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Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.
21:20:50 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (the room is almost empty comparatively)
21:24:26 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (because the regular passes weren't let in yet apparently)
21:31:41 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (still fillling)
21:32:03 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (now the entire front of the biggest room is filled)
21:36:05 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Yes
21:36:06 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Testing
21:36:11 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Check check
21:36:42 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (Starting)
21:36:43 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Hello everyone
21:36:55 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and welcome to the now and future of bishoujo games, also known as the manga gamer panel
21:37:01 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> this year we don't have the japanese industry guests but we have the english staff
21:37:07 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> on the far right, we have paul, a beta tester
21:37:14 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> he's busy tweeting the news for us riht now
21:37:26 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> to my right is kojiura...
21:37:27 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> i organize thing from the japan size
21:37:33 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> he's the one of doing the work of getting the games that people want
21:37:46 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and in case you didn't know, i'm john, also known as koryuu online
21:37:56 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> to my left is tim, who is an old beta tester who is now editing
21:38:34 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and to his left is yukuris... one of our latest translators
21:38:42 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> currently working on Imouto paradise... it's imoutotastic
21:38:57 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and to his left, is our friend danger, he sells stuff at the booth
21:39:03 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> So first thing
21:39:09 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Harukoi Otome actually has a release date
21:39:11 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> August 9th 2013
21:39:24 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> same day as otakon weekend
21:39:29 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> so after many years, it's finally coming out
21:39:41 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's another game from baseon that's a romantic school drama that's different from koihime musou
21:39:56 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> World End Economica
21:40:02 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> YukuriS, take over since you worked on it
21:40:05 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's available now on the website
21:40:12 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's by the doujin circle called spicytales
21:40:24 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (related to the author of spice and wolf)
21:40:33 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's about margin trading and (something on the moon)
21:40:38 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> if you like spice and wolf, you would love this novel
21:40:44 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's 3 volumes, and we currently have the first on the website
21:41:17 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> also for those who follow music and stuff, it's from the guy who did the HSotD opening and other things
21:41:05 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's an all ages game too
21:41:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Imouto Paradise
21:41:29 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> so before we move on, who here likes little sisters
21:41:45 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> This is another one of our games that's been translated by YukkuriS
21:41:47 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> So i'm going to let him take over
21:42:24 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> They aren't cop out imouto like in other games
21:42:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> they are actually blood related
21:43:22 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> also though they couldn't be here
21:43:34 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we actually have a message from the character designer of the game
21:43:47 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (lost)
21:43:59 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (basically japanese eroge are now worldwide eroge)
21:44:01 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> now about stuff you already know about
21:44:06 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> who is ready for new announcemnts
21:44:11 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Hentai Industries
21:44:29 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> there is a nukige company who contacted us and they wanted to start bringing games over
21:44:36 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and these will be super low price games
21:44:39 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> first one is Ruby Striker
21:45:25 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Warrior Princess Asuka
21:45:42 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> these games are just a bunch of CG and story
21:45:48 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (and all involve tentacles)
21:46:11 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> before we move on to announce our next newest partner, who likes good hot pron
21:46:35 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> this next one was heavily requested and our newest partnership is with Lilith
21:46:53 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> first game is from Lilith is Armored Warrior Iris
21:48:02 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Valkyrie Svia
21:48:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> some may recognize it from Ikusa Otome Svia
21:48:38 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's based in norse mythology, the protagonist is loki trying to take over asgard..
21:48:43 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Space Pirate Sara
21:49:23 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's similar to iris, except she's a pirate
21:49:29 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> who gets put into the slave trade
21:49:54 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> so before we move on
21:49:58 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we know a lot of people has asked for it
21:50:06 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> who here has always wanted to see more from Innocent Grey?
21:50:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> today we are proud to announce several new titles starting with ...
21:51:00 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Innocent Grey's ... Kara no Shoujo The Second Episode
21:52:54 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Kara no Shoujo 2
21:53:00 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> but that's not all
21:53:02 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Cartagra
21:53:05 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> coming soon
21:53:16 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> for those who are familiar with the series...
21:53:23 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> oh, do you want to talk about it?
21:53:36 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> so who here has played Kara no Shoujo... only 7 of you...about what i expected
21:53:54 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> it's a series of dark, hard boiled violence murder mysteries, and the focus is on the murders and trying to solve them
21:54:16 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> for those who are curious
21:54:23 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and those who are familiar with fan translation
21:54:33 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we have talked with the fan translator for cartagra
21:54:34 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and they will be providing it
21:54:40 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we will hvae this one for release soon
21:54:53 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and as soon as he finishes that, he will be doing Kara no Shoujo 2 for us
21:54:59 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and Cartagra comes before Kara no Shoujo
21:55:04 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we also have their sister brand
21:55:07 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Noesis
21:55:23 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> this brand is used for the more porn centered games
21:55:31 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and we have licensed two of the more popular games
21:55:38 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Free Friends 1 and Free Friends 2
21:56:39 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> the stories for each of these game is that it's a different girl who is kicked out of her home who is trying to fin a way to live while going through school, so she goes to a SNS site where people can whore themselves out for housing or other things
21:56:58 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> the game is much deeper than softhouse seal
21:57:03 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and oh yeah, there is one more thing
21:57:08 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Kara no Shoujo voice edition
21:57:20 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we're proud to announce that we acquired the voices for Kara no shoujo
21:57:25 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we will have a patch available on the website
21:57:53 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> since we have to give royalty back to innocent grey and the voice actors, we are charging $5 for the patch
21:57:57 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> and $35 for the full voiced game
21:58:22 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we're also proud to announce that Kara no Shoujo voiced edition will get a limited edition hardcopy release
21:58:25 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we're going to have a soundtrack and a box that includes both the game and the soundtrack
21:58:43 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> so now it's time for Q&A
21:58:50 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> as long as we have time for the raffle before it ends
21:59:06 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Packaged version price for Kara no Shoujo?
21:59:51 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: probably will be around $45 or $49.95
22:00:13 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Monster Girl's Quest? Get the rights to it?
22:00:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: What's the company that worked on it?
22:00:47 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> We don't know, we haven't tried yet...
22:01:19 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (completely lost on what's going on right now)
22:02:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: The dealings with Innocent Grey for more titles... how difficult was that since Kara no Shoujo didn't really sell?
22:02:46 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Actually, they are busy, and we had to wait for Kara no Shoujo 2 to finish in Japan and then they were done making patches, and after that , i spoke with them and they were receptive
22:03:19 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Getting any emotional gripping series as such? (missed the title)
22:03:45 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: From what i've read, Free Friends 1 and 2 do take a serious tone like Yumeiro Kusuri
22:04:25 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: When are you going to a game like (describing a title with egyptian romance)?
22:04:55 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Skipped
22:05:07 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Shin Koihime Musou?
22:05:07 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: After panel
22:05:19 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: DC3? Regular or X-rated?
22:05:26 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: We have 5 more announcements at Otakon in August
22:05:38 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: MuvLuv related games in those 5?
22:05:47 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Nothing from Age at the moment
22:06:01 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Type Moon when?
22:06:48 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A; We're well aware that everyone wants it, but there's nothing i can say at the moment
22:07:36 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> When you actually buy the games, we'll take type moon into consideration, so buy more (YukuriS)
22:07:48 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Translating eroge with an anime adaptation?
22:08:22 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Kara no Shoujo has an OVA.... the lilith games have ero ovas
22:08:52 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Recommendations for someone new?
22:08:55 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Go Go Nippon
22:09:35 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> For every preference out there, we have a game
22:10:32 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Comment on where you think the imouto archetype is going in the next 5 years...
22:10:44 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: It's going to last that time because of the amount coming out right now..
22:10:50 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> I would like to agree with the panelist to my left
22:10:56 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> imouto futures are a very found investment
22:11:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> imouto is no longer a fetish in anime manga or games, it's a norm, so i expect it going nowhere
22:11:32 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> I agree
22:12:03 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> I'm going to be the voice of dissent here and say onee chan are better
22:12:39 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Key games?
22:13:08 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: As I said about typemoon, when you decide to buy games, and have your friends buying 500 copies each, it's possible
22:13:21 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Key and Typemoon are used to seeing 10k's sales, but 100's
22:13:57 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Is there a reason you can't translate more than visual novel... like RPG games? like Airsoft?
22:14:48 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: We would love to do more games with gameplay, the problem is that games with gameplay actually require an actually programmer on the japanese side because they don't want to let anyone else tinker witht the engine and that programmer is very busy
22:15:01 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> First... raffle
22:20:21 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Black lilith games?
22:20:26 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Actually, most of those were black lilith brand
22:20:36 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Never 11 or Ever 17?
22:20:56 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: No, probably not anytime soon, maybe in the future
22:21:37 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Any chance of getting LiarSoft?
22:21:48 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: up to them, have to talk to them
22:23:14 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Password protection like steam?
22:23:29 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: you are asking us to add drm to our games?
22:23:34 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> We get enough hostility already
22:23:44 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we don't want to restrict usage too much
22:24:01 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> but the industry is so niche that the first month of sales is crucial and so we need some dorm
22:24:13 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Shin Koihime Musou?
22:24:18 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Will take too lnog still
22:24:39 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (someone clarifies a previous game)
22:27:12 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> (people are asking about individual fetishes for games to buy)
22:28:10 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Weren't you guys planning to translate h-ovas and h-manga?
22:28:27 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: We might be able to start out with pixie animes...
22:28:28 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> they do the lilith animes...
22:28:32 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> we are still working on that
22:29:27 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Where's Bamboo?
22:29:31 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: On tour....
22:29:55 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> Q: Harukoi Otome, voiced or not?
22:29:56 <bay|AX|Mangagamer> A: Yes.