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13:38:38 <bay|AX|IG> (still getting the line in)
13:41:50 <bay|AX|IG> (this panel has gone from maybe 50-100 people in years past to almost more than filling 1/5th the biggest room)
13:42:26 <bay|AX|IG> Hi guys
13:42:29 <bay|AX|IG> Thank you so much for coming
13:42:34 <bay|AX|IG> I didn't expect this to be such a great outcome
13:42:48 <bay|AX|IG> They gave me LP1 which seats, what, 2000 people, and I didn't expect this many to show up
13:43:57 <bay|AX|IG> I have a lot of new clips from our new shows today and I want to introduce Giovanni's Island which is airing later today
13:44:07 <bay|AX|IG> And i have the writer of the show here?
13:44:19 <bay|AX|IG> And I'm also helping with the 4c panel and Eiko Tanaka, the president of 4c is here
13:45:01 <bay|AX|IG> I'm also representation a studio called studio deen, and they've been wanting to come to anime expo, so i brought a video for them
13:45:41 <bay|AX|IG> (She wants more companies to come and not just production IG)
13:46:04 <bay|AX|IG> And now without further adieu, I'll show the trailers
13:46:18 <bay|AX|IG> Ace of the Diamond
13:47:38 <bay|AX|IG> Ao Haru Ride
13:48:55 <bay|AX|IG> Haikyu
13:49:30 <bay|AX|IG> Kuroko's Basketball
13:51:04 <bay|AX|IG> Psycho-Pass
13:52:24 <bay|AX|IG> Ghost in the Shell Arise
13:54:32 <bay|AX|IG> Both part 2 and part 3
13:54:41 <bay|AX|IG> Giovanni's Island
13:56:48 <bay|AX|IG> Did you notice that we are doing a lot of sport stuff?
13:56:53 <bay|AX|IG> Volleyball, baseball....
13:57:03 <bay|AX|IG> And we're doing cute stuff too like Giovanni's Island
13:57:10 <bay|AX|IG> And we do have the writer/producer here
13:57:15 <bay|AX|IG> We just finished the English dub
13:57:22 <bay|AX|IG> We used BangZoom entertainement
13:58:29 <bay|AX|IG> And we actually have the boy who did the voice over for the little boy Sebastian(?)
13:58:39 <bay|AX|IG> What else was in there... Ghost in the Shell Arise...and FUNImation is releasing that...
13:58:44 <bay|AX|IG> So make sure you buy it from FUNimation
13:59:13 <bay|AX|IG> And Psycho-pass, you all love psycho-pass...
13:59:17 <bay|AX|IG> and I think the writer is a GOH...
13:59:45 <bay|AX|IG> Oh, and Border 4 is called Ghost Stands Alone
13:59:49 <bay|AX|IG> And it will be coming out in September
14:00:10 <bay|AX|IG> so what I'm going to show you now is trailer that studio deen made and they will be here next year..
14:00:32 <bay|AX|IG> Are you familiar with them.. and they did stuff like... (goes over huge list)
14:02:51 <bay|AX|IG> And now, going to show you the trailer which includes Hakuoki the Movie, Gifu Dodo, Meganbu, Sakura Trick, Wasimo, and Pupa
14:01:57 <bay|AX|IG> Bakumatsu Rock, Wannabe JK, Mission to Black Hole, and also vocaloid stuff
14:03:45 <bay|AX|IG> So besides these trailers, I have a small announcement..
14:04:00 <bay|AX|IG> Mamoru Oshii... what's he doing right now? Live action...
14:04:22 <bay|AX|IG> So we're actually doing the live action animation.. like a hybrid animation for Mamoru Oshii and we are final mixing it next week
14:05:10 <bay|AX|IG> And it's called Garm Wars, the Last Druid
14:04:41 <bay|AX|IG> It's been in development for 15 years
14:06:43 <bay|AX|IG> (Saying Toronto people should attend the film festival next week which will have an Oshii retrospective)
14:06:49 <bay|AX|IG> I guess that's all the announcements I'm making...
14:06:54 <bay|AX|IG> Oh, and Kickheart...
14:06:59 <bay|AX|IG> We did that through Kickstarter...
14:07:17 <bay|AX|IG> (she's going through the prizes)
14:10:18 <bay|AX|IG> Q&A
14:10:52 <bay|AX|IG> Q: When do you think Oshii will start working on GITS Movie 3?
14:11:09 <bay|AX|IG> A: Guess what... (as if about to say something).... I can't say.
14:11:31 <bay|AX|IG> Q: It's been a year since Kickheart, what is production ig's view of the experience, would you consider doing it again?
14:11:59 <bay|AX|IG> A: Yes, it's great, the fans were so supportive, but I'd give the credit to the produce on Kick Heart, but waht's impressive with it, is the constant communication with the backers, that's the key to success, but we'd love to do it again
14:12:17 <bay|AX|IG> Q: Do you guys plan to release any more films in the international theaters?
14:12:46 <bay|AX|IG> A: We're trying to release Giovanni's film..and Oshii's new film.. we always want to release everything theatrical but it's very expensive
14:13:04 <bay|AX|IG> Q: Out of all the works you've done is there anyone that is your most favorite @ the producer
14:13:33 <bay|AX|IG> (the question got altered to be person...)
14:13:36 <bay|AX|IG> A: Maybe Kenji Kamiyama... (lost)
14:13:49 <bay|AX|IG> Q: I haven't seen any work from IG from Kenji Kamiyama in a while...
14:13:54 <bay|AX|IG> A: I can't say when, but yes, it's goin gto come out
14:14:32 <bay|AX|IG> Q: I think it wa ssaid from your president, that you are trying to do more hour long anime series, I was wondering if you were planning to do more?
14:15:19 <bay|AX|IG> A: Yes, i'm sure that's the plan.... (the phrasing and tone of the answer was strange)
14:15:23 <bay|AX|IG> Q: Sports anime based on ice hockey?
14:15:32 <bay|AX|IG> A: Not sure how popular it is in Japan, but i'll mention it
14:15:53 <bay|AX|IG> Q: What are the chances of a Vinland Saga anime?
14:16:04 <bay|AX|IG> A: Not that I know of... but it's a popular project, so maybe in the future
14:16:53 <bay|AX|IG> Q: Considering the ending of Real Drive, can you explain the last 2 minutes, since I know you wrote it?
14:16:41 <bay|AX|IG> A: It's long ... talk to me later
14:17:20 <bay|AX|IG> Q: When it comes to adapting a popular piece of work, who apparoaches who?
14:17:36 <bay|AX|IG> A: It's usually the case wehre the publishers approach us...
14:18:32 <bay|AX|IG> Q: Another way to see Giovanni's Island?
14:18:49 <bay|AX|IG> A: (There will also be a screening in Little Tokyo tomorrow)
14:19:10 <bay|AX|IG> Q: How often do you hire freelancers in the US for animation?
14:19:13 <bay|AX|IG> A: Are you good?
14:19:18 <bay|AX|IG> You have to be really good....
14:19:43 <bay|AX|IG> To be an animator for IG, you have to live and work in Japan
14:20:16 <bay|AX|IG> Q: Will Psycho-Pass 2 be tv or movie?
14:20:36 <bay|AX|IG> A: 2 is TV series and after that is a movie
14:20:57 <bay|AX|IG> Q: How much does it cost to produce something like the next Ghost in the Shell movies you have coming up?
14:21:04 <bay|AX|IG> A: It really varies... GITS2 Innocense was 18 million
14:21:29 <bay|AX|IG> I don't know about GITS3 but it will probably be more.. you want to invest?
14:22:53 <bay|AX|IG> Q; How long does it take on average for projects to take from development to release?
14:23:08 <bay|AX|IG> A: Garm is special... but it really varies from project to project..
14:23:14 <bay|AX|IG> Giovanni was 3 years, including pre-production
14:23:34 <bay|AX|IG> Q: For the English cast for Arise?
14:23:40 <bay|AX|IG> A: Not our decision since FUNImation licensed it
14:24:00 <bay|AX|IG> Q: What ever happened to the live action gits that was in the works at dream works?
14:24:04 <bay|AX|IG> A: Can't say anything about it
14:24:11 <bay|AX|IG> But it's moving forward
14:24:39 <bay|AX|IG> Q: How long did it take to do Giovanni's Island?
14:24:49 <bay|AX|IG> A; Took me 1 year of writing it and then 2 years of production
14:25:06 <bay|AX|IG> Thank you so much for coming everybody