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Site info: Not Covering Anime Expo 2018 Industry Panels
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Transcript will begin when the panel starts.
Note: ( ) is usually commenting on the panel and was not said.
10:44:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> hello
10:44:42 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> how are you guys doing out there
10:45:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now i gotta ask you guys
10:45:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> are you ready?
10:45:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> otakon, are you guys ready for the aniplex panel?
10:46:12 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (sizzle reel)
10:47:05 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the aniplex of america industry panel
10:47:20 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> My name is EJ rivera, the aniplex guy, and in back is the aniplex girl
10:47:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we're excited to be here
10:47:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we have exciting stuff
10:48:19 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> a couple reminders
10:48:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> check out the official website at aniplexusa.com
10:48:29 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> latest news and info can be found there
10:48:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and if you are looking for a place to watch aniplex titles, check out aniplexchannel.com powered by hulu
10:49:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (at con events)
10:49:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (he ran through the usual stuff too)
10:52:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (still con events and guests)
10:52:32 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> let's talk about now streaming series
10:52:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> starting off with this first series
10:52:42 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this just finished its first series and it has everything
10:53:17 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (valvrave trailer)
10:54:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> new season coming in october
10:54:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/valvrave
10:54:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> can check it out now on aniplex, hulu and crunchyroll
10:54:42 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now we have a series that's about office work...
10:55:03 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> or wait, i should be looking at my notes... tm revolution will be doing the opening at his concert today
10:55:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> next, a series about office work
10:55:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> let's see the trailer
10:56:38 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Servant x Service
10:57:20 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> new episodes every thursday on crunchyroll
10:56:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> from the same people as working/wagnaria
10:56:59 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> it's like the anime version of the office
10:57:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/servantservice
10:57:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now a magical girl series that isn't madoka (missed part)
10:58:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Day Break Illusion (Genei wo kakeru taiyou)
10:58:39 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> new episodes every saturday on crunchyroll
10:58:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also on aniplex channel and hulu
10:58:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this is an awesome series, it's also a magical girl series
10:59:05 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and for you guys that are fans of lisa
10:59:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> lisa did the opening which is now available on itunes
10:59:22 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> next we have a series streaming right now about farming
10:59:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> from the author of fullmetal alchemist and directed by the director of sword art online
10:59:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Silver Spoon
11:00:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> new episodes every thursday on crunchyroll
11:00:19 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also on hulu and aniplex channel
11:00:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> new series about farm life
11:00:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> get the latest info on aniplexusa.com/silverspoon
11:00:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next is a series that's streaming that if you are a fan of office supplies or toothbrushes, you may like
11:00:55 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> let's check out the trailer
11:01:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Monogatari Second Season
11:01:34 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> new episodes every saturday at daisuki.net
11:01:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> learn everything at aniplexusa.com/monogatari
11:01:52 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we talked about straeming, now let's talk about stuff now available
11:02:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now let's talk about a magical girl series now available on bluray in movie form
11:02:05 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> trailer..
11:02:44 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> collector's eidtion and standard edition
11:02:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> part 1 beginnings and part 2 eternal of madoka moovie
11:03:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> collectors edition is japanese import with all these goodies
11:03:57 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next is a series we're bringing it back on dvd and bluray
11:04:14 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> you'll get it if i say we're aiming toward the heavens, let's check out the trailer
11:06:37 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> limited edition dvd box set and blu-ray box set (import) now available
11:06:48 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> latest info at aniplexusa.com/gurrenlagann
11:07:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (going over the specs)
11:08:17 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next, we have a series that's very popular right now, it just got a dub and is showing on neon alley
11:08:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> blue exorcist
11:09:39 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> available right now in limited edition blu-ray box set and complete dvd set
11:09:48 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 1 available now and vol 2 sept 10th
11:09:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (specs of bd set again)
11:10:55 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and we are bringing a certain movie to the theaters, let's check out the exclusive trailer
11:11:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> blue exorcist the movie
11:12:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> august 17th, 2013 dubbed in english
11:12:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> across the US
11:12:37 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> free poster with ticket
11:12:44 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> blueexorcist.com/themovie
11:12:59 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next on dvd is a horror film from aniplex
11:13:14 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> if you like sharks and spiders and shark spider hybrids, then you'll want to check this out
11:13:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (gyo trailer)
11:15:17 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Gyo Tokyo Fish Attack
11:15:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> by the same studio that did Fate zero and garden of sinners
11:15:29 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now on dvd
11:15:40 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> for the sake of time, i'm cutting trailers
11:15:50 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also available on dvd
11:15:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> for fans of shakespeare
11:16:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (Blast of Tempest trailer)
11:17:39 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now available on dvd
11:17:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> 1st season
11:17:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> season 2 jan 21 2014
11:17:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/blastoftempest
11:18:00 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> dvd set
11:18:01 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> 3 dvds
11:18:08 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> subtitled
11:18:28 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next is a trailer that doesn't need introduction
11:18:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (SAO)
11:20:20 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> coming to dvd/bd
11:20:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 1 next week
11:20:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 2 sept 17th
11:20:29 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 3 oct 15
11:20:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 4 nov 19t
11:21:13 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> limtied edtion blu-ray ox set and regular edition dvd
11:21:14 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> subtitled in english and spanish
11:21:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> iwith jp audio and english audio
11:21:20 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> audio commentary by creators and japaense coast
11:21:21 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> sword art offline preview
11:21:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> original web preivews trailer
11:21:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> 1st season tetless opening
11:22:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> also a Weiss Schwarz card (and a page i missed cause he went right through it)
11:22:45 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> here's a visual look
11:23:43 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and does anyone here watch toonami
11:23:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> then you know that sword art online is streaming right now on toonami, every sat at 2am
11:23:51 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> now let's talk about what's coming soon
11:23:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> for those who missed the event last night
11:24:12 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we're giving you more one chance to watch oreimo online
11:25:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Worldwide simulcast
11:25:49 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> OVAs 14-16
11:26:05 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> August 17th @ 9pm on crunchyroll
11:26:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/oreimo
11:26:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> next a series coming to bluray and dvd, fans of gen urubuchi might like this series
11:26:44 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (Fate zero trailer)
11:27:59 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we are bringing fate zero to home video release
11:28:10 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> limtied edition blu-ray set and dvd complete video set
11:28:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> original soundtrack, staff interview dvd, deluxe booklet, bd cases, textless opening, exclusive weis schwarz card
11:28:44 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> will be dubbed and subbed
11:28:50 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> vol 1 nov 5, vol 2 dec 31
11:29:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> order now at fatezerousa.com or through an official retailer
11:29:08 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> special announcements
11:29:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we're bringing a special movie coming soon to theaters
11:29:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and i'll let the trailer speak for itself
11:29:31 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> madoka movie 3
11:30:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> coming to theaters
11:30:30 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> up next is another exlusive announcement
11:30:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we acquired a new title
11:30:35 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> it hasn't even streamed yet
11:30:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> kill la kill
11:30:56 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> (from the gurren lagann team)
11:31:18 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> coming soon
11:31:29 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> from the director and script writer of gurren lagann
11:31:33 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> aniplexusa.com/killlakill
11:31:46 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> one final announcement then q&A
11:31:55 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this next announcement just want to keep you up to date
11:31:58 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this is happening in japan...
11:32:01 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> they are bringing more of something
11:32:08 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> check out the screens
11:32:17 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> sword art online extra edition december 31st
11:32:16 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> in japan
11:32:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> this is coming
11:32:31 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> and that's all i can tell you
11:32:41 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> there is something called sword art online extra edition coming, and that's all i can tell you
11:32:47 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> opening up to q&a
11:32:49 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we do have a mic
11:33:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Are there any plans at present to dub the gurren lagann movies?
11:33:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: No plans at this time, right now we're concentrating on the dvd and bd releases
11:33:46 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Any plans for a dog days dvd/bd release?
11:33:48 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Hasn't been acquired
11:33:54 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Just streaming
11:34:01 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Is the madoka magica movie going to be dubbed?
11:34:04 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: To be honest, not sure
11:34:09 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> we'll look into that
11:34:15 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> if we do, we'll announce it on the site
11:34:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Are we ever going to get idolmaster?
11:34:31 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A; In the air because of the bandai license
11:34:53 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Picking up any titles from Bandai USA?
11:35:00 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Gurren lagann...since we worked together
11:35:13 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Can't comment on additional titles at this time
11:35:25 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Any plans for Aniplex to expand to the AU market outside the current companies?
11:35:39 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: The aussie market, we work with those companies... we're just aniplex of america right now
11:35:50 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Is oreimo going to be dubbed?
11:36:05 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Right now, concentrating on the dvd releases and stuff, no comment
11:36:23 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: I see you got Kill la Kill, going to get any other Trigger titles?
11:36:26 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Like inferno cop?
11:36:57 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Send us any title suggestions through the contact us part of our home page
11:37:07 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: For the upcoming madoka 3rd movie, same movie as first two or expanding?
11:37:24 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: Only thing I can comment on is that we were able to get the rights, the complete theater listing will be out later
11:37:37 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Any plans to pick up Carnaval Phantasm?
11:37:52 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: will have to look into that, because certain series, like fsn is by sentai
11:38:17 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Q: Is the info on SAO extra all the info you are willing to give us or all you can give us
11:38:27 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> A: A little from column A and a little from column B
11:38:36 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Okay guys, time to raffle off stuff
11:41:13 <bay|Ota|Aniplex> Thank you guys for coming