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Transcript will begin when the panel starts.
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15:03:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> (now filling room)
15:05:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> (funi has a mac with the apple symbol being the kamehameha wave)
15:07:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> I want to say thank you to everybody who is here right now, it's sunday, 4th day of the convention, dealers hall is closed
15:08:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> Welcome
15:08:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> thanks for coming to the funimation industry panel
15:12:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> (they are filling time by explaining the one piece marathon)
15:12:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> (and other random stories)
15:12:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> (still filling the room)
15:14:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> i think we're going to get started
15:14:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to start it with a special song
15:14:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> (funimation show song ...anime to z)
15:15:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> welcome
15:15:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> thank you guys so much for coming
15:15:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> day 4 of anime expo
15:15:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the funimation indstury panel
15:15:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> thank you for sticking with us
15:15:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is a great time
15:15:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's been awesome weather
15:15:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> 4 panel...we've done a bunch...
15:16:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're going to talk about some of the stuff we did at others and let us reintroduce us
15:16:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> i'm justin rojas, i'm the senior manager of social strategy and management
15:16:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> i'm michelle lee, i'm the social media manager
15:16:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> i handle twitter, tumbler pinterest..all those
15:16:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> social...
15:16:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have our lovely website
15:16:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> and what we normally do is put blog posts, content, at funimation.com/news
15:16:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> so news, updates and more can be find there
15:17:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> so everything we update will be there
15:17:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> and this is the first place we'll post acquisitions or cast
15:17:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> next we have facebook...
15:17:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> thank you so much, we hit a milestone
15:17:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> we started this facebook, i remember when we created it, and now we've broken the 1 million mark
15:17:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> which is awesome
15:17:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's all thanks to you guys
15:18:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we wanted to give you a reward so we announced evangelion 3.0
15:18:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> so facebook is your baby huh?
15:18:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> yes, i saw it's birth
15:18:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> and twitter
15:18:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> which we hit over 100000
15:18:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> twitter.com/funimation
15:19:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> and then youtube
15:19:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can follow us there
15:19:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> youtube.com/funimation
15:19:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can watch stuff, trailers, all the cool videos can be foundthere
15:19:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> and then for other stuff, we have youtube.com/thefunimationshow and our live youtube
15:19:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> also on instagram, pinterest, tumblr
15:20:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> Video on Demand
15:20:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> we've got many many places that you can watch content
15:20:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> netflix, itunes, xbox, google play, hulu, crackle...more
15:21:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> toonami
15:21:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> one piece is now on toonami
15:22:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> and soul easter
15:22:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> and fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
15:22:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> and funimation channel
15:22:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> does anyone have it
15:23:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> att uverse 1484, on metrocast
15:23:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> before we get started on this next on here...
15:23:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> let's bring up a special man
15:23:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> mr. adam sheehan
15:24:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> marketing manager funimation.com
15:24:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> how you guys doing
15:24:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> all right
15:24:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> funimation.com
15:24:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> all things internet
15:24:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> you can go on there for all your needs
15:24:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> theblog and tons of videos
15:24:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> and there is a wide variety of things
15:24:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> and lately it's been slow because there are so many people to get on it
15:24:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> and so there is a brand new site coming this summer
15:24:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> here is a mockup of the new one
15:25:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> it can handle 10x the number of people
15:25:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> it will have a wide variety of things
15:25:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> it will have a shop
15:25:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> we have a shop on the site
15:25:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> playlist
15:25:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> queues
15:25:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> we asked what you wanted and we added a bunch of that
15:25:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> if you noticed on the recent site, we pulled down the forums
15:25:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> that's to speed things up and to start prep for the new site
15:25:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> nothing is deleted
15:25:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> it's just being stored
15:26:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we'll tell you hwo to get old stuff
15:26:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> Elite Video Subscription
15:26:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> we know you like anime
15:26:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we have 1200 videos on the site now
15:26:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> get a subcription and you get watch 8500 videos
15:26:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're almost over 9000
15:26:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> we might do something special for that..
15:26:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> anime in hd, commercial free with subscription
15:26:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> like ikkitousen season 2 and season 3
15:26:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> are exclusive to EVS
15:27:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> also you can watch all our apps
15:27:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> you like to watch anime everywhere
15:27:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> you like to watch anime while watching anime
15:27:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> idevices, android, roku, beta on samsung, pc
15:27:33 <bay|AX|FUNi> yes, we want to be on console, we're looking into that
15:28:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> and right now, we have a ton of that (missed line)
15:28:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> i'm going to break the illusion
15:28:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> that's not my house
15:28:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> simulcasts
15:28:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> one piece
15:28:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> saturdays at 10pm est
15:28:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> toriko wed
15:28:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> railgun s
15:28:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> sunday at 11:30am est
15:28:47 <bay|AX|FUNi> attack on titan
15:28:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> sunday @ 11am
15:28:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> evs only
15:28:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> dangan ronpa tba
15:29:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> brothers comflict tba
15:29:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> simulcasts...
15:29:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> who doesn't know what a simulcast is... (wow, a number of people)
15:29:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Explaining it)
15:29:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> what episode of one piece are we on?
15:29:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> 604
15:30:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> for attack on titan, we've been getting the epsiodes a little earlier, and we've been releasing a little earlier
15:30:47 <bay|AX|FUNi> summer on funimation.com
15:31:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> (sizzle reel for a bunch of shows coming to the site)
15:32:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> speaking of summer..what's one thing you like...or two things
15:33:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> (girls in bikini on screen)
15:32:30 <bay|AX|FUNi> eveyrone loves the beach episodes of anime right?
15:32:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> and for the funimation show, we do these quickes..and they are video shorts...so we figured we'd do our own beach episode...os beach quickie...
15:35:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> and actully, we're recording this panel right now and we'll upload this to your youtube channel
15:35:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> so coming soon
15:35:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> fairy tail part 5 and 6
15:36:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> pt 5 - 7.23.13
15:36:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> pt 6 - 8.20.13
15:36:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> special gift at rightstuf with preorder
15:36:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> $54.98
15:36:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> bluray/dvd combo pack
15:37:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> one piece
15:38:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> season 5 voyage one
15:38:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> 7.23.13
15:38:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> trailer
15:39:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> Black Lagoon Roberta's Blood Trail
15:39:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.6.13
15:39:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> $39.98
15:39:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> bd/dvd combo pack
15:40:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> trailer
15:41:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> Haganai - I don't have many friends
15:42:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> Didn't you say this is mega64's favorite show? Yes, this is
15:42:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.6.13
15:42:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> $69.98 bd/dvd combo
15:43:03 <bay|AX|FUNi> next prize round
15:43:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> Dragonball Z Rock the Dragon Edition
15:43:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> $99.98
15:43:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> eps 1-53, movies 1-3, 48 page hardcover book
15:43:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> on DVD
15:43:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is what was showing on tv growing up
15:44:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> with the original ocean dub
15:44:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> with the original over 9000
15:44:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> it is how it appeared on tv
15:44:29 <bay|AX|FUNi> comes with a hard box
15:45:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.13.13
15:45:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> trailer
15:46:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> for those who grew up watching this, is this the colectors edition you've been waiting for?
15:47:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> Eureka Seven AO (part 1)
15:46:54 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.13.13
15:46:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> bd/dvd combo
15:46:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> $69.98
15:47:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the sequel to eureka7
15:49:50 <bay|AX|FUNi> Highschool DxD
15:49:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.20.13
15:49:56 <bay|AX|FUNi> bd/dvd combo pack
15:50:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> $69.98
15:50:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> i don't think we need to say much..let's just watch the trailer
15:52:05 <bay|AX|FUNi> okay, we almost had a janet jackson moment... we had to sign a thing before the panel...and we were like "we hope this isnt't the red band trailer", so if you want that, go to the site
15:52:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> Ghost in the Shell Arise
15:52:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.20.13
15:52:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> Japan collector's edition part 1
15:52:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> imported blu-ray (sub only)
15:52:34 <bay|AX|FUNi> imported o-card
15:52:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> imported film strip
15:52:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> art book (english translated)
15:52:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> $69.98
15:53:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> this is the first time ever we've ever done this
15:53:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we're planning to do more with this (jp imports)
15:53:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> and it will get the funimatino treatment later on
15:53:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> and it's also a super limited run
15:54:12 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're only printing 2500 of these
15:53:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> Guilty Crown Part 1
15:53:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> 8.27.13
15:55:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> special edition comes with two art booklets
15:55:09 <bay|AX|FUNi> trailer
15:58:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> Coming soon
15:59:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> Case Closed seasons 1-5 save 7.23
15:58:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> Hetalia Axis powers anime classics 7.9
15:59:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> legends of the legendary heroes bd/dvd 8..27
15:59:24 <bay|AX|FUNi> Special Announcements
15:59:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> because we weren't quite sure how this was going to play out with our panel time
15:59:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> and we wnated to talk about things throughout
15:59:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> so we made all of our announcements at our preview panel
15:59:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> so this is going ot be a reiteration for some
16:00:11 <bay|AX|FUNi> One Piece Film Strong world release date
15:59:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> nov 19
16:00:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> bd/dvd 34.98
16:00:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> dvd only 29.98
16:00:14 <bay|AX|FUNi> cast announcements
16:00:18 <bay|AX|FUNi> Blood-C the Last Dark
16:00:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> (it's already posted)
16:00:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> Wolf Children cast announcement
16:00:46 <bay|AX|FUNi> english dub premiere at otakon
16:00:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> (also already posted)
16:01:17 <bay|AX|FUNi> dub clip for Wolf children
16:03:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> in select theaters later this year
16:04:01 <bay|AX|FUNi> New acquistions
16:04:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> HAL and 009 RE:Cyborg
16:05:19 <bay|AX|FUNi> Hyperdimension Neptunia streaming rights
16:05:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> Simulcasting soon
16:05:41 <bay|AX|FUNi> based off the nis america game
16:05:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> here's the promo video
16:07:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> we've got a lot of simulcasts that are games first this season
16:08:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> that kinda wraps up the panel, we have time for q&A right now
16:08:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> what we can't talk about:
16:08:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> new shows not yet licensed
16:08:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> old shows not yet licensed
16:08:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> new episodes for shows we have already licensed
16:08:20 <bay|AX|FUNi> what shows we are looking to license
16:08:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> what agencies our voice actors use
16:08:35 <bay|AX|FUNi> the dub cast for any shows announced today
16:08:40 <bay|AX|FUNi> jamie march's phone number
16:11:47 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: DVD release of (couldn't hear)
16:11:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: We don't know yet
16:11:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Aquarian Evolve release date?
16:12:06 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Don't think we have one
16:12:15 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Will there a bluray release for older save titles?
16:12:32 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: If we have blu-ray rights, for something, we will most likely release it, we don't necessarily have blu-ray rights for everything
16:12:44 <bay|AX|FUNi> If it hasn't been released yet, we probably don't have it
16:13:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> (they have someone previewing the questions)
16:14:16 <bay|AX|FUNi> (The current question is about rojas's hair)
16:15:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Question about E7AO that was semi-spoilery)
16:16:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Licensed any merchandise for Attack on TItan? Specifically the visual novels and soundtrack?
16:16:08 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: We dont' have the rights for that
16:16:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Acquire those? A: We want to acquire everything
16:17:07 <bay|AX|FUNi> Adam Zeiner(?) (licensing) comes up
16:16:42 <bay|AX|FUNi> we are interested in acquiring everything we can for it
16:16:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> there are different companies in japan that own the rights
16:16:58 <bay|AX|FUNi> we're working to bring over everything we can
16:17:52 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: TWC doesn't get funimation.channel
16:17:49 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Roku is awesome..
16:18:21 <bay|AX|FUNi> (question ended up being about watching on the site, and the subscription)
16:18:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> Who doesn't know what a roku is?
16:19:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> (Explains)
16:19:38 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: How can we get FUNimation back on Verizon?
16:19:47 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: They stopped carrying that. You have to call Verizon and let them know.
16:20:22 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Since you have Eva 3.0, will there be a theatrical release?
16:20:28 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: No details on specifcs yet
16:21:51 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: PS3 app?
16:20:48 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Looking at Xbox, ps3, etc
16:22:04 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Psycho-pass release date?
16:22:10 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Don't have a confirmed date
16:22:23 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Dragonball Z on Bluray...
16:22:27 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Working on the details for that
16:22:39 <bay|AX|FUNi> once we get more information, we'll let you know
16:23:26 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Do you know how many theaters for wolf children?
16:23:31 <bay|AX|FUNi> How can we request specific cities?
16:23:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: No specifics yet
16:23:45 <bay|AX|FUNi> Are looking at trying to get, input on which cities to get it in
16:23:55 <bay|AX|FUNi> there are a lot of different sites that help do that
16:24:00 <bay|AX|FUNi> once we have details, we'll post it
16:24:37 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Why do you credit the english cast before the rest?
16:25:02 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: The majority of releases sell because they are dub, so we prioritze the dub
16:25:57 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Live action dbz rights?
16:25:59 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Owned by fox
16:26:36 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: Issue on toriko release....
16:26:53 <bay|AX|FUNi> A: Email us...
16:27:13 <bay|AX|FUNi> Q: (another japan specific question)
16:27:25 <bay|AX|FUNi> Thank you so much.