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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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10:07:33 <bay|AX|Sentai> ("Sentai Noticed Me" boxes on some chairs)
10:08:43 <bay|AX|Sentai> (Which appear to contain some sort of snacks)
10:15:02 <bay|AX|Sentai> (Waiting for the line to come up)
10:22:00 <bay|AX|Sentai> (Almost filled in?)
10:26:07 <bay|AX|Sentai> (Here we go)
10:26:13 <bay|AX|Sentai> Welcome welcome to the Sentai Filmworks industry panel
10:26:25 <bay|AX|Sentai> Happy 4th of july
10:26:57 <bay|AX|Sentai> My name is Kaylee and my name is Christian (sp? x2)
10:27:08 <bay|AX|Sentai> And as I assume you know, we're from sentai filmworks
10:27:23 <bay|AX|Sentai> Who is ready to get this panel started?
10:27:33 <bay|AX|Sentai> (At con events)
10:28:48 <bay|AX|Sentai> (The Gatchaman Crowds Fluff Ice truck outside)
10:29:25 <bay|AX|Sentai> Gatchaman Crowds sweepstakes at gatchamancrowds.com
10:29:52 <bay|AX|Sentai> Entry ends July 15th, can enter every day
10:30:33 <bay|AX|Sentai> Jessica Nigri will be at our booth today as Aika from Blade and Soul and tomorrow as Super Sonico
10:31:20 <bay|AX|Sentai> Soniani Super Sweepstakes.... for Super Sonico's guitar, enter through July 15th at sentaianime.com
10:32:00 <bay|AX|Sentai> Short Peace.... worldwide english premiere @ con
10:33:23 <bay|AX|Sentai> 2014 Sizzle Reel
10:38:12 <bay|AX|Sentai> You may have seen some of our spring 2014 titles up there
10:38:30 <bay|AX|Sentai> We are very excited about our 2014 lineup and some of them just finished airing actually...
10:38:42 <bay|AX|Sentai> We're going to call out our spring 2014 titles and want to hear you cheer for each one
10:39:34 <bay|AX|Sentai> Blade and Soul...
10:39:40 <bay|AX|Sentai> One Week Friends...
10:40:22 <bay|AX|Sentai> Kamigami no Asobi
10:41:09 <bay|AX|Sentai> Captain Earth
10:41:47 <bay|AX|Sentai> The Comic Artist and His Assistants
10:42:57 <bay|AX|Sentai> Haikyu!!
10:43:53 <bay|AX|Sentai> Is the Order a Rabbit?
10:44:55 <bay|AX|Sentai> The Kawaii Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
10:46:00 <bay|AX|Sentai> Black Bullet
10:46:53 <bay|AX|Sentai> No Game No Life
10:47:48 <bay|AX|Sentai> next one... also part of the spring lineup, but we've never talked about it
10:47:52 <bay|AX|Sentai> we have licensed.. Chaika the Coffin Princess
10:48:19 <bay|AX|Sentai> Box sets.....
10:48:25 <bay|AX|Sentai> we have mentioned before that we are doing boxsets...
10:48:36 <bay|AX|Sentai> we've talked it before on social pages and other places...
10:49:06 <bay|AX|Sentai> One of the first box sets this year will be for High School of the Dead which will have all 12 eps, the ova, and a bunch of other goodies
10:49:18 <bay|AX|Sentai> the next box set is Love Chuunibyou and Other Delusions
10:49:24 <bay|AX|Sentai> numbered limited edition box set
10:49:30 <bay|AX|Sentai> loaded with fun extras , goodies and much more
10:49:47 <bay|AX|Sentai> and this next box set...
10:49:50 <bay|AX|Sentai> Beyond the Boundary
10:49:54 <bay|AX|Sentai> Super limited deluxe edition
10:49:59 <bay|AX|Sentai> filled with awesome extras and more
10:50:19 <bay|AX|Sentai> November 2014 releases
10:50:22 <bay|AX|Sentai> we have a few surprises
10:50:43 <bay|AX|Sentai> High School of the Dead box set
10:50:45 <bay|AX|Sentai> Stella Class C3
10:50:47 <bay|AX|Sentai> Tari Tari
10:50:55 <bay|AX|Sentai> Natsuyuki Rendevous
10:51:10 <bay|AX|Sentai> 3 on which are on bd for the first time
10:51:13 <bay|AX|Sentai> 2 more shows...
10:51:28 <bay|AX|Sentai> Noucome (My Mental choices are Completely Interfering with my school romantic comedy)
10:51:42 <bay|AX|Sentai> Yusibu (I couldn't become a hero, so I reluctantlly decided to get a job)
10:52:34 <bay|AX|Sentai> (these are for november)
10:52:14 <bay|AX|Sentai> one more title for november
10:52:23 <bay|AX|Sentai> Log Horizon
10:52:43 <bay|AX|Sentai> Collection 1 in November
10:52:45 <bay|AX|Sentai> will have a dub
10:52:55 <bay|AX|Sentai> so what's up next
10:53:01 <bay|AX|Sentai> New Acquisitions for Summer 2014
10:53:10 <bay|AX|Sentai> Argevollen
10:53:49 <bay|AX|Sentai> Blue Spring Ride (Ao Haru Ride)
10:54:08 <bay|AX|Sentai> Glasslip
10:54:55 <bay|AX|Sentai> Invaders of the Rokujoma
10:55:26 <bay|AX|Sentai> Rail Wars!
10:56:13 <bay|AX|Sentai> Sabagebu! -Survival Game Club-
10:56:55 <bay|AX|Sentai> Akame ga Kiru
10:58:51 <bay|AX|Sentai> we have a small clip for you guys from watamote
10:58:59 <bay|AX|Sentai> this is the first time you will be able to hear the English dub
11:02:55 <bay|AX|Sentai> let's get on to the...raffle...
11:03:12 <bay|AX|Sentai> "Sentai for a Year" Grand Prize Raffle
11:04:54 <bay|AX|Sentai> Thank you for coming to the panel