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22:02:44 <bay|AX|JAST> Test
22:04:16 <bay|AX|JAST> I guess I should go ahead and get started
22:04:23 <bay|AX|JAST> Welcome to the JAST USA visual novel panel
22:04:25 <bay|AX|JAST> Thank you very much
22:04:29 <bay|AX|JAST> We're very happy to be here
22:04:33 <bay|AX|JAST> We love anime expo
22:04:37 <bay|AX|JAST> I'm Peter Payne
22:04:41 <bay|AX|JAST> I"m the owner of JAST USA
22:04:49 <bay|AX|JAST> we're one of the first companies that's still around that was doing visual novels
22:04:53 <bay|AX|JAST> we've been doing this a while
22:04:58 <bay|AX|JAST> we've got some cool stuff to show
22:05:00 <bay|AX|JAST> and some anouncements
22:05:11 <bay|AX|JAST> and in addition to JAST we have J-list
22:05:14 <bay|AX|JAST> an online shop
22:05:28 <bay|AX|JAST> we pretty much sell anything that's otaku approved
22:05:33 <bay|AX|JAST> bento box, figures, etc
22:05:47 <bay|AX|JAST> this is our faithful mascot megumi
22:05:49 <bay|AX|JAST> unfortunately she's going to die today
22:05:58 <bay|AX|JAST> we're going to say goodbye to the old
22:06:04 <bay|AX|JAST> and this is the new megumi
22:06:09 <bay|AX|JAST> (updated design)
22:06:17 <bay|AX|JAST> we're making a lot of changes to the company as a whoel
22:06:21 <bay|AX|JAST> we're doing a new website
22:06:28 <bay|AX|JAST> it's part of our image change
22:06:34 <bay|AX|JAST> she's a little more up to date
22:06:38 <bay|AX|JAST> a little more influenced
22:06:44 <bay|AX|JAST> new website is coming soon
22:06:56 <bay|AX|JAST> it's the website we've wanted for a long time
22:07:00 <bay|AX|JAST> there are a lot of features we need
22:07:04 <bay|AX|JAST> and we're going to give them to you
22:07:11 <bay|AX|JAST> and the new site will reflect that reality
22:07:17 <bay|AX|JAST> anyway, back to JAST
22:07:21 <bay|AX|JAST> we're going to talk about what we've done in the past year
22:07:31 <bay|AX|JAST> we've done a lot to refresh the company and image
22:07:34 <bay|AX|JAST> a new website and logo
22:07:38 <bay|AX|JAST> and a number of games
22:07:52 <bay|AX|JAST> before we go further, let's talk about what are visual novels
22:08:33 <bay|AX|JAST> visual novels are a unique kind of media... i believe a company called JAST made one of the first ones... which we partnered with which is why we're jast usa
22:08:42 <bay|AX|JAST> so visual novels let us tell emotional stories
22:09:08 <bay|AX|JAST> visual novels.. have multiple endings (school days is shown on screen)
22:09:29 <bay|AX|JAST> diverse gameplay
22:09:39 <bay|AX|JAST> games with all types of different gameplay
22:09:55 <bay|AX|JAST> we've been showing that with our games.. dungeon crawling rpgs, card games
22:10:03 <bay|AX|JAST> you can have adult themes in visual novels
22:10:12 <bay|AX|JAST> it's the perfect type of vehicle to show adult content
22:10:15 <bay|AX|JAST> so what do we do?
22:10:24 <bay|AX|JAST> we license games from japan, we don't do original content
22:10:37 <bay|AX|JAST> we make that into english and whatever else for american fans to enjoy
22:10:46 <bay|AX|JAST> we put them into a shape that is right for america
22:11:18 <bay|AX|JAST> because we've been doing this so long, we've got a large back catalog
22:11:57 <bay|AX|JAST> probably everyone has their own thing that they like about novels... i like the stories, probably everyone has their own twist or turn that they like
22:12:03 <bay|AX|JAST> and there are also high quality "stories"
22:12:34 <bay|AX|JAST> we proudly provide games without digital rights management
22:12:54 <bay|AX|JAST> whether you get the download version or the CDrom version taht we sell, you never have to worry about the game working tomorrow
22:13:07 <bay|AX|JAST> one thing that we've been putting effort into is limited + download versions
22:13:13 <bay|AX|JAST> people like download versions of the game we sell
22:13:20 <bay|AX|JAST> but we don't want to get to the point where we're only download
22:13:31 <bay|AX|JAST> so we've been putting a lot of effort into deluxe versions
22:13:45 <bay|AX|JAST> so this year, starting with some new titles, we've been doing really good in the visual novels
22:13:50 <bay|AX|JAST> and the overall package that we've been presenting
22:13:56 <bay|AX|JAST> so we're going to talk about our latest titles
22:14:32 <bay|AX|JAST> this is Little Witch Romanesque
22:15:13 <bay|AX|JAST> this is a raise up game, a bring up game
22:15:18 <bay|AX|JAST> you have 3 years to teach the main characters magic
22:15:54 <bay|AX|JAST> this is our first steam release
22:16:00 <bay|AX|JAST> steam has been doing good things for visual novels
22:16:02 <bay|AX|JAST> since they are now on steam
22:16:15 <bay|AX|JAST> but the downside is that they don't allow adult content on the system
22:17:42 <bay|AX|JAST> hanachirasu (nitro plus)
22:17:14 <bay|AX|JAST> this kinda lives in infamy because it took a while to get out because windows8 broke things and we wanted it to work
22:18:07 <bay|AX|JAST> kana little sister...
22:18:46 <bay|AX|JAST> remake of the original game
22:19:38 <bay|AX|JAST> we have a bunch of games now which are bundle packs
22:19:41 <bay|AX|JAST> which are 2 for 1
22:19:47 <bay|AX|JAST> so we can keep games in print
22:20:00 <bay|AX|JAST> so this allows us to keep our games past the time we normally keep them in print
22:20:13 <bay|AX|JAST> and now for something completely different
22:20:25 <bay|AX|JAST> Starless
22:21:37 <bay|AX|JAST> this is one of the games where we made a strong effort to make a limited version
22:21:52 <bay|AX|JAST> we got a large box, an art book which is a replica of the japanese version
22:22:01 <bay|AX|JAST> but with an interview with seijo himself
22:23:28 <bay|AX|JAST> Lightning Warrior Raidy III
22:22:59 <bay|AX|JAST> 3rd title in the series
22:23:40 <bay|AX|JAST> and this time we did cards
22:23:43 <bay|AX|JAST> for the liimted edition
22:23:53 <bay|AX|JAST> Shiny Days
22:24:26 <bay|AX|JAST> this is of course shiny days, the final chapter in the school days series
22:24:35 <bay|AX|JAST> this is a remake of.. summer days
22:24:40 <bay|AX|JAST> with a lot of content added in
22:24:53 <bay|AX|JAST> school days is the most popular game we've ever published
22:25:04 <bay|AX|JAST> we were trying to get it out for the show, but it wasn't just happening
22:25:13 <bay|AX|JAST> we'll have it out in 5-6 weeks
22:25:42 <bay|AX|JAST> we're really trying ot bring a good limited edition
22:25:47 <bay|AX|JAST> so we got large box, ender box... mousepad with original art
22:25:49 <bay|AX|JAST> download card
22:25:55 <bay|AX|JAST> one note...who has seen the school days anime
22:26:08 <bay|AX|JAST> a lot of people think that school days the game is not like the anime, but i always point out they are different
22:26:24 <bay|AX|JAST> in the game, there are 21 endings and 5 or 6 are dark, but it's not like the anime
22:26:32 <bay|AX|JAST> most of the endings are normal happy endings, so i caution people
22:26:37 <bay|AX|JAST> so shiny days will be coming soon
22:26:39 <bay|AX|JAST> a little extra information
22:26:47 <bay|AX|JAST> i know people want Seinarukana
22:26:50 <bay|AX|JAST> it will ship this fall
22:27:29 <bay|AX|JAST> Sumaga.. tl is completed.. it's in editing... so it will take a little while longer
22:27:02 <bay|AX|JAST> now for some new announcements
22:28:14 <bay|AX|JAST> Flowers (copyright innocent grey)
22:28:23 <bay|AX|JAST> as people who follow me on social media, you know i like yuri
22:28:25 <bay|AX|JAST> it's an all ages game
22:28:29 <bay|AX|JAST> it's part of 4 part series
22:28:37 <bay|AX|JAST> we do plan to do all the games in the series
22:28:48 <bay|AX|JAST> it's a good game, we'll have it out for you not far in the distant future
22:28:49 <bay|AX|JAST> flowersgame.com
22:29:49 <bay|AX|JAST> (Super Sonico introducing herself in English)
22:31:13 <bay|AX|JAST> anyway
22:31:15 <bay|AX|JAST> Super Sonico
22:31:20 <bay|AX|JAST> sonicomi.com
22:31:24 <bay|AX|JAST> Communication with Sonico
22:31:38 <bay|AX|JAST> because of our close relationship with ntiro plus, this is a game which we've always wanted to do
22:31:42 <bay|AX|JAST> and they agreed
22:31:53 <bay|AX|JAST> so this is a game we're hoping to do close in the future
22:32:05 <bay|AX|JAST> and now
22:32:18 <bay|AX|JAST> give away of stuff
22:45:39 <bay|AX|JAST> we have a little bit of time left
22:45:44 <bay|AX|JAST> so we can do a few questions
22:46:26 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: What happened with Starry Sky?
22:46:37 <bay|AX|JAST> A: It is never one we licensed, it's one we wanted to do ...
22:46:48 <bay|AX|JAST> and basically, there are many challenges in the visual novel world
22:47:35 <bay|AX|JAST> one recently is the talent agencies who manage voice actors... if a company makes a game on pc and vita... they have to spend 50% of the money they used to make the voice recordings, and when we want to do it in english, it's hundred of thousands of dollars and it's non-negotiable
22:47:53 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi?
22:48:12 <bay|AX|JAST> A: One thing, when we go to nitro+ and ask for more games, they go "you never finished the games you started"
22:48:25 <bay|AX|JAST> so they slowly give us one as we finish others
22:49:03 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: I hear in japan, there is difference legally between 18+ and all ages versions, like i hear some voice actors use aliases
22:48:44 <bay|AX|JAST> A: There is a whole complex world about voice acting
22:48:49 <bay|AX|JAST> what you have is the voice actors itself
22:49:18 <bay|AX|JAST> (Super Sonico interrupts)
22:50:07 <bay|AX|JAST> (The full video from before)
22:52:37 <bay|AX|JAST> It will be on steam (he can't wait to see the haters)
22:51:42 <bay|AX|JAST> and there will be a limited release too
22:51:48 <bay|AX|JAST> and regarding voice actors
22:52:09 <bay|AX|JAST> there are the adult voice actors who are down to earth, and then there is the a-list ones who one time work in eroge and then deny it
22:53:19 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Talk about the partnership with Innocent Grey?
22:52:55 <bay|AX|JAST> A: it's a new thing, we've been working with them, they've got some great stuff, they got other titles
22:53:02 <bay|AX|JAST> we're always putting out feelers with different companies
22:53:07 <bay|AX|JAST> and we never know what will bear fruit
22:53:55 <bay|AX|JAST> We'll contact 8 companies this year... maybe 2 will reply,.. and one will be no
22:54:18 <bay|AX|JAST> This company was interested and they want a very specific way they wanted to handle the games
22:54:27 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Have you approched 9tale(?)
22:54:41 <bay|AX|JAST> A: Can't say anything
22:55:05 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: So English translated visual novels are probably the most pirated games on the net.... you don't have DRM...
22:56:07 <bay|AX|JAST> A: We try to be proactive... and forward thinking about it
22:56:25 <bay|AX|JAST> Anyone who has at some point pirated, sure, we understand, but now cast your votes with your dollars
22:56:31 <bay|AX|JAST> that's how we know what to get more of
22:56:43 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Outlaw Django? (Another Nitro+ game)
22:57:15 <bay|AX|JAST> A: one of the last of the first group, it's likely first half 2016... translation isn't done yet... it'll get done
22:57:10 <bay|AX|JAST> the only time we've ever stopped on a game was cleavage
22:57:22 <bay|AX|JAST> where they lost the uncensored art
22:57:32 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Fate Stay Night?
22:57:35 <bay|AX|JAST> A: Someday, someone will do it
22:57:49 <bay|AX|JAST> but it's all about, the whole empire.. media, games.. anime
22:58:39 <bay|AX|JAST> someday it will probably happen
22:58:55 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Alicesoft games? bright games?
22:58:59 <bay|AX|JAST> A: We've talked with them in the past...
22:59:07 <bay|AX|JAST> never got anything going
22:59:16 <bay|AX|JAST> alicesoft is a really old company
22:59:28 <bay|AX|JAST> so we're out of time
22:59:34 <bay|AX|JAST> thank you for coming