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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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Transcript will begin when the panel starts.
Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.
15:24:33 <bay|AX|CR> (still filling room)
15:32:27 <bay|AX|CR> Welcome to the crunchyroll industry panel
15:32:28 <bay|AX|CR> you are in the right place
15:32:36 <bay|AX|CR> excited?
15:32:43 <bay|AX|CR> My name is Tiffany, I'm a brand manager
15:32:53 <bay|AX|CR> I'm victoria, i'm a social media and marketing manager
15:33:07 <bay|AX|CR> Tiffany will go over the basics even though you all know crunchyroll
15:33:08 <bay|AX|CR> just incase
15:33:25 <bay|AX|CR> we are the video streaming website for asian entertainment, which means anime and drama, some japanese drama and korean dream
15:33:35 <bay|AX|CR> Where can you watch crunchyroll?
15:33:48 <bay|AX|CR> We're available all the place, consoles
15:33:58 <bay|AX|CR> you can watch on the big screen, from ps3 or xbox360
15:34:01 <bay|AX|CR> also on a variety of smart tv
15:34:10 <bay|AX|CR> or samsung smart tv and vizio
15:34:14 <bay|AX|CR> we're on mobile devices as well
15:34:25 <bay|AX|CR> android, iphone, etc
15:34:36 <bay|AX|CR> and of course set toop boxes as well
15:34:39 <bay|AX|CR> roku, boxee, etc
15:34:43 <bay|AX|CR> those are built in so just plug and go
15:34:45 <bay|AX|CR> so where are we
15:34:49 <bay|AX|CR> we got social media going
15:35:01 <bay|AX|CR> you can find crunchryoll on twitter facebook tumblr, google plus
15:35:03 <bay|AX|CR> conventions
15:35:27 <bay|AX|CR> go to a variety of conventions around the country
15:35:31 <bay|AX|CR> aside from videos
15:35:36 <bay|AX|CR> we have a news team around the world
15:35:46 <bay|AX|CR> not just here but in japan so they get everything related to pop culture you like
15:35:52 <bay|AX|CR> and recently we launched an ecommerce store
15:36:00 <bay|AX|CR> how many of you have made purchases on the store
15:36:07 <bay|AX|CR> if you are a premium member, you get a nice discount on every item in the store
15:36:12 <bay|AX|CR> and on daily deals, you get even better
15:36:17 <bay|AX|CR> prices think amazon for anime
15:36:27 <bay|AX|CR> we want to be an all in one anime shop for you
15:36:35 <bay|AX|CR> we also run the crunchyroll ambassador program
15:36:44 <bay|AX|CR> something we have to give back to the fans and have them help us
15:37:00 <bay|AX|CR> we look for talented cosplayers, bloggers, reviewers (lost)
15:37:16 <bay|AX|CR> as i said efore
15:37:20 <bay|AX|CR> we recently launched on apple tv
15:37:28 <bay|AX|CR> how many of you have apple tv
15:37:35 <bay|AX|CR> it's one of our latest new platforms to add to set top box devices
15:37:38 <bay|AX|CR> you can atch it with a premium accounut
15:37:42 <bay|AX|CR> it's installed when you click on updat
15:37:45 <bay|AX|CR> and it should isntall
15:37:49 <bay|AX|CR> and we've got hype
15:37:54 <bay|AX|CR> because i know many of you have been asking for this
15:37:58 <bay|AX|CR> are you guys coming to this..
15:38:04 <bay|AX|CR> and i'm excited to say we're coming to ps vita soon
15:38:16 <bay|AX|CR> our goal is to literally be on everything
15:38:17 <bay|AX|CR> details are forthcoming
15:38:25 <bay|AX|CR> we ill be coming soon on ps vita in same territories as ps3
15:38:30 <bay|AX|CR> keep your eyes on the site for more details
15:38:36 <bay|AX|CR> all your ps vita fans can rejoice now
15:38:42 <bay|AX|CR> other announcements
15:38:48 <bay|AX|CR> how many of you have been keeping up with our show announcements
15:38:58 <bay|AX|CR> are there any titles that we've already announced that you are excited to wathc
15:39:10 <bay|AX|CR> before that, a quick faq of things that i get asked
15:39:19 <bay|AX|CR> (These are the same as sakuracon)
15:40:41 <bay|AX|CR> and now for what everyone's waiting for
15:40:44 <bay|AX|CR> the summer season has officialy started
15:40:48 <bay|AX|CR> 10 continuing simul casts
15:41:11 <bay|AX|CR> we have announced 18 new shows in the past week and a half
15:41:22 <bay|AX|CR> free which i'm excited about
15:41:28 <bay|AX|CR> anything you excited about?
15:41:31 <bay|AX|CR> beside free...
15:41:59 <bay|AX|CR> let's announce new titles
15:42:01 <bay|AX|CR> Makai Ouji
15:42:03 <bay|AX|CR> Devils and Realist
15:42:07 <bay|AX|CR> Sunday July 7th 10:05 am
15:43:29 <bay|AX|CR> The Eccentric Family (Uchouten Kazoku)
15:43:43 <bay|AX|CR> Sunday July 7th @ 8am
15:44:45 <bay|AX|CR> The World God Only Knows: Goddess (Kaminomi s3)
15:44:49 <bay|AX|CR> Monday July 8th @ 11am
15:45:57 <bay|AX|CR> Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories
15:46:05 <bay|AX|CR> Sunday July 14th @ 10:45am
15:46:39 <bay|AX|CR> Sunday Without God
15:46:46 <bay|AX|CR> Kami no inai nichiyoubi
15:46:51 <bay|AX|CR> Tuesday July 9th @ 12pm
15:47:49 <bay|AX|CR> Watamote
15:48:52 <bay|AX|CR> No Matter How I Look at it, It's You Guys Fault I'm not Popular!
15:48:11 <bay|AX|CR> tuesday july 9th @ 12:05am
15:49:20 <bay|AX|CR> pv
15:50:07 <bay|AX|CR> Silver Spoon
15:50:13 <bay|AX|CR> Thursday July 11 @ 11:45am
15:50:18 <bay|AX|CR> (Gin no Saji)
15:50:37 <bay|AX|CR> by the same author who did Full Metal Alchemist
15:51:24 <bay|AX|CR> pv from aniplex
15:52:07 <bay|AX|CR> That is all our new simulcast announcements for today
15:52:11 <bay|AX|CR> we still have more shows coming
15:52:17 <bay|AX|CR> so keep your eyes peeled to crunchyroll.com
15:52:20 <bay|AX|CR> trivia time...
15:53:17 <bay|AX|CR> (now having the ambassadors talk about the ambassador program)
15:53:23 <bay|AX|CR> (all dressed in titan gear)
15:59:16 <bay|AX|CR> (give away)
16:04:36 <bay|AX|CR> questions
16:05:03 <bay|AX|CR> Q: Is One Piece ever coming to crunchyroll?
16:05:13 <bay|AX|CR> A: We ask that all the time
16:05:16 <bay|AX|CR> Who wants one piece?
16:05:41 <bay|AX|CR> Q: WIth the introduction of other sites that might be coming out, you think you can keep up in competition with them?
16:05:55 <bay|AX|CR> A: Them coming out means streamin gis the future and we're confident in the future, and the more streaming, the better
16:06:03 <bay|AX|CR> Q: What do you plan to do about other fansub sites?
16:06:27 <bay|AX|CR> A: Let's be honest, there will always be piracy, but we believe we offer a superior product, so we believe there won't be a reason to pirate
16:07:09 <bay|AX|CR> Q: Various people have problems loading the site at 720p and 1080p and the common recommendation from the staff is to change your DNS settings...
16:07:14 <bay|AX|CR> A: This is a question for your support...
16:07:22 <bay|AX|CR> Q: But they will bounce you off..
16:07:27 <bay|AX|CR> A: Talk to our support at the booth
16:07:33 <bay|AX|CR> Thank you for coming