you guys picked up WHR?
17:25:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: no information on the bandai releases...
17:25:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (don't think they have any)
17:25:45 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: (A shipping question for Sword Art)
17:26:12 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: ..........................
17:26:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Doing orders for imports of Rebellion, any chance of the aniplex plus store have the imports of the first and second movie along with rebellion?
17:27:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (he wants the box that came in japan to put all 3 madoka movies in)
17:27:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Oh, we'll announce that on the store if we bring it... let us know you are looking for it
17:27:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Garden of Sinners info?
17:28:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: None right now... Check the website
17:28:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: More premiere events for movies in the US?
17:29:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A; We're always looking at them... anything you are looking for?
17:29:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Day Break Illusion... physical release?
17:29:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: No new news... only confirm it's streaming right now
17:29:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: For Oreimo S2, can we expect bluray the same as S1?
17:29:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Can't say anything right now, just the DVD set that's now available
17:31:01 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Now raffle