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21:42:06 <bay|AX|JAST> (so mangagamer gets the basically largest room in the con, JAST gets shoved in one of the workshop rooms that only seats 200)
21:42:21 <bay|AX|JAST> (mangagamer half filled that room)
22:08:11 <bay|AX|JAST> (finally in)
22:16:09 <bay|AX|JAST> (or i guess that just felt like forever and was actually kinda on time to get in)
22:19:46 <bay|AX|JAST> All right
22:19:51 <bay|AX|JAST> as the last few seats get filled, let's get started
22:20:12 <bay|AX|JAST> We're going to get started
22:20:23 <bay|AX|JAST> Excellent
22:20:26 <bay|AX|JAST> Good evening everyone
22:20:33 <bay|AX|JAST> and welcome to the 2013 JAST USA visual novel panel
22:20:43 <bay|AX|JAST> I know it's late but we have a lot to get through
22:21:11 <bay|AX|JAST> Quick introductions
22:21:13 <bay|AX|JAST> I'm phil, this is peter payne,
22:21:29 <bay|AX|JAST> and we got kanna and piroko who worked with us on a few translation
22:22:00 <bay|AX|JAST> sekai project for school days.. and my girlfriend is the president
22:22:01 <bay|AX|JAST> so for those of you who this is your first imte
22:22:01 <bay|AX|JAST> real quick
22:22:02 <bay|AX|JAST> the oldest active publisher of japanese games for adults
22:22:26 <bay|AX|JAST> now let's get straight down to business
22:22:29 <bay|AX|JAST> when we saw you last time
22:22:36 <bay|AX|JAST> we had just released this fantastic game
22:22:37 <bay|AX|JAST> school days hq
22:22:44 <bay|AX|JAST> yes, school days hq
22:22:50 <bay|AX|JAST> it's a fully animated game staring these two girls
22:23:20 <bay|AX|JAST> and school days is notable because of it's fully animated
22:23:27 <bay|AX|JAST> and you watch the anime, which you can speed up or slow or down
22:23:35 <bay|AX|JAST> and every now and then you have a choice point
22:23:48 <bay|AX|JAST> you have about 5 seconds to make the choice
22:23:51 <bay|AX|JAST> the pause and save buttons are both disabled
22:23:58 <bay|AX|JAST> if you don't make a choice in 5 seconds, it's also a choice
22:24:08 <bay|AX|JAST> and that has its own branch with consequences
22:24:23 <bay|AX|JAST> here is the thing, in any playthrough, there are 40 of these choices in a playthrough for 20 endings
22:24:31 <bay|AX|JAST> some of which are the well known shocking and hilarious ends
22:24:36 <bay|AX|JAST> and also plenty of happy ends
22:24:40 <bay|AX|JAST> with the girl of your choice
22:24:48 <bay|AX|JAST> so we have the collectors edition
22:25:08 <bay|AX|JAST> with the mousepad and keychain
22:25:25 <bay|AX|JAST> so we would like to thank everyone who has purchased school days for helping to make it our most successful game ever
22:25:32 <bay|AX|JAST> and that brings us to our first announcement of the night
22:25:51 <bay|AX|JAST> seeing as school days is so successful, it should come as not surprise that our first announcement is this
22:26:10 <bay|AX|JAST> Shiny Days
22:26:20 <bay|AX|JAST> (opening?)
22:27:32 <bay|AX|JAST> so Shiny Days...
22:27:36 <bay|AX|JAST> it's the enhanced remake of Summer Days
22:27:47 <bay|AX|JAST> which is the second game in the days series
22:27:54 <bay|AX|JAST> it's not a sequel, it's a prequel, in the summer before school days
22:28:25 <bay|AX|JAST> and it gives you as the protagonist makoto once again, a fresh chance to find romance with the girl of your choice, free from all the relationship drama you may or may not have experienced in school days
22:28:35 <bay|AX|JAST> before we countinue, i would like to ask, do we ahve any setsuna fans in the house
22:28:39 <bay|AX|JAST> well, i have good news for you
22:29:02 <bay|AX|JAST> cause as you can see from the cover, setsuna is the main girl in shiny days, along with the new girl inori
22:29:14 <bay|AX|JAST> you can see that the emotion bar only has setsuna now
22:29:34 <bay|AX|JAST> that's not to say you can't romance any other girls, you can get any of the original 5 and these 8
22:29:41 <bay|AX|JAST> for a total,
22:29:44 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: All 13 at once?
22:29:55 <bay|AX|JAST> A: I don't think you can get all 13 at once, though I haven't done the research
22:30:33 <bay|AX|JAST> (goes throug the characters)
22:30:47 <bay|AX|JAST> with this many heroines, it should come as no surprise that' it's about 30% longer and has 30 endings
22:30:57 <bay|AX|JAST> we're going to be working on it, more news in the future
22:31:03 <bay|AX|JAST> next, My Girlfriend is the President
22:31:25 <bay|AX|JAST> this is a fun, light hearted game, it's a parody of politics staring cute girl version of real world leaders
22:31:32 <bay|AX|JAST> it's done pretty well, so due to popular demand, we have decided to lciense this
22:31:49 <bay|AX|JAST> My Girlfriend is the President Fan Disc
22:33:39 <bay|AX|JAST> So we have licensed and are working on the fan disc
22:33:59 <bay|AX|JAST> this is the first time we've licensed a fan disc so it's kind of an experiment
22:34:24 <bay|AX|JAST> we'll let you know more in the near future
22:34:27 <bay|AX|JAST> moving on, we got
22:34:30 <bay|AX|JAST> since we saw you last
22:34:33 <bay|AX|JAST> we have released 2 new games
22:34:42 <bay|AX|JAST> the first Moero Downhill Night Blaze
22:34:48 <bay|AX|JAST> the 3rd game in the downhill night series
22:35:07 <bay|AX|JAST> this is the first one and the only one that actually has a racing game component
22:35:18 <bay|AX|JAST> you can race against computer controlled opponents to win the girl of your dreams
22:35:52 <bay|AX|JAST> so the next game
22:35:53 <bay|AX|JAST> the second game we released in the past year
22:35:59 <bay|AX|JAST> moving into the Nitro+ category
22:36:05 <bay|AX|JAST> which we will get into the mood of by watching the preview
22:36:28 <bay|AX|JAST> Song of Saya (Saya no Uta)
22:38:21 <bay|AX|JAST> The famous or infamous occult romance game from the creator of Madoka Magica and Fate Zero, urobuchi gen
22:38:36 <bay|AX|JAST> (story)
22:39:40 <bay|AX|JAST> while this is certainly a dark game full of violence and insanity with lovecraftian elements including direct references to cthulu mythos, there is love and beauty (audience laughs)
22:39:53 <bay|AX|JAST> so please do not be scared off by the horror element, it's a great story
22:40:01 <bay|AX|JAST> while we're talking ntiro+
22:40:05 <bay|AX|JAST> i'd like to talk about this game
22:41:31 <bay|AX|JAST> Hanachirasu
22:40:25 <bay|AX|JAST> It's the next of the 4 games we plan on bringing out
22:40:28 <bay|AX|JAST> we're going to bring it out as soon as we can
22:41:16 <bay|AX|JAST> the best way to set it up is to watch the opening
22:42:16 <bay|AX|JAST> So
22:42:22 <bay|AX|JAST> Hanachirasu is one of my favorite games
22:42:49 <bay|AX|JAST> this is an alternate history story set in a japan where the atomic bomb was not developed in time for ww2, so the US and Russia invaded japan and conquored the two halves
22:43:07 <bay|AX|JAST> this led to the establishment of a walled off tokyo where guns are non-existant and people fight in the street with swords
22:43:58 <bay|AX|JAST> it's on preorder right now
22:44:01 <bay|AX|JAST> we plan to bring it out very soon
22:44:06 <bay|AX|JAST> it also has boobs...
22:44:37 <bay|AX|JAST> so moving on
22:44:53 <bay|AX|JAST> so these are the other two in our catalog
22:44:53 <bay|AX|JAST> Django and Sumaga
22:45:02 <bay|AX|JAST> and we're still translating these games
22:45:09 <bay|AX|JAST> we'll let you know more after we do Hanachirasu
22:45:17 <bay|AX|JAST> and now.. we have a new announcement Nitro+ related
22:45:22 <bay|AX|JAST> this is a game that i'm sure needs no introduction
22:45:25 <bay|AX|JAST> so i'm going to let the opening do the talking
22:45:48 <bay|AX|JAST> Steins;Gate
22:47:29 <bay|AX|JAST> so yes
22:47:39 <bay|AX|JAST> we are very pleased and proud to announced that we have succesfully licensed Steins;Gate
22:47:52 <bay|AX|JAST> the famous visual novel about hardcore time travel, alternate time lines, otaku culture and all that stuff
22:48:19 <bay|AX|JAST> it's about a self proclaimed mad scientist who invents a machine to sends messages back in time and like any scientist ends up royally screwing up everything
22:48:24 <bay|AX|JAST> so he has to set everything right
22:48:27 <bay|AX|JAST> (lsot)
22:48:36 <bay|AX|JAST> but in addition to science and all sorts of fun otaku culture
22:48:39 <bay|AX|JAST> it also has cute science girls
22:48:48 <bay|AX|JAST> it's an awesome game
22:48:51 <bay|AX|JAST> this is our top priority
22:48:55 <bay|AX|JAST> to get this out asap
22:49:22 <bay|AX|JAST> (missed name) is a member of the translation team
22:49:23 <bay|AX|JAST> they are doing great work
22:49:24 <bay|AX|JAST> it's almos done
22:49:31 <bay|AX|JAST> all we have to do is put it together and test it
22:49:32 <bay|AX|JAST> and special stuff
22:49:37 <bay|AX|JAST> it should be pretty soon
22:49:39 <bay|AX|JAST> fans of the anime
22:49:41 <bay|AX|JAST> if you are a fan of the anime
22:49:46 <bay|AX|JAST> you should play the game because it has a lot more content
22:49:50 <bay|AX|JAST> that really fleshes out the settinga nd the story
22:50:04 <bay|AX|JAST> it has a lot more science, a lot more conspiracy, a lot more character development
22:50:10 <bay|AX|JAST> you can get an ending with each of the girls
22:50:33 <bay|AX|JAST> One of the ways you can interact with them is an ingame phone
22:51:18 <bay|AX|JAST> (select an option from the phone which as highlghted blue txt when you receive phones)
22:52:19 <bay|AX|JAST> (showing the complete game tree)
22:52:35 <bay|AX|JAST> should be up for preorder very soon
22:52:36 <bay|AX|JAST> so that's it for nitro+ stuff
22:52:43 <bay|AX|JAST> there is a game coming out soon which i want to talk about
22:52:52 <bay|AX|JAST> which is yumina the ethereal
22:53:01 <bay|AX|JAST> we are...this game is currently printing, we expect it to ship early next month
22:53:44 <bay|AX|JAST> this is a hybrid rpg/visual novel from aselia the eternal
22:55:19 <bay|AX|JAST> so Yumina the Etheral is about this cute girl, Yumina, who isn't too bright
22:55:42 <bay|AX|JAST> she has a problem, she failed a test and will be held back, unless she can get elected student council president and can change the rules
22:55:51 <bay|AX|JAST> so your job is to make her president
22:56:08 <bay|AX|JAST> it has 3 heroine routes
22:56:35 <bay|AX|JAST> your job is to get her elected, and you do this by defeating your rivals in debate battles
22:56:35 <bay|AX|JAST> which look like this
22:57:37 <bay|AX|JAST> now don't you wish the presidential debates were more like this
22:57:55 <bay|AX|JAST> you have to manage 100's of skills
22:58:04 <bay|AX|JAST> ability trees
22:59:09 <bay|AX|JAST> training is in a simulated fantasy world with dungeons
22:59:32 <bay|AX|JAST> (lost parts)
22:59:56 <bay|AX|JAST> printing now
22:59:56 <bay|AX|JAST> expect to have it next month'
23:00:15 <bay|AX|JAST> you may recall that we also have these 3 games that we are working on
23:00:26 <bay|AX|JAST> Trample on Schatten
23:00:39 <bay|AX|JAST> Seinarukana
23:00:48 <bay|AX|JAST> Starless from the creator of bible black
23:00:52 <bay|AX|JAST> we are still working on these games
23:01:05 <bay|AX|JAST> so that is for.. our current ...but
23:01:09 <bay|AX|JAST> we still have 4 more new games to announce
23:01:14 <bay|AX|JAST> going to start with a couple lighter games
23:01:20 <bay|AX|JAST> these are what you might call nukige
23:01:46 <bay|AX|JAST> Sweet Home
23:03:40 <bay|AX|JAST> this is from Code Pink
23:03:43 <bay|AX|JAST> ther is no much to say
23:03:51 <bay|AX|JAST> house with 5 girls...
23:04:22 <bay|AX|JAST> and one more game from the same company...opening
23:06:45 <bay|AX|JAST> Sumire(?) Ryoko no Bitch na Ichi nichi (Translating to Ryoko's Btich Life (tenative))
23:06:53 <bay|AX|JAST> next, I don't think this needs an itnroduction
23:06:56 <bay|AX|JAST> i think you will know it instantly
23:08:55 <bay|AX|JAST> The third game in the lightning warrior raidy series
23:09:25 <bay|AX|JAST> in this game... raidy gets to merge with these 3 monster girls, who were the bosses in the previous games...
23:09:37 <bay|AX|JAST> you choose the form at the beginning of every dungeon
23:09:58 <bay|AX|JAST> already translated..
23:10:02 <bay|AX|JAST> expect to have it out very soon
23:10:06 <bay|AX|JAST> more details coming soon
23:10:13 <bay|AX|JAST> so...and now we come to the last new announcement of the night
23:10:21 <bay|AX|JAST> this is the a very nice game that we are very proud to have
23:10:26 <bay|AX|JAST> it's very high quality
23:10:31 <bay|AX|JAST> i'll etl the intro do the introduction
23:11:04 <bay|AX|JAST> Little Witch Romanesque
23:12:25 <bay|AX|JAST> this is a very nice game, we're happy to announce we have it, it's got beautiful art by oe ari(?)
23:12:34 <bay|AX|JAST> your job in this game is to teach cute girls magic
23:12:41 <bay|AX|JAST> and turn them into first classes witches
23:12:58 <bay|AX|JAST> takes place in a fantasy world with all sorts of cute elf, angel and other girls
23:13:09 <bay|AX|JAST> when you teach the girls, there is dice gameplay, there are quests you must complete, there is a magic tree
23:13:16 <bay|AX|JAST> but it's a cute fun game with cute girls
23:13:22 <bay|AX|JAST> lots of fun, humor,gameplay
23:13:32 <bay|AX|JAST> we'll tell you more as we get closer to release
23:13:45 <bay|AX|JAST> the guy who is translating this is also translating seinarukana
23:13:50 <bay|AX|JAST> so it will come after that
23:13:55 <bay|AX|JAST> that is our last announcement of the night
23:14:03 <bay|AX|JAST> just a few things to go over before we start doing raffle stuff and giving prizes
23:14:13 <bay|AX|JAST> you probably heard there is a new company called Moe Novel
23:14:28 <bay|AX|JAST> they just relased an all ages game called If My Heart Had Wings
23:14:35 <bay|AX|JAST> which has 5 girls and a guy (not pictured)
23:14:35 <bay|AX|JAST> it's on sale now
23:14:49 <bay|AX|JAST> also we have games from our friends at mangagamer
23:15:11 <bay|AX|JAST> 3 of the best selling games recently have been Boob Wars, Otoboku: MaidensAre Falling for me, Shuffle
23:15:49 <bay|AX|JAST> and that's it
23:16:26 <bay|AX|JAST> and that's all ofr the presentation
23:16:35 <bay|AX|JAST> before we start Q&A, we want to give out stuff
23:16:42 <bay|AX|JAST> we're going to give you some free stuff
23:24:34 <bay|AX|JAST> (all the toys went to guys this year, no girl winners except cat ears)
23:25:53 <bay|AX|JAST> so we have about 15 min
23:26:21 <bay|AX|JAST> also, one other thing we forgot to note is that we lowered all the prices on our games 3 months ago
23:26:52 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Current status of Muramasa?
23:27:26 <bay|AX|JAST> A: For Nitro+ games, we have a number of games in our catalog, we want to get the games in our catalogue done before we look at more titles
23:27:41 <bay|AX|JAST> we want to do more nitro+ titles including muramasa (And others)
23:29:04 <bay|AX|JAST> Q:: What was the reason for choosing Shiny Days over Cross Days
23:29:11 <bay|AX|JAST> A: Second game and most recent release
23:29:21 <bay|AX|JAST> it's also partly engine
23:29:29 <bay|AX|JAST> And if Shiny Days is as succesful as school days
23:29:33 <bay|AX|JAST> or nearly as successful
23:29:40 <bay|AX|JAST> we're certainly look at Cross Days
23:29:55 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Chaos;Head?
23:30:07 <bay|AX|JAST> A: We'd love to, Niroplus is focused on quality
23:30:10 <bay|AX|JAST> they are do it well or don't do it
23:30:22 <bay|AX|JAST> among the challenges, there are probably some challenges in the engine in steins;gate
23:30:28 <bay|AX|JAST> i'm sure there will be more in chaos;head being the older one
23:30:41 <bay|AX|JAST> We're going to do Steins;Gate and we will see
23:30:47 <bay|AX|JAST> we would love to do all the great games people want us to do
23:30:53 <bay|AX|JAST> but resources are limited
23:31:23 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: (Censorship question)
23:31:27 <bay|AX|JAST> A: We'll make an announcement as we go...
23:31:49 <bay|AX|JAST> It won't exactly be starless but it'll be slightly a different product
23:31:57 <bay|AX|JAST> we will certainly announced any changes we've had to make to any content
23:32:02 <bay|AX|JAST> as always we have a development blog
23:32:09 <bay|AX|JAST> whenever we're about to release a game, we'll make a note
23:32:38 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: (couldn't hear)
23:32:45 <bay|AX|JAST> A: We want to but we can't because there is stuff that is available...
23:33:02 <bay|AX|JAST> Nitroplus doens't own the art...they have to get permission from megami magazine
23:33:16 <bay|AX|JAST> we'd love to do it
23:33:20 <bay|AX|JAST> there will be limited stuff for the first people who buy
23:33:27 <bay|AX|JAST> but it won't be like school days
23:33:46 <bay|AX|JAST> (likely about steins;gate LE)
23:33:53 <bay|AX|JAST> Q: Steins;Gate voiced?
23:33:57 <bay|AX|JAST> A: Full voice, no cast, no changes
23:34:01 <bay|AX|JAST> Original voices
23:35:50 <bay|AX|JAST> End